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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A patient in the early stages of hemorrhagic ...
A weak pulse due to decreased stroke volume ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio

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submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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yopleHmviao is a dicert slso of ivfeteefc ntriclauigc ldobo voumle gliaend :to

  • A ,piadr ,ekaw ahytrde euspl deu to cereeadsd dbloo owlf imebndco whti dcrataaihyc
  • ,oClo ylmmca knis eud to csooatosntciinvr dna otsitlamnui of oiooatsnvntcrsci
  • dpRai dna aolhlws geabrnith due ot tesayiphmtc unvoser msytes nsiiomttlau adn aisscodi
  • ephamoyHrit eud to edesredac founrpies adn anpaioretov of wsaet
  • hsTitr nda rdy mot,hu edu ot fluid doteipnel
  • oldC dna eotdtml snik (eoviLd reci)ral,tsui aeyllpisec emtsiree,ixt ude to nfisitefiucn sfupnoier of het kisn


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thrawn  hyW no nega?wtis +2

BP/HR are most important to monitor in early stage

Hb starts to drop after 8-12 hours

+4/- dentist(94)

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submitted by joga(1)
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justanotherimg  seDo ihst mean tath ni lreay ,gsteas mcsaipethty alntiosmtiu 'nstha nadphepe ,eyt htta is yhw pluse is ekaw ? sBcueae eiehtoswr splue uodhls be adrpi aahi(ctrcday ni srnoeeps to psacittyemh tliiusnoamt duaces yb deecdeasr seokrt u.)oelmv +1
chaosawaits  erheT lwli be hbto ycahdcatrai dna weak sulep ni yarle iplhvyoeomc schok +

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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umAsugobi nsiuetoq ubt in ausbece ti si yrael hs,ock htree si nto hgnueo temi ot atvictea eth RAAS to eaicnser yeinkd poire.usfn

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makinallkindzofgainz  sThi si ont na msiuogaub nsq.uetoi tI kmesa epfcetr e.enss +7
khaleb  nI yealr chkso oyu vaeh siednrcea RSV ued ot iionoacrcvs.stnot siTh wuldo cusae acerndsie olfw ot hte ndy.eik I cdlou eb gronw tub I hktin hatw asemk that eawnrs rtinrceoc si TON ttha AARS thsna' eenb iaattedvc It is atwh is ancuigs snvsttcniiraocoo vai nsnegnitoAi II. thWa si yopsislb gnwor oatbu tath rwaens is atht ti says aiv temsihcytap u.ntismtailo I do kithn ti si a tellti uaevg ewteebn estoh wot aeswnsr uog.hth Bcsuaee uyo nca etg iatphmeycst aontciiavt fo teh ASAR sesytm icguasn stinnoscvtocaior nda olobd ehtunsd to aivtl gsroan hucs as the dysi.nek toBmot elni si oyu tcn'a guare ihwt akew lepus rdugni peyomchiovl so an ioobsuv ritgh s.aenrw oYu ucold akem a ceas rfo het rcdaeeins odlbo fwlo ot the deynik hh.tgou +3
zqatan  aniknzlndfolimzi@akga no eend to simisds het qn..suieo.t so rtieepnotsu +3
chaosawaits  nazq@at, eet,inrsignt I othguth PO wsa het nstueierotp :oen to hcae heirt ,nwo I pupseso +
leap1608  0A22F0 AGPE 310 miplsy ncogfusi no mret airghoerhcm cksho opldera aerescsde gihhyl wihhc woudl draecsee hte eokrst vo.leum elray hmtypeastic yetssm lwudo ynlo nseicera het htare rate( as aciarcd uutop=t etosrk hvlora*te rtae ) +

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