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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Libido: decreased;
Nocturnal erections: normal
/ 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

tags: erections libido penis

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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frtAe teingtg ti nrwgo eeabc(us of het BNME 12 Q), I trseooudnd it eikl iths:

– ioLbid is a olng mtre eastt, gnmaien uyro ldiiob dlcuo eb ien,f btu iytaenx in ttah TEMNMO tmhgi esuac onipscyhecg ED

– ihsT yug ahs omes acsilsc GIS E SPAC reirtica noggi o:n taugfie egenr(y )ossl, elsep rdtsau,iensbc nconianceottr mobreslp

– tI ayss eh tnh'as enbe lbea to naimiant ayn teonicre s(v BNEM 21 guy htta wsa labe ot erasmuabtt i(hs ognl emrt xse rivde asw KO) ubt had omenrfrpaec tniyxea in eth mnm)eot

ee,roefTrh kcal of xse vider dfleue yb nopresdeis g--&t; wlo dboii,l utb olysciiogplahyl tnonhig wonrg htiw ihm -;t-&g ehiittmng enioretcs

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trump2020  Bless oyu rfo clgnuiind the leorpsi rwngain +2
kernicteruscandycorn  rracp:ribka@epwte scki nema and eeefrencr +
imgdoc  I ktnhi I eenrasdw eth BNEM 21 einus,toq nda eftar eirgdna s,ith ndtdi' do uijstce ot eht np.axtenoali oBht hits npaiett adn hte BNEM 21 eitptan haev cghcpoyneis DE, tub hte onsrea WHY ehyt vahe DE is ref!ietdfn In MNBE 1,2 ythe acylerl onentmied who the nma mbrsttaaesu dna sha monral aolnctunr stnieorce. So it asw saef to saemsu ihs ibldoi chhi(w is fdltneeiyi liekdn ot nerseoteotst eev),lls dan otlnnacur eroiecnst wree ,inef he aym tsuj veah enbe ivnahg paerceofrnm EYITANX in htat lxsuea itaiostnTs. hiu nma NE(BM ),22 eh olsa sha SPEYHGCICNO DE, eh si sdrpedees lkie rearppicarwtkbe eaipndl,ex his liiobd si ftldeniyei sdceerdea e(ubcase ndsoseripe nac cueas cerddasee ibd),iol tub hsi tbiyila ot teg cenositre llaypsihiclyogo unn(tcoalr eesortcn)i ear epltlmoyce ne!if BME N is cirkyt tircy.k +

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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heeTr vhae eebn a luecop fo esontisuq bauto shit ctiop on eht nwere ’veI been aerwngisn yb etqgunia blidio to ortsoetetnse lsevle nad lcnountar trcensieo to ahtleh of rvseauultac ier(sslhecrosoat or nto.) Is ihst ecctro?r

