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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A 15-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Doxycycline ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—breis(56)
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ieDonxlyccy is a nTicyeecarlt bidns( 03s un)tusib nad si edsu off lealb ofr tanmtrtee fo aCn escau ooaiotdcnlrsi of t,eeht dan si okwnn to be IOSTNIOETH.EVPS

This taitpen ahd fsdeiuf yetrhmae nda imld ameed reov erh fcae nda retit,exisem tsmo iekyll mrof sun psxureoe hiwel gbein no het mde fro ec.nA

FA 1:029 pg 291

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Tetracyclines most common adverse effects are nausea/vomit/diarrhea and photosensitivity. Can affect bones and teeth of newborn if given to pregnant women. Also this drug class covers GAS, GBS, +/- MRSA, respiratory flora and intracellular.

Why Cipro is not the answer: Macrolide covers GNR + Pseudo, therefore not a treatment for acne (skin flora). And common adverse effects are C.Diff infection, QT prolongation, tendon rupture, teratogenic effects.

+4/- lilyo(94)

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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An aedsrev fcefte fo ceyxnliocdy si niev.ytisostiohtp

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rio19111  Wyh nto Cp?iro +1
raspushok  Wichh icotitsainb easecnri yrovlisti?Sse tihoeaetvpn toitibainc esaslsc nmoclyom esuca nhspt,syiieoitotv ilndngicu caesircentylt ld)(xo,yiecync inesqoulon ocixopl,fri(acn roxiln,cofn)a adn uilahemspnsdo tolhtmfa,etopzm/(ixheeaulmorris uz.lslnaaef)asi ehT elycctrtanie iolcmneicyn si otn lygleearn stadoaiecs tihw oYtiip nto madn piro?c +
medninja  I hitkn it si eusbaec rCpoi si ont cmoylnmo sued fro aecn nteemttar +4

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submitted by โˆ—lilyo(94)
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esailtTyncecr mots moncmo easevdr ecsetff rae maoha/ertd/ursnaaveii nda htoietsoni.vtiyps Cna efftca oensb nad ehtet of neonrbw fi ievgn ot ergnpnta wmone. lAso sthi rgdu sclas verocs ,GSA SGB, +/- RSMA, otrparryesi arlfo dna uran.telcalril

hWy oriCp is ont the aernw:s doaleirMc ceovsr GNR + Ped,suo etehrfero ton a aetettnmr fro nace n(ski r.)lfoa ndA nmmcoo srdevea tefcsfe rea iCDff. ,iientocfn TQ opoaolntgni,r oentnd ,reptuur gtctiernoea

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submitted by โˆ—drdoom(1206)
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