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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A 15-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Doxycycline ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—breis(56)
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celyDyiocnx is a rltyiaeecncT d(nbis 30s sitn)ubu dna si sdeu off belal rfo tmettnear of n.eAc nCa sceua actionrsdoilo fo tethe, dna si wnokn ot eb EHIVETSOTNP.ISO

hsiT ttneiap ahd sdifeuf aemetyrh nda mdli meeda orev hre aefc dan mtxrii,tesee omts ylekil mfro sun xurepose lihew ignbe no teh emd for

FA 2019: pg 219

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Tetracyclines most common adverse effects are nausea/vomit/diarrhea and photosensitivity. Can affect bones and teeth of newborn if given to pregnant women. Also this drug class covers GAS, GBS, +/- MRSA, respiratory flora and intracellular.

Why Cipro is not the answer: Macrolide covers GNR + Pseudo, therefore not a treatment for acne (skin flora). And common adverse effects are C.Diff infection, QT prolongation, tendon rupture, teratogenic effects.

+4/- lilyo(94)

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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An eevadsr cffeet fo yleyncxoicd si pvsesiinottito.hy

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rio19111  yhW nto pCio?r +1
raspushok  Wchhi anistbitoic isenreca t?ve irlSsvattenyiophieso tniitiaboc cealsss mynlcoom ecaus yhteiiipso,vtonts uliigndcn sylcceintetra yyc)ocdxe(nl,i ouineqnlos x,oloancc(piifr ircnf,lx)onoa adn ialoemusndhps axmrfoiestom/puhha(lteitzlmeor, s)naisa.afzelul The cttnearileyc nlyccieonim si nto alerygnle dateoaissc hwit i e.tYotpHWtssvoiiynh not madn corip? +
medninja  I kitnh ti is aeubsec rpCoi si ont ocolymnm edus rfo cean mtteaernt +4

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submitted by โˆ—lilyo(94)
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nrTeicelcsayt tsom conmmo evdersa efftesc aer niroir/aeuvd/maehasta nad ityvsseipn.itotho anC cfefta obnes and ehtte of rnobwen if nigve to reganptn mweo.n Aosl hsit urdg scsal svcroe A,GS SGB, /+- ASRM, srypteoirar flrao dna reanl.tlcarlui

yhW irCpo is otn the naser:w rMiaoeldc ovresc RNG + do,eusP theefeorr tno a rmanetett for ncea snk(i .o)alfr ndA ommcon edsarve cffseet rae .ffCDi i,oftecinn TQ npoagoi,nrtol dnonet ptue,rru nteceotigra escfte.f

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submitted by โˆ—drdoom(1206)
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