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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
An 82-year-old woman has been bedridden since ...
Carboxylation of precursor proteins ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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nWrifaar iitsbhin Vti K dnedenetp istesysnh of asctofr a± ntei.psro

tiV K is rsysneeca rfo het oatrnmtiua fo tcgontli tsfoarc I,I IV,I ,IX X dna toepnri C ;p&ma S

So a rgud ahtt can ibtiinh teh byooarxactlin of eocrrrpus srteinop or ni orhte sdwro tiihnbi eht atanmritou fo hte gnocltti rcosaft lwli ersecead eht skri of hbroisomst ni isth enaitpt.

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Extra note: Thrombomodulin alpha (a recombinant drug) can increase thrombin degradation and Protein C activation, hence can also be used for anticoagulation. (But this question asked about decrease in which of the following)

+3/- apurva(101)

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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wfanarir tbsiniih teh sitsseyhn of orastcf I,I ,VII I,X ,X ,C dna S by knlicbog urcedoitn fo eiddizox tniaimv .K heT ynzeem ixdEeop eeausdcRt is hbiiitend yb anir.afrw ehT decredu ()vatcei mrof fo K si a cotorafc ofr uylmlaa-mgagmt x.srlcaeaybo

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link981  So foatrcs ,II V,II I,X adn X rae oceusprrr e?torpsni GFTO +2

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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fnrWaria bhiisitn itV K edpeedntn sseintyhs fo cartfso pm;&a r.tnpisoe

Vti K si nrsyeaesc rfo het otrniuaamt of clgotnit rocfsta I,I I,IV IX, X nad pteniro C ;am&p S

So a rgdu that acn iihnbit eht tiaxnbaoryclo of ocrepursr rseinpot or in hreot odswr ithnibi eht ttamorianu fo the nitgcotl arftsoc lilw descraee eht rsik fo tsismoorbh ni htis ap.nteit

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ajss  this si hyw wrrnaaif is niveg as shryilapxpo retaf shti tepy of sseegruir +

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submitted by โˆ—sup(31)
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yhW ont IPG2 by way of A?AS pelcyEaisl nveig trheo ewrsna iscoche fo ienpsotr C + :S tonsde' rnwarfai sloa surpspes ?etehs

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imnotarobotbut  nietPor C nda S rea ,TAmtoIbioctN-hr so ghulotha Wrnairaf odes eerscade emt,h yhte lwtound' eesdarce eth tpesin'ta sikr rof srmiotohbs +1
epr94  eht sutenioq kas "psuneosp"isr of cwihh eon liwl decasree rkis of rbitshmoso if uoy rsespspu C adn S hhwci nda hrntbmtoio-acti uoy gte corihbomtt +3

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