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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Libido: decreased;
Nocturnal erections: normal
/ 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

tags: erections libido penis

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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feArt tntgeig ti wogrn ec(bsaeu of eht NMEB 21 ),Q I onetodudrs ti ielk htis:

– iLbdoi is a ogln mert eas,tt inngame uryo lidboi clduo eb ,nief ubt eytianx ni ttah TONMME hgmit eascu iyhnspeccgo DE

– Thsi ugy has oesm islcsac IGS E ASPC rraitice gongi :no eutfaig (eenyrg so)s,l selpe ns,atdibsrcue nooeniracntct obemrpls

– tI ayss he 'hstna eben ebal ot ntamiian nay cnieeort s(v EBNM 12 ygu atht swa lbae to emtsrutbaa (ish glno term xse idrve asw O)K but hda fapeorecmnr teiynxa in hte otnem)m

r,erThfeoe kalc fo sex irdev uedfel by epodsesrni &;g--t wlo dloii,b tub ciliyalosopylgh tinngoh gnowr whit him -&g;t- entthiigm ictnoeser

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trump2020  lseBs yuo rfo gdiiclnun hte iopresl wnagrni +2
kernicteruscandycorn  ricapwrerba:kp@te iskc nmae dan eerfrneec +
imgdoc  I hiknt I saedewrn eth BMEN 21 otenui,sq nad tfrae agedirn isht, ddi'tn do ecsijut ot eth tiolne.nxaap Boht tihs ipettan dan the NBEM 12 tnpeiat veha cnheoigcsyp ,DE but hte resnoa WYH ythe hvea ED is nferdti!fe In EBNM 1,2 hyte clryael nmeneoidt woh eht mna auerbttssma nda ahs nmlrao rncutonal iente.csro oS ti aws faes to mesasu his idlobi (hichw si litenefyid klenid ot etostrosteen ,lls)vee nda lnurconat csitroeen eerw ,nefi he yam tsju avhe nebe ghinav nermpeforac YTENXIA in atth slxaeu sTn hiutosat.ii man MBN(E ,2)2 he lsoa ash CNSYGIPOEHC DE, he si eesddrsep ilek raepecirbkptrwa adple,nexi ish blodii is fneiyidtel dadcerees sbe(ecau eispnedros nca ecusa eecaedsrd li,ibod) btu shi byliita to tge nscroeeti sohoygalipclyli lc(rnaunot teeonrics) aer lyepolecmt fn!ie BNME is krtciy yi.tkrc +

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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eTehr eahv eben a clepuo fo iqtssenuo bauto stih tiocp no eht rnwee maxs.e ev’I nebe nreagnwsi by eaitnguq lbdiio ot osrteesoettn eeslvl nda utalnocnr scineoert ot hlhate of valcrusteau itre(ssloeorhsca or o).nt Is hsti e?rotccr

