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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
Microelectrode injection of antibodies to ...
Area labeled ‘C’ 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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aAer C si ewehr teh gap uitjcnons weebetn adircca cotyyesm .era pGa ctionJnsu rea onfdu no eht psmaal rnbeamem of eht ccraida ytc.eyom

ehT qiesunot is siclaaybl kgsian rhwee the amplsa mbaemern si hwit a chbnu of chieobm buombjmoum ouy ontd veha to ernnduastd.

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srmtn  B = eymoosl,s E = T - teslbuu +
l0ud_minority  I di'dtn veen kwon wtha teh fcku I saw ooinlgk t.a yLukc usesg +2
realnorthomfs  dyi_mul@i0otnr smea :D +

A = RBC with surrounding capillary wall C =Plasma membrane with intercalated disc (also has desmosomes) D = MITOCHONDRIA

+4/- apurva(101)

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submitted by omerta(39)
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I ghttouh iths geaim swa u.llephf


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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by gh889(154)
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hTe reaa leedalb C si eth post mosdsemseo enebtew wto ceysytmo and hreew cinat sftmelain tniesr no the sramamlcoe


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submitted by moloko270(77)
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ilyMfiosbr aer esodcmop fo leasrlm suustcrter lecdla yosmi.anfelmt rThee rae two mian ystpe fo :mtenifasl kithc eimltansf nda tnhi mfsneli;at each hsa eefrdtifn tipoonsmscoi dan .nocoasitl icThk mefslaint occur ynol ni eht A anbd fo a fiibolrmy. Tnih nlmitfaes tcahta ot a eionrpt ni het Z csdi dalcle anhapa-tlinci and rcuoc rssaoc hte ertien hntelg fo eht I abdn nda aywprta niot eth A b.dna


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meningitis  nsti' tretle C het tlcditaeaern sicd ewrhe eth gpa ucnjinost a?er +13
chediakhigashi  Teh aicnt si bndou to rulsctruta opietnrs at hte -e,inZl htsi saw no d-ulwor 47#13 fi i odortsdnue yecrtcorl +

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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ihsT lkin ahs a lbeedal leenocrt rcmsieocpo meagi of aicrdac sotmyecy klie eht seiounqt txne ot a oracnto mg,iae os tis' lylear hp.fuell ehreT si also a gdoo icsr.dipento lrlocS lal teh way nwod to eth last ierg.uf


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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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innicAt is a ofciimeanlmtr toprie.n nA-cαinit is ecseynars ofr eth ecthatantm of ancti esfamtnli ot the lZnie-s in etkllsae cmuels ]l,[lc1se dan ot eth nedes eiobsd ni soomth csulem ]scel[2.l eTh aulifntonc roipnet is na aleatrlnl-iap er,mid hcwih irs-osclnsk het tnih lsfiatmne in jadtcaen msoc,reaers adn efereorht nooasetirdc osornacnictt beenewt sermcoeasr in the aoiztolnhr .ixas

The ccoo-inrrnamse c,αsinnait- ecndoed by ATNC1 nad NC4AT, are diyelw spesrxeed. 2TCAN ospsienxre is udfon in boht raccida adn teskalel el,mucs arseewh C3TAN si tidmeli to eht .ttreal tohB edsn fo het -rodhedsap ncαi-niat mreid oaictnn bntnidgcin-ai

Mttoasniu ni TN4CA can aucse hte keiynd eisedas faclo gelemasnt cmorelosussllerigo SG).S(F


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