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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
Three elderly residents of an assisted living ...
Legionella pneumophila 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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lelgoniela : yerv mnomco in ndcveaad gea, O,DCP sspeupmdmerusnio stetpnai and " oigng ckab fmro a erneedcis "ahll ciwhh rlpaoybb dah a atitncaoenmd AX tymses scbi(aayll tfis yreve one in hte )Q

naeod X : wuold pnrstee thiw u,njiccitvnsito aohtrt iapn l.f. u. sviu:r otn onreyvee tgo eth seaieds : VRS on cihenldr setp r o:enupm wdulo gterta a lrgera linoouppta fo elhthay eelopp as llwe.

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bharatpillai  hwy oudlw heyt ays that eht lyon opepel ohw tddni etg eceaftfd yb eht eieassd wree pelope on tsdirseo s(lpuu npshtriie dna eerves aus) hldcntmato veah eebn srv sniec ti ssaecu uorcp ni i.rlchned erstp npmoue woldu eausc efver nad ehtro iyetcmss sinis g. twen fro vrouedsnia euabsce lwordu sasy omts ncmoom ecussa of cdpo arneetbciacox are valri +4
brbwhat  I twne ofr aoned rfor hte easm ner.osa I geuss het MNIA HITN is htta ihst si not a opcd ibtnr.ecxaeoa eincS oplpee uwttiho eipxsrteng opcd laos dah numneopai, laso ppeelo ihwt dcpo ricebanetoax liwl aevh tfefinerd pniernegst pmsmsyto, erhe ti was d,lto ahtt ew era otld that dx saw p.minuoena oplePe iwth dcpo eeotniabcxra ’twonuld be aoisgnded htiw painemuon if ti swa an oariunevsd .siftnocine +4
j44n  dreoviusna nodset caues aupmnenoi sti ujts kseam hte teucrrn COPD xs sower +1
j44n  teh ESL nad atmsahcit atpenit ewer htbo enrddsiceo stlyilhg dsuuenpsmsoemri or ehyter stju erom ellyik ot get inemthgos ESL( =tp oury B clesl are oot syub giaknm sgI' to ilkl uory d,einky and het ahasmttic si no sicrrioetdoctos ttha tsopoaoe uoyr t )clels ubt 'thyeer otn ODPC tesanpit os het eoinupnamm notw be sa ee,serv lla in all llnegileoa eassuc ryalle yrllae bda opuniname ni OPDC nttiaspe adn ssle evseer nc(tipao v)efer in sohte htwi dlim siommunsesinroup +5

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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I dleru tou mtso fo thme ecueasb fo on dvneciee of so-eneoro-sprntp annsiimsrsot nda lyon pelepo itwh e-tsigenrixp notcosindi wree heT ters wludo brboaply alos aecftf nihclerd ro roeht nedtetesa or rapesd ot others in eht nrsugni mho.e

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by allinthistogether(1)
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oileeaglLn is ncmoom uessca fo neumpaino rsepiupedsmo on icnochr bcvreiuostt nuoraylmp aesi.des

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asapdoc  mI ttrpey sure os si strpet apnueoemin +4
usmleuser007  OPCD is aosl bxeedraaect by Vailr ionfnit:ce Ruhv,iirosn lafuze,inn flnu;niraeapaz and eBilaatrc etifcn:ion sHahpmiuleo ,uinalnzfee loarxleMa cl,taaishrra ,tv. octscc e uwoSerhpeo r teh tossuenqi vegsi a nhti that it yma be ileglleoan = "enwedke erteatr" cwhhi yma eb aiadstceos tihw thsi oefitncin +5
loopers  rmFo FA 1027 pg :139 egiaonL’einrs eveea—ssdsieer euonnapmi efont( iarteallun dan ralbo A ), ve,efr IG and SNC ypssmotm. moomCn in skersmo nad ni c*rh*cion ngul .eis*e*das +2
kentuckyfan  I olsa eveibel hatt het thero setteeadn hdesow sngsi fo aiptonc f,eevr cihhw si heonrta inth they trdie ot teg .ta +3
luke.10  i ddi it ognrw nad soche inuanelzf siuvr nesci it si mots oocmnm ennioicft in DPCO btu hte eclu in teh stueQino si hatt hte eorth aeedentt didnt get ciks enisc ni anogllliee erhet is on orsnep to ronpse snoinsrstiam +2
endochondral   ubt ni dUlowr .s npomue is eon fo hte tsom onomcm tcaarielb nbciraoeeatx of ODCP elnloaigel wsta'n neve idnmt.neeo wHo od we rleu tuo s. eompnu ? +5
nala_ula  ymbea eebsuac ni nhdielrc sepmn.uo uesasc sittio ea?mid +1
smc213  tAheorn hnit dema in hte Q etsm is hte antooicl bnieg ralru yisa.v.Pl.a.ennn eisegnniLroa aseside asw isfrt ddecvosrie by het tekruboa in 9671 at a vnoenincto dleh ni aaPih,peldhil nePyvansl.ina Not seru why I owkn this .atfc.. +10
hpsbwz  iBetggs tnih drwtaso iolanllege ot me saw ahtt ethy all weer at a iceendesr .a.ll.h ie.. wheer 'dheert be ria ecsonrtdnoii dna h.usc +6
stresssweat  ti assy that rtheo eoppel podevdlee ainenpmuo wihottu dnignee to be polaziihsted and tath msoe ploeep reew tamtiyom.casp Yuo uowld tinhk gkanilw niupoanem - ilegLaolen +

to sum it up: - environmental source (residence hall) - no person to person transmission - SUPERIMPOSED pneumonia, NOT a COPD exacerbation + common bacteria for superimposed - H. flu, legionella, morexella catarrhalis (pathoma) + COPD exacerbations usually described as progressively worsening dyspnea and cough, change in sputum

+1/- lynn(16)

formatting got messed up and now its unreadable - lets try again

legionella because it's an environmental source (residence hall), no person to person transmission, SUPERIMPOSED pneumonia (NOT a COPD exacerbation)

common bacteria for superimposed - H. flu, legionella, morexella catarrhalis (pathoma)

COPD exacerbations usually described as progressively worsening dyspnea and cough, change in sputum; more often viral than bacterial/fungal (UW)

+3/- lynn(16)

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