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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
Microelectrode injection of antibodies to ...
Area labeled ‘C’ 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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aerA C si hwere eht gap jintsnuoc ewnebet ccdriaa tysemyoc aer. Gpa sotncuniJ ear uondf no eht amspal reebnamm fo the adcarci oymyect.

hTe sienqout si aciyballs ngsaki erhwe teh pmsala nmeamerb si wiht a uhbcn of heoimbc ummjoumbob uyo tndo veha ot uet.sdnnadr

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srmtn  B = eosol,mys E = T - besutlu +
l0ud_minority  I idtdn' neve oknw waht teh cukf I was lkooing at. ukcyL seusg +2
realnorthomfs  ril0ydio_@tnum same :D +

A = RBC with surrounding capillary wall C =Plasma membrane with intercalated disc (also has desmosomes) D = MITOCHONDRIA

+4/- apurva(101)

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submitted by omerta(39)
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I hthuogt sith imega wsa lehplfu.


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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by gh889(154)
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The area leealbd C is eth opst momssdesoe eebewnt wto yystmoec nad rhewe antic nmsaitfel tsiner no eth sameoamrlc


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submitted by moloko270(77)
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yiMirbslfo aer oemcopds fo lslaerm rtrussectu aldcel toasfly.mnime rheeT are otw anmi yteps fo e:ltsfmani ickht fsemtinla nda tihn ;fimletnsa heac has frtnfiede omtiopsnsico nad i.nacolsot Tkihc tefnlsima ourcc nlyo ni the A band of a lbomyf.rii hTni mtlnfisea aahttc ot a ptoenir in teh Z scdi cdlela iath-nnicplaa adn roucc rsaosc het terien glneth of eth I badn nda tywpraa into eth A a.nbd


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meningitis  nt'si ertlet C het daerictltena csid ehwer the apg njuciosnt ?ear +13
chediakhigashi  Teh inact is nubod ot ursuatclrt tpnoesir ta the leZ,i-n hsti swa no woru-ld 1734# if i rteoosdnud tecocyrrl +

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Tish knil sha a aldlebe cntreloe cemspoiorc aigem fo cairadc soymcety kile eth uesiotqn xnet ot a rcoanto m,iega so st'i yllare fpehu.ll Tehre is sloa a good cSrllo all hte awy nodw ot teh lsta fiu.egr


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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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niAcnit si a oacnmltifimre rpt.neoi ic-itnAnα is snrcyesae rof eht mchetanatt fo incat lfniastem to hte sln-ieZ in kelaslet uemcsl [e]llc1,s and ot het ndese esdiob ni mosoht semcul ]e[ The ticufanonl eotrpin si an etniarlpalla- di,mre ihhcw insslrocks- the ntih finmtleas ni njatdeca eo,emrscars dan errfeetho dnotioerasc ncrcotinsaot benweet eoscrarmse in the zirahotoln

Teh ccsi-marnrooen iαnn,t-iasc oeeddcn by TC1AN nad 4NCA,T rae wylied s.edperexs NCTA2 osnesreixp is ndufo ni htbo aiadccr nda kealtles mues,cl weersha CTAN3 si iidmlet ot het .attelr othB snde of hte -serdapdho αc-nntiai mdrei ianncot aintnd-biincg

niotasMtu ni N4TCA nac caesu het deynki eessaid lacof ensltaemg srseoslrlluimoecgo S.)SGF(


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