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liverdietrying  Wneh or’eyu khgntnii fo ,lbiido ’tndo tsuj teuaqe ti ot tssrtetneeoo -- make rsue ’euyro wlsaay gnocisedinr snsep!doire rsoseiDpne gilolnofw tkeosr si oocm,nm ilepclsyae itwh edalrusi ihpyslca i,basyldtii os stih owlud aecsrede hsi l.iidbo contalruN cteneorsi uqatee ot o“sde ti autlyacl w”ok?r tno jtus hte caesruvalut but hte reuanl nitup sa .well For ele,ampx ngudri ttrotayopmsec adgmae to eth elivpc xspleu nvree(s) anc dale to eeoct.mpni ’esrhTe ignohnt ot sstgegu htat he ahs ulscarva ro ngorclieuo icletere fyontnudics er,eh chwhi si wyh hsi unraclton introcese rea tc.anit +32
_pusheen_  lg@deriveyirint sWa ti atupemrer to masesu eh sah etlobur wthi sorientec beausce fo eaurln dagaem form eht sero?kt I put lwo oi,ilbd low ocurlantn eenroc.tis sI it eecaubs eth tskroe uedtselr ni psrahieemsi adn ton mniauctoo ntycofsuidn ro hsmgntoei ielk that? +5
liverdietrying  n@phesue eot,Ccrr ouy nt’ow isclayllacs tge miteepnco ftera a ehlmiecpig iHs ailitnybi ot hceivea na coeneitr is much meor ieyllk ot eb 22/ hssciacooylp tffcees hnta oaircgn fI sith ivetnteg eindsat iasd that htis ahd ontget a oepsamtyttcro hitw legirntus amadge to hte vceipl eevsrn hatt lwloa for icone,ret thne id’t eb a ermo efas iccheo to utp no alnuotcrn r.cineseto +4
fast44  sI ehetr a iveod or eoehsmwer hatt xesialpn stehe leasxu ynoctfi?dnsus shiT emess to eb a cptio ahtt skeep nieeatrpg on eht wen .aexms +2
forerofore  ellw, i hutohg taht eeubsca eh had a kstore he ouwld be llykei ot aehv h,ssltsaioerroce hichw udwol peek iolibd high and deurce utnrnlaco enicste,ro i ankdi idgrone het owlhe "e´hs eepddessr" prta fo the eevitgnt etedisp dstnraedniung hte hnismeamc ew.ll but rmof a iiclalcn rpeonsedsi onipt of evw,i if sih easeirrt ear nitct,a dan eh is deerpd,ess tehn dobili ludow be w,lo and teinoesrc erstepn at +4
pg32  I 'tacn meemrbre xetlyac tub I sawer eth tuonsiqe no BENM 12 eth 'sugy eifw adh edid as l.?l.we. Or ehty dah tnogte ec?droivd eEtrhi wy,a eh dah omse csgchloliypao ageggba as lw,el tbu his iobild swa tlisl oamr,nl dna hte pxnnloatiea wsa ttah hsi setteetrsono ouwld be ifen ssdegarrle of his sdsepdree .mdoo oS I wten hwit htta iclgo eher dan sdemis this ntuoseq.i I 'notd dnnatsedur ohw I am spsdpeuo to uggea eos'eosmn ibliod besda no eaguv ishnt ta eirth dmo,o ieyeslclpa hewn ni noe mexa omod eods tno raedcees lobidi dan in the tehro ti os.ed +1
drzed  g2@3p obr esoplsri +2

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submitted by adong(144)
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ePrtty cuhm if ehyt nac tsaeamburt ro teg ti pu nelao in ayn ywa hirte curntaonl tmecneusce dlohsu be nalrmo annimge htta htrie aenntrvnioi nad eexfrl awhsatpy rae all niact.t diobiL aak exs vedri orfm ahtw Iv’e eesn so afr is aretdle by srindsepo.e oS iekl ni teh uitnesqo on BMNE 21 the tsme statde that escginren for sspdneeoir asw vianeegt ihwch is hyw biilod ouwdl salo be almron ni tshi ecsa. fI srh’tee eevr a Q hwti a erspdedse ugy nda monral lab suelva and ipylsach x,mae stmo yielkl ongan eb ecsdrdeae lidbio twhi nloamr gihnt neo-ecisrt eruoystc of ueiroiaflnnudyxjau//fs

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submitted by elf16(2)
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owH is shit fdeefrtni ofrm het touenisq no MBNE 21 in ihwch a 6-e8ary dol mna alos hda nocsphecgyi ED? tuB eth naresw swa amnrol iodibl dan noctlraun o.itnsceer

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toxoplasmabartonella  In hatt scea, ihs toersesetotn asw rolnma adn he adh on ngsis fo esnspirde.o hTe emts ddi sya his iefw essapd yawa wfe ntshmo a,go so i yrnspellao cohes olw ibli,od ubt eev.ahwrt +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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cgairnO D:E anlrom ld,biio eeedsradc cnonrulat tieronsce

shocgPniecy D:E ceredsaed l,ibodi romanl nnctoalru etcosirne

toG .ti

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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o,S I uothhtg isht quinoest was srepu ugeva nad ont ..g.etar that niegb ,sida nighav enttgo ti wgron nda ton aelrly nghiva a gdoo ptniaxlaeon orf eth ear,nws I ddi a tlltie scerhare dna ufdno tish :etrcail /.snT:jt615/.dSh.i3uafh1rao/.o.10a/1g7tdrw1lo.w/40.w0sR/p1p

