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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A patient in the early stages of hemorrhagic ...
A weak pulse due to decreased stroke volume ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio

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submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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poeHlaimvyo si a eicdtr slos fo cfteevefi naigliccurt oodlb omluev galdein t:o

  • A pra,id ,wkea htadrey slupe edu to eesdacred lbodo owlf nedmobic ithw cridtcahaya
  • Cloo, ymclam kisn deu to iotnantosvcscrio dna tmiauisltno of itvcnsrtcooniaos
  • iRdap and awlohls brnitheag eud to yhcitspaemt snuevro eyssmt iunlmsottai adn coidssai
  • raetmhpHioy ued ot rddseeaec ufopsrein dna orpvoietaan fo eastw
  • siThtr nad ydr uohmt, due to iudlf pitedoenl
  • odlC nda mltoedt kins iLov(de ai,sci)lurert llscepiyea ri,mstieetex ude ot ffiuincitnes uisrfpone fo eht sink


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thrawn  Why no aenwi?sgt +2

BP/HR are most important to monitor in early stage

Hb starts to drop after 8-12 hours

+4/- dentist(94)

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submitted by joga(1)
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justanotherimg  soeD thsi eamn htat ni raeyl s,sgaet tiepmtchysa uitnilatsmo 'nshta npedaehp ye,t htta is why lpeus is wake ? euBasce htrsieeow ulesp sluohd be adpri tccir(aadyha in pnesoser to tmtshpiyace tmtunlaisoi aucdes yb redcedsae etosrk ulev.)om +1
chaosawaits  erThe llwi be boht adrhaicytac dan wkea eslup ni eyral opylmveocih cshok +

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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bouiuAgms tueoiqns utb in asbueec it is yrlae co,skh teehr is not ehnugo imet to aavittec eht ARSA to arnseiec iekydn no.iusprfe

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makinallkindzofgainz  hiTs is not an uasmuoigb .sqoiunte tI semka eecfptr enss.e +7
khaleb  In lerya hksco you ehva erdisncea SVR ued ot sinaovoc.ontctrsi sihT uwodl cusae eidsnarec lwof to hte .kyneid I lucod be orgwn ubt I ihktn ahwt emksa thta reswan tccoenirr is TNO taht ARSA hst'an eebn ivtctdeaa eyt. It is awht si sginuac tsniccratisvnooo iva ntsonniAige .II Waht si pyoibsls rnowg uaotb atth wnraes si atht it ssay via mictehtaysp tnusit.omali I do inkht it si a ltitel ugaev ebewten tesoh owt sewrsna .htugho Beecuas yuo anc get iscpttymeha anatcoivti fo hte ASAR sytsme nsicaug riinvcoontotssca adn obldo hdsetnu ot ailtv graosn cshu as hte .yneksdi omtoBt ienl si oyu n'tca graue htiw keaw uplse unidrg iclhveomopy .o..c.shk so na souiobv ightr ae.nswr Yuo dlouc amek a easc rof teh rcdeainse olbdo owlf to hte nedyki utg.hho +3
zqatan  dnzf@nailnklaakizmgoi on ened to dsmssii het istnu...oqe os rnituesetpo +3
chaosawaits  ,anta@zq ,esintgenirt I ughttoh OP aws eth reuiepottns o:ne ot ecah thrie wo,n I uoespsp +
leap1608  F020A2 EGAP 103 lsyipm sfongicu on mret aceiohrgmrh hkcso lrdpoae saserecde hlighy wchhi uolwd cesreaed hte retosk uolme.v realy cymeiatspht messyt wuodl onyl cireeans eth hater tar(e sa idcrcaa tuut=op reokst to*haervl ater ) +

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