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liverdietrying  heWn uyore’ niitkngh fo ,lbiido dtn’o ustj auteqe it ot ttoeesorsnte -- aemk urse euory’ swalya csndnoiergi pserdin!eso seprDisoen nfllowogi trskeo si c,mnmoo lcpiaseeyl htiw lrdesuai lhyacsip iibds,ytial os sthi oudwl acreseed his .odlbii caNrtnluo oeetircns aetueq to “esdo it auylctla ?rwo”k nto utsj the latsceavuru tbu eth learun nuipt sa ll.ew rFo elxame,p unrigd ocmtrtypestoa gmdeaa to hte vlecpi puelxs (n)vsree nca ldae ot tpeoce.imn ’eserTh igohnnt ot ugstsge atth he has suavacrl ro oneroiuglc eeirelct ftudynocisn re,he hihcw is hyw ihs ltunanorc tinreoesc rea tintc.a +32
_pusheen_  livringeydr@tei sWa ti mtarreuep ot eassum eh hsa rbtoleu wiht estniroce ubaseec fo eurlna adegam mfro eht sk?troe I utp olw iol,bdi wol noarlunct Is ti cseabue hte rskeot tdreluse in aespismerhi dan not mtoaincou cdftyounins or igensmhto liek ahtt? +5
liverdietrying  pse@hneu rroCtec, you nt’wo acllcysslai egt epinoectm ratef a lcimeieghp stkre.o Hsi laiiitnby ot iecevha an tiroceen si cuhm rmeo yllike ot be 2/2 sholoccipysa etfefcs tnha caonrig aes.seid If siht tgevietn idtsnea sdia atth tihs hda gnotte a aeysmottportc ihtw gielrntus dageam to het peilcv eesrnv htta laowl ofr er,inecto tenh tdi’ eb a oemr sefa cihoec ot tpu on ronculnat eostnrci.e +4
fast44  sI reeht a oiedv or weerhoems htat sielanpx htsee auelxs ?fscynsntoudi Tshi sseem ot eb a citop htta ekesp erngtiaep on hte ewn ex.sma +2
forerofore  le,wl i htoghu atht auesecb eh ahd a sorket eh oudwl be yeklli ot hvae eoresrsc,aohtisl hwhci wodlu pkee oiildb ihhg dna uederc nrcoulant tocerin,es i kaidn dgniroe eth owlhe hs´e" esdeperd"s ptra of eht vetgtnie isdteep ntsrnnddiauge het mhamnecsi lel.w b tu frmo a cliacnli pseoenrsdi tpnoi of ,eivw if ihs srarteei are tni,atc adn he is d,sredeesp ethn lobiid udowl eb olw, dna cneeitors resntep at intg.h +4
pg32  I acn't mrmeeerb axtcely utb I esawr eth nuqteois on NMEB 12 het s'yug eiwf adh ddei sa l.wle?.. rO eyht adh eogttn ddc?ioevr thErei way, eh dha esom lhpyicslogcao bggaaeg as lewl, utb ish iiodlb asw lilst ral,nom nda eht ntlaeipoanx asw tath his tsenrstteoeo duowl eb neif lgdseserra fo shi sspdeedre doom. So I ewtn itwh thta colig eerh and mdessi htsi ne.qtsiou I tdno' udrnsntaed who I am opessdpu ot gguae s'omnsoee dbioil bsdae on uvgae nshti at rhite odo,m celysaepli hnwe ni oen xmea mood odse tno erceesda iobldi nda ni the rhteo ti esod. +1
drzed  @32pg orb iopslsre +2

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submitted by adong(144)
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tytrPe muhc if they acn ttsabruame or etg it up lnoae in ayn wya their rcnnluaot nueesetmcc oslduh eb onarlm genmnia ttah their reainnvotin dan efelxr yaapshtw rea lla t.naitc bLoidi aka exs reidv frmo wtah I’ve esen os far si edleart by dse.repnois So keil ni teh tuoisqen no EBNM 21 hte stme etastd hatt nriesngec ofr ipdrsoesne aws egevntai chhiw si hyw iobldi luwod lsoa eb laonrm ni htis ceas. fI hee’srt erev a Q whti a edepdsser ygu nad olanrm lba alevsu nda islapych ,maex mots lleyki ognan eb drsedeace bodili wthi mroaln nihgt ni-srte oce uorstcey fo nuyoju/eridf/ulnasifxa

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submitted by elf16(2)
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wHo si ihst iefenrdft mfor teh onisequt no MEBN 21 in hhcwi a y-8ear6 dol amn salo dah eoiygnchpcs D?E uBt eht swnaer aws almron oibild adn cnounaltr sncteo.ier

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toxoplasmabartonella  nI ttah eacs, ish eonoertsstet saw lmaorn and eh hda no ngiss fo dps.soerein The tsem ddi ysa ish efiw sesapd waya few mhostn og,a os i esypallron ehocs lwo ,oiildb utb vrteahe.w +1

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submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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ncarOig E:D mlnoar i,bldoi creedsdea nracntluo toericsne

gycePhinosc ED: eddesecra iido,lb lnraom utncraoln rceeosnit

Gto it.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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,So I hhgttou sthi uentqosi saw sepru vgaue and nto ...ergta htta enbgi ,sdia ahgnvi otengt it wngor nda nto erylal vanhgi a godo iantlxeanop for the w,resan I ddi a tiltle esrcahre adn udfon hsti ealt:irc h4/1.lSwT60.g/uaRw..111tw.pato/s7.5i///h.po11sddjfr0:arn0o3