Tsih saw eth mnia ccnlos:nuoi T"he esturls of teh nrepets sydt,u aimde ta sansesisg het tcesffe of serotk no sulaxe ciuni,gfntno vrelea a tfaincginis lndieec in di,ilbo ioctla cqney,ufre uexals ,ruasloa and ticsitaaosnf ithw alexus lfei ni bhto etroks tnpaesit nda rheti .upoesss heT eptesrn ursetls slao adtneosretm taht rdessiodr fo lueasx nfniutsco rae osmt ltisgyifinacn dosetiaasc hiwt suiavro yapoihoslccs rfc,stao hsuc as ep’insatt regnela tatidute artwdo xieuls,ayt earf of emcetp,oni and balytii to csissud ausytl,exi sa wlle as itwh teh edeerg of teskotrpso natcuolfin yit.bliasid eo,ervrMo seaulx usnoyidtnfc saw reaeltd ot hte secnerpe dan egdree of isr,sdnpeeo eistabde lm,leuits dna vrcdiucoaralas ade.icomint hTe goiotyel ro iontolca of eth strkeo dna the grende ro amrtlai uastst of eth peatsint eerw ton aesicsdtao itwh schgena in rpskoostte tusxleiay in sepntati ni the ertpens d"s.tyu

Lkogoin at eht oeitnuqs anaig, I'm eugsings eht tg"ifaue nda ciuitdinlgff npelegis and iaccten"grnont teemsttan wsa poseupds to be a ulce for ,rdonseieps plyseecail csine it tsaerdt reaft shi eot.rsk sl,oA no lpayisch nbailomsatier gtseusg ifugntoinnc si ttcnai nda htsu runncloat niseceotr wldou be rseerpdev myrl.olna hisT is just p.dsitu

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ls3076  epaprteaic tsih nidk of ofretf to kolo pu njrloua rtlceasi ubt lhnteyos sith si tno llyear wath enbm ernasws si we sdhlou eb bela to etg het wsaren morf osseprc of olnsaiiem/aiintcb cecsine ccposnet and not frmo noiglok pu sdeitsu sa ew isvyluobo ncta' od tsih no eth ttes +

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submitted by ls3076(92)
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Is eeesddcra rlouncnta irtoecsen ton lsbipose ude ot eth riguyncinto ebeenwt eston of pomstsym nad rstoke 2( som eussrv )3? geAre thta these stosequni are evyr auvge dan rtgintuf.rsa tNo resu ehwre to teg a odgo srpga on htis miare.tal

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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arnuNoclt ieplen cnmestueec nearuemesmt hlaprl(ga)pohy si a test ahtt reusasem uspnetnoaos tygnhil neiotrsec in creeeitl uitnoycsndf (ryirmapli fmereodrp in a eespl oylr.barota) 'stI uulsef orf dertingetfiiafn enwtbee cigarno omrf npcehycgois ricletee cnofuynd.sti

Vtnegeti eedbcsisr a blisypso edesdsrep tetnaip g;t=& hepgsocycin eetlreic nnsyfuic.tod Senci ti is not an irocagn scuea of D,E unratolnc ticsoeenr loduw be mr.anol naciOgr eotsoiigel of DE idneluc reconiuneg or scua.ravl

ioiLbd tpar sfuceosn me .here iLibdo ansem aelxus redies or e.atpiept I saw kitnhing nceis se'h iongmc ni to egt ED ,hcedkec ti nedatciis s'he appiteet orf xes si noeguh atht it mead mih egt it e.khcc oS iidlbo lhudos eb nolar.m yAn ephl?

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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nwesrA = aeeecsdDr l;biiod mnalro ctrlunaon oeiscernt

I ieblvee awht hyte weer gtirny ot ieinctad ni isht inuqtsoe aws soohalicygPcl euSaxl inDuyfontcs aak( - aonferPemrc i).Aneyxt

In hsit scea, it 'antsw so umhc hte rmpenrcfoae htat eirdwor hte m,na utb he may eb so dfeusoc on his atlheh ussies t(spo ,t)ekosr ttah he si belnua to rfprmeo al.eaudqyet oeferehrT, sih rnualta idliob wdulo be ,ewvHroe eeuscba t'is geyohinpccs &m;ap otn chsoiogip,ly he sdohlu illst ehav anmolr tiihetngm n.ceisreot

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b1ackcoffee  tn'doulW sghpcolhlcoyai DS vaeh mnlaro oilidb nda ujts earconermfp tiaenx?y +1

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