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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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A:rwsen rsdaenIce tearnCl oBold Velumo B)C(V, edsreecDa DAH, rdIeeascn APN.

Teh scolhiyiagopl eonpsser ot yarhteipmoh is ntoarctssinciovo fo rlpeheaipr vesssle (.ei. eht oens ni uory rsmtxteie)ei ni an foetfr ot ekpe oyru eroc dboy tmptrereaeu lrom,an dna tsuh yuor rsnoga gnitnofcniu lopyperr. Plreipahre nasconiiooctVrst will eascneir VBC. sIceednar CBV lwil cueas na ineeasrc in olr,pdae dna utsh ucsae na siecnera ni NBNPPA/. NPBNP/A ahs hyinirtoib csefeft no het tidnneoesenRA-oeltioin-nnArsg ,eytmSs tgirnesul in ecesaedrd HAD.

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gokings2021  RASA is ton tcdierly inkled eonecitrs fo DHA as mielcad vebo.a rnIcesead epesusrr at pboecrerstoar dna naeidresc lenctar ulvome ndssee yb the yloshpuatahm llwi eraesecd oenitcrse fo .AHD +9
miniarnie89  rtahnoe yaw to nkith aobtu it is rlencat sv perhelpari oolbd. hirpelrpae si own ngbei cdsncotr,satioev so latcenr nishtg ,taerh( ulnsg, N..)IS.EDKY ilwl be eicvrneig roem bodlo. oerm blodo in edsyink = sles AHD +1
jurrutia  hTe erncetxio fo efer awtre sola sah an vetdipaa teiefbn in hyhiaemprot (sles mass rfo oury obdy to peke .mwr)a +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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htWa ehnppas ehnw ouy go nito odcl raew?t Yuo pe.e

Hwo does hist

aosttcscinnoroVi fo essevls ot peerserv ha,te uplsl trawe otin avrstaucleu edu to dsdrceeae tcaisodrtyh rrespeus ni sesel.vs emluVo gseo pu, AHD sego ,ndwo ANP soge pu ude to drinscaee ulov.em

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madamestep  oS yre'uo saygni if I natw to kool nsniyk I luhdso tkae a codl erhsow ot desiuer mfyl?es +1

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submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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anletCr Bodol meluvo rfeers to teh bodol in the etlranc ro lnaduayrocoirpm tomnet.mcpar ginruD ldoc rpmaeetrteu herte is preriaeplh rniavssotionccot to erpvnte ehat itospsiinad rmof eht mieeexrtits ihchw eansm teerh is lsse ooldb ni teh srpieriepeh nda omre in teh rtalenc tcpemnatrmo gt&;– tnraelC dooBl eumovl etrGaseareis ecrn vlemuo ni the harte liwl sueac crtetisngh fo eth lriaat awll nad tluiamtse PNA laeeser  dcaeierns gHN PAih rCtnlae dlobo olemvu  hgih ulmeov saett  elgdsnwraueto HAD srntoceei  emdaneseor/clrad HDA

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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tnClrae Bdloo lmevou eesrfr to the lodbo ni teh tacnerl or imprnruolocaayd tpamrtmenco. nDriug ocld etmerrupate ether is rperpihlea ssovrniottnciaoc to nretpve taeh siipisonadt omfr eht tisrteeixme hchiw masen ehtre is ssle lbodo ni eth ehsieepprir nda mero in het ntlcrae eprconmmatt ;&–gt ratnlCe loodB louvme eeie nrcsreaGastr umleov ni eth htera wlli acseu shgtiecrnt fo eht lratia lalw and euttlisam PNA elesare  inrcaseed PANH hgi naClrte dbool levmuo  hghi ouvlem atste  grneulweaotsd ADH rtnieecos  laenarmrds/ecode HAD

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submitted by antigunner(1)
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hTis eitnqous is sigecirdnb atwh si aietllylr ealdlc dHe"a Otu rtWae "rsmInoim.e Teh perssuer ahtt eth tware xerset no the ydbo is errtage than the ruesespr hatt iar rtexes on the bd.yo hisT dtrtyioashc psreures suesph hte etwra ni the msilb pu onit teh artlecn ciyavt h(et bir caeg epsttroc mrfo tsih iahtdorcsyt ).ersrpuse ecseuBa e'rshet eorm boold in hte acelrnt ity,cva eht rhtae cieerexesnp na esraneci in umv.eol ishT is yhw yuo tofen eedn ot epe omer etnfo hnwe istadngn in eth lpo.o

nI :tosnwteiamm aur shupse odobl itno entcre vcayit gt-&; sidearnce oldbo vlmeou in ectlnra ciaytv tg-&; dolbo etsethcrs heatr t&-;g cseinrea ni NPA

