Those arteries go wherever they want - off the Aorta, common iliacs, wherever. Only 2 ureters tho The horseshoe kidney was detected before surgery in 12 patients (80%) by ultrasonography, angiography, computed tomography (CT) or excretory urography. Angiography revealed multiple or anomalous renal arteries in 8 of 12 patients studied preoperatively
AAA is usually below renal arteries and above bifurcation (pathoma)
the kidneys are stuck at IMA level (IMA is normally below renal arteries and above bifurcation)
so when repairing AAA in a patient with horseshoe kidney, it is complicated by the fact that renal arteries are lower than normal... in the area where AAA usually occurs
anomalous origins of renal arteries = instead of being higher up, it is stuck at IMA level
hope that helps
Can someone explain how to rule out the other answer choicers?
submitted by โalmondbreeze(110)
a good pic showing anomalous arteries in horseshoe kidney