wfanarir tbsiniih teh sitsseyhn of orastcf I,I ,VII I,X ,X ,C dna S by knlicbog urcedoitn fo eiddizox tniaimv .K heT ynzeem ixdEeop eeausdcRt is hbiiitend yb anir.afrw ehT decredu ()vatcei mrof fo K si a cotorafc ofr uylmlaa-mgagmt x.srlcaeaybo
fnrWaria bhiisitn itV K edpeedntn sseintyhs fo cartfso pm;&a r.tnpisoe
Vti K si nrsyeaesc rfo het otrniuaamt of clgotnit rocfsta I,I I,IV IX, X nad pteniro C ;am&p S
So a rgdu that acn iihnbit eht tiaxnbaoryclo of ocrepursr rseinpot or in hreot odswr ithnibi eht ttamorianu fo the nitgcotl arftsoc lilw descraee eht rsik fo tsismoorbh ni htis ap.nteit
yhW ont IPG2 by way of A?AS pelcyEaisl nveig trheo ewrsna iscoche fo ienpsotr C + :S tonsde' rnwarfai sloa surpspes ?etehs
submitted by โhumble_station(85)
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nWrifaar iitsbhin Vti K dnedenetp istesysnh of asctofr a± ntei.psro
tiV K is rsysneeca rfo het oatrnmtiua fo tcgontli tsfoarc I,I IV,I ,IX X dna toepnri C ;p&ma S
So a rgud ahtt can ibtiinh teh byooarxactlin of eocrrrpus srteinop or ni orhte sdwro tiihnbi eht atanmritou fo hte gnocltti rcosaft lwli ersecead eht skri of hbroisomst ni isth enaitpt.