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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has recurrent pancreatitis ...
Decreasing VLDL 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hyperfukus(111)
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os I itknh fi ouy erfgto ulatca sdurg no the erkmta thta we nwko of nad ohw yeht ,wokr the eniotsqu is puysoelrp not kganis you atht ifaiespl.clfIc.y. uoy pifl it in oyru adhe to tnhki hatw het lrbmeop si hatt eslda ot nic TG sti beuaecs of LDLV treehofre tehy asid nidniesmgrait a UGRD thiw hhwci fo teh glofonwil SEFETCF is OMST ipS-;t-DeEoppGaIC-NrEA&Ratgr VLLD c/b ttsah' het tclrpiu

tghAhoul usgrd we wnok of vahe eth ehrot iar,esactcrishct orf tsih gu,y ew udowl eb onoigkl ofr hte etffec fo LLDV ehrngvyiet slee is a sied ntihg atht n'seodt delycirt serdasd ish ionnotidc

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an1  csinaatPrite is ude ot Type 1 gih(h loys,ochnicrm TG, ceooltrelhs) ro eTpy 3 ( yoloichncmsr, LLV.D) Innsgraeci noccoyrslhim luodw not be u,llefph btes ahoprapc si to uedecr VLL.D nncigsaIer DLH wdlou eb eietvrcotp angai I,M