hTsi swa hte main nlcunso:oic "hTe utslrse of teh nstpeer ytsu,d dimae at aisegnsss eht efescft fo rkeots on auexsl nn,itgufconi eeralv a ciniatfisng elenidc in dbo,ili laocit ,eyefnqucr uesxal laauor,s nad fiocatasitns htiw xuleas leif ni htbo kosetr isatetnp adn retih .suesspo heT eprsten sstlreu osal rostdemneta tath deirsrsod of axleus sinctonfu ear smot iscygltnfiian cosedaisat whti airsouv aishoplyscoc scao,tfr uchs sa tst’peain raenlge ttdatuei drwota aut,slyeix erfa fo ecpntom,ie and tiyilab ot cssusid slieuxy,ta sa llew sa wthi hte geered of rtpekosots nfaoncutli salbdyiit.i rMvoeoe,r sluaex fnudtnsycio asw ltdaree ot teh ensprece and egered fo drnips,eeso staeedib tlilem,us nda cilrvrasucdoaa tniia.eodcm eTh ligotoye or alontioc fo eth torkse nda eht egnrde or aamltri utatss fo eht ptnteasi weer otn atoadeiscs htwi cganesh in totesproks eulatsyxi in asteitnp in eth eepnrts .tyusd"

gnLiook at eht qtenuiso ,naaig m'I gusgneis het fe"tauig nda ufndiiclftig igpeensl adn rcocngtnenait" etntatmes was spopudes ot be a ecul for reo,spisedn lseyepalci sneci ti rttsdae traef sih ortske. lsA,o on chpylsia ntasilimreabo ugtssge ngoitncunif is ianttc dna tuhs orlnctaun noicesert uwodl be resredepv o.alylnrm Thsi is sutj itus.dp

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ls3076  capateprei htis nkdi of oeftfr to kool up lnauroj casirlet btu nhsyleot sthi si not eylalr atwh bmne asnsewr is we lsdouh eb blae ot gte eht narwes rmof esscpro fo nmc/saaiitliboien eciencs csnoctep nda ton rfom nklogio pu tssduei as ew uysliovbo t'anc od ihts no teh etst +

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submitted by ls3076(92)
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sI csdaedree nrtlcuoan tsrceioen tno iplssebo ude to het nrnciuoytgi bewteen nsote of sstymmpo and retsko 2( osm eusvsr 3)? egreA that etshe qtusesion era yrve evgua nad isfnur.ragtt oNt suer ewhre ot etg a ogod prsag no siht .mliareat

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submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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alnuNtcor epienl esumnctece emeuaemrnts haagrh)pylplo( is a sett atth msseaeur nasptneoosu hitnlgy niseceort ni tleeicre duftnycison mirrlyp(ai edmoprref in a eelsp ao.robtaylr) 'Ist ufluse for enfrendiiafitgt eetbwen icnagor fmro ccponghseyi creeteil oftysndi.ncu

Vienttge ercebidss a bsilyops rdeedpsse napteit =;> csyhgepinoc elteerci ict.sfodynnu ncSie it si ton an grincoa ausce of E,D torcnnaul entciores udlwo be nm.lroa aigcrnO osgieteilo fo DE uceilnd oeecngurni ro rslacva.u

oLibid ptra sncuesfo em eehr. oiiLbd aesnm xusael edseir ro .iptpteea I wsa htiigknn seicn hse' ongcim in to teg DE dkee,hcc ti sanciiedt hs'e peeaittp for esx si uhonge htta it mead imh gte it h.ccek So dbliio uoldsh eb .rnaoml nyA ?lpeh

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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swAren = aeDserecd ;iobdil rnlmoa ulcnrtoan ectinesor

I elebeiv thaw ehty weer itygnr to intceaid in itsh ointquse saw hPlgaooscciyl leuxSa fsDncnuityo aa(k - crrmeaePfon .tn)exyAi

In ihts c,sae ti 'tnsaw os cmhu eth efemcpnraro htta rreowid het ,amn tub eh may eb so ofcsedu on ihs aetlhh iuesss psot( koe,rst) htat eh is nalbue ot fprerom euqtdlaea.y e,hTeerrof ish auanrtl ldibio uolwd be aesrcdee.d Hrov,ewe ceebsau sti' csncpgyoihe p;a&m otn cpogh,isyoli he odlshu sillt ehav ramnol mthintgie seenc.trio

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b1ackcoffee  Wuolt'dn lcihplghosaoyc SD aevh olarnm dobiil dna jstu rfnearempco ati?neyx +1

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