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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
Three elderly residents of an assisted living ...
Legionella pneumophila 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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nigaolelle : yrev nmmooc in naeddvca ag,e ,CDOP speourmnpusesdim etstpain dna " nogig ckab frmo a niseerdce al"lh ciwhh bporblay hda a odtatninecma AX msytse cllaasb(iy tifs eryve oen in eht )Q

aoedn X : uodwl sptrnee hwti v,itujtoinnsicc httaor inpa . .luf. uv:sri otn oevnyere got the eeassid : VRS no hcrlneid t serp pu:nmeo odlwu ttrgea a erlarg uptonlpiao fo telyahh oeppel sa .wlle

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bharatpillai  ywh ludwo ythe ays ahtt the nloy elpeop hwo intdd gte fedfeact by the eedissa weer eoeppl no irsotsed l(supu tpnirhesi dan eevesr astlaonm)duct h heva nbee svr cnies it usscae orcpu ni dihce.rnl retps nmupoe duwol caesu evfer and hetro micetssy sigis .n tnwe orf rsdinoauve eacsbue urlowd says tmos oconmm usseca of dopc naxoeircbaetc rea lriva sifcitn..oe.n +4
brbwhat  I twne rfo adnoe rrfo eth smea .onsare I usgse hte NMAI TINH is ttah ihts si not a docp .ietxanocbrea eScin elepop hoiwutt gxpnesteri pdoc oals had p,inenomau laos eelopp ihtw cdpo eicanoetbxra illw evah rdftnfeie niegsrpetn yot,sspmm eehr it swa dtl,o ttah we era odtl htta xd swa napem.uion pPleeo ihwt podc ircbanaeotxe w’ondult be dsdgaieno hitw uniaeponm if ti wsa na isdreauovn insfec.niot +4
j44n  nerivousad nstode euacs iepmuaonn tsi stuj emaks hte renrtuc OPDC xs wosre +1
j44n  het LES nda iatthacsm anpteit reew hbot coeresdndi lstgihyl eedussurmimnspo or yeethr sjut rmeo iylelk to gte gihsmeont SEL( =pt ruoy B clsel era oot buys kamgin gIs' to ilkl ruyo idny,ek and eht ahtctmais si on tsotrdesiirocco tath oaeopsto oury t cll)se but ehetyr' ont CODP tnteipsa os eth enamoipunm owtn eb as e,eevsr lal in lal ollegnalie cessau aellry llyare bad aomneiupn in DOPC tapietsn adn esls ereesv noact(pi rf)eve ni oehst with idlm snoesspimoimrnuu +5

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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I dlrue uto smto fo htem euecsab fo on neivedce fo sspp--ennoretoor issnmsanotir dna lnoy lpopee tihw iterx-sgpnei sdnocnitoi were fe.ftecda eTh rset uodlw rbbpolay aosl tafcef leridcnh or rtoeh eentasdte ro rpased ot hsoetr ni the rnsgiun .meoh

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by allinthistogether(1)
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nleaegloLi si onmocm seacus fo anmnupieo uermpspsdioe on irohccn utbosecrivt ayoluprnm eissda.e

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asapdoc  mI prytte eurs os is rtspet neaimnpeuo +4
usmleuser007  CODP is oals aetecbxarde yb liVar coi:fennti ovhiiu,sRrn inzeanl,uf airpnlzefuaa;n dna leBatrica ti:nenifoc slmiahHupoe nifnzlueae, axelMaolr ,acsthraalri r .c,ecoSet costrwv ohpeu eht tqeissonu igvse a htin tath ti aym be lnlgaeelio = ewe"kden erret"ta hihcw amy eb cdosastiea ihtw ihts toinifnec +5
loopers  rFom FA 2701 pg 913: e’nerosanigiL vrssaieeseed—e pnuiemnoa efotn( tnarulilea nda ralbo A ), e,ferv GI dan CNS s.ptymoms Comomn ni sskomer dan in n*ro*hcic lnug .eaed*i*ss +2
kentuckyfan  I oals ievbele hatt het hetor teesaendt wedsoh ssgni fo cnptaio e,efrv whhic is oertnha ithn htey detir to get .at +3
luke.10  i idd ti wnrog nda soceh filnaeunz risvu iesnc it si otms comnmo iefonictn ni DCOP utb eth ucel ni hte iQeuonts is htta eth htoer neeetdta nddti teg skci iscne ni neillolgae rehte si no orspne ot srpoen aisrtsomnnsi +2
endochondral   ubt ni dwlroU .s pneumo si oen of teh toms noocmm taaebricl axtecnbaeiro fo ODPC langileoel twns'a evne i.enenmdto oHw od we lure tou .s pnumeo ? +5
nala_ula  bamey ubecsea in eidrnlhc mne.uops euscas tiisto mi?ade +1
smc213  Atrhoen ithn amed in hte Q mest is the nlotocai bngie aulrr noLigenarsie sieaesd wsa ftirs doecservid by the uoabretk ni 7619 at a tcnnevonio lhed ni piihh,alldaPe Pnayanis.veln Not usre ywh I nkow tshi a.tfc.. +10
hpsbwz  eitsgBg inth osradtw oegilenlal ot em was that tyhe lal erew at a rndeeeics llha... e.i. rewhe d'hetre eb rai ctosdniieron nda c.uhs +6
stresssweat  ti ssya atht herto ppeeol elodvdeep ioenpmanu towtuih edniegn ot eb depitaszohil adn atth mose oleepp reew o.stapmmicyta ouY doluw tkihn gwinalk ienmnpaou - ellienoLag +

to sum it up: - environmental source (residence hall) - no person to person transmission - SUPERIMPOSED pneumonia, NOT a COPD exacerbation + common bacteria for superimposed - H. flu, legionella, morexella catarrhalis (pathoma) + COPD exacerbations usually described as progressively worsening dyspnea and cough, change in sputum

+1/- lynn(16)

formatting got messed up and now its unreadable - lets try again

legionella because it's an environmental source (residence hall), no person to person transmission, SUPERIMPOSED pneumonia (NOT a COPD exacerbation)

common bacteria for superimposed - H. flu, legionella, morexella catarrhalis (pathoma)

COPD exacerbations usually described as progressively worsening dyspnea and cough, change in sputum; more often viral than bacterial/fungal (UW)

+3/- lynn(16)

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