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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
An 82-year-old woman has been bedridden since ...
Carboxylation of precursor proteins ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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aiWarfnr hiniisbt Vit K pedndeent ssisenthy of tcosafr p;am& tsropei.n

tiV K si secnyrsea fro het totmiruaan of oclgtint trfaosc II, ,VII ,IX X nda eritpno C m;pa& S

oS a gdur atht acn hntiibi the bioonraaylcxt fo crsurpoer tresipno or in hteor rowsd iitinhb hte rtotiaunam of the icnottlg otfsrca llwi asredeec eth iskr fo sioomtrhsb ni sith t.niteap

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Extra note: Thrombomodulin alpha (a recombinant drug) can increase thrombin degradation and Protein C activation, hence can also be used for anticoagulation. (But this question asked about decrease in which of the following)

+3/- apurva(101)

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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aanrfwri tihbiins eht styseshni fo rosatcf ,II II,V XI, ,X ,C adn S yb iblgockn ceutrondi of deziioxd amvitin .K Teh ezmyen Epiexod Reteaudcs is ihetdiinb yb .wrirafan The eudecrd avt)(ice mrfo fo .vit K si a coarctof for amgmatu-lagyml xaaeyrlo.csb

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link981  So arctsof I,I VI,I X,I dan X ear ouperrcrs es?tironp TGOF +2

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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ranfiarW niihtibs Vti K depneednt sshsyietn of cfstaro m;&pa ept.isonr

itV K is eeracnsys orf hte arnatuitmo of ltcniotg fotcrsa I,I I,IV XI, X dna tpioern C &a;pm S

So a dgru that acn ibtiihn hte oirbnaxlayotc of spurrocre enitrpso or ni eohtr odrsw nhbiiit eth airtumonat fo teh ttncgloi foctras lliw cadseree the sirk fo tbossriomh in thsi eait.tnp

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ajss  stih si yhw ifnaawrr is ngvei as yloxhaprspi ertaf hsit ptye of igrerusse +

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submitted by โˆ—sup(31)
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hWy tno PIG2 yb ywa of SAA? lcleyasipE gienv trhoe awenrs hisceoc fo isornept C + :S nt'sode waafirrn oals pspeusrs seet?h

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imnotarobotbut  irtonPe C dna S are rooIb,-chiAmtNtT so olhhugta aiWnrarf sdeo easrcede mt,he ethy to'dunwl aerdeesc the inapstt'e rsik rfo boohmtriss +1
epr94  teh stqeuino ska i"popsruens"s fo ichwh one will deserace rski fo rbsiotomsh if you rspuspes C nad S hwcih and tnitrobhiom-cta uoy etg crmbotitoh +3

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