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bubbles(79)
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lWo'dntu tocsnticonir of plrehaeipr sessevl also tigrerg shpancciln rtiivoacsoctnsno, hwcih maeissltu lnrea mscaheii dna uscaes nrisacdee ARSA vatt?yici

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drdoom  nrosntCicoit of lprhirepae touus(acen) leslltreiaasrac/iroeip in ospresen ot docl rdusnsoiunrg is na mtpteta ot eeurcd heat lsos & aiimtnna itelnanr yodb t;epm ti is tno ta all clodupe htiw cclnnhaspi ointricsosntc.voa In af,ct het lerrhippea rtsiiootoancsnvc si rgtyin ot o-eurr“e”t odolb to moer raliensc/evrtnail n;tmerotasmcp uoitlaseumns hpnncalsci rvoiastctocsnnio luowd idmeep thta ervy cose!spr +58
bubbles  h,A kyao! I ogt eld off ktacr aeecsub I hda a nhbuc of ueprs rhda pricetca uoisteqns iksagn obaut rheoenaatlp eosndyrm adn who teh incctrsioont fo silnancphc slsvsee mtigh rregtig naelr aDh .i s mo eic oyu wonk fi hteer wdoul rvee be a ietm ehwn chncplinas inttsovornasccio crocu stuodei of nethaaproel ys?nremdo +
drdoom  b@ubsebl i loudw htikn oynl ni sceas of astotrcchapi oskch hew(n het odby si gidno irghtvyeen it nac ot nitaanmi tlnecar seninot; erpssuer ot tvali snoarg ielk )dkrea,inh;syte in hteos s,easc i cudlo ese the body iiagcfrcnis scavreil wlof as an oiot"pn fo lsta rtsro"e +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstudied(0)
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I emissd ihst sa well eaesubc I ylecepltom heootrvhugt ti necis heyt adh ot add (snisevras)po itdsnea of tsju snaiyg HDA cwhhi mdae em hnkit fo sit oler ni ooiscitnctrn fo tosmoh lcem,su btu teh ptnio is hatt erteh ilwl be ooilpng fo eht dolbo vmlueo in eht acesivr nda atvil ogsran icwhh wlil ecreians PAN erasele mofr eht tiara dan nices NAP is eedeasrl wtih herihg olbdo /otaumarllive t,shterc ouy nca dwar the cuoisolnnc thta HAD lwli eb wlo ubseace NPA si nignalisg ot eht inkesyd thta ehtre si an bunaanced fo .moeulv osAl, icens hte sacvire is ioggn ot etg ermo doobl lfwo eordcpma ot eth tteemiixres cnsie he si gigno to eb yphrtic,ehom you uohlds sloa teg daenecisr olwf ot het deskyin or ta saelt iasonrevetpr to( a cetarni xte)tne nda thsi uwdol ont poretom eth eeaesrl fo ADH whhic is loyn resleeda when teh odby ssesne na eaiencrs in lobdo

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Tish quesnoit ahs ntgiohn to od wtih urteramteep t(he entgviet 'tseond drsedas eth reremtetuap fo eht rewat - so t'ond usemsa)

ihsT si ohw you get hte enar:ws

)1 iengB in trapse-ecuo or in a nmwgsmii olpo pu ot eht nekc :wlil

.a aIsencsre nleatrC lbdoo oevmul om(er olbod tneurrs to eht tgrhi esid fo rahte = iceernsda )lderoap

b. sIaneecrs ANP = narediesc adnoliti fo cniveltser ~ otcpraynmoes nahemcmsi to dcreeu lvumeo oaevolrd

c. eDescerda DAH m;ap& dR-snaonsmyilee-t = dyob si ni tetsa fo vleomu edaorlvo ;pa&m deens ot erduce mciysste evumlo

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usmleuser007  ceinoc:rtor eay it dsoe ddasrse teh rweta epmt tub eht mnia etka aayw is sdereacni drolpae +
d10s  PAN si sreeelad mofr iratal tctesrh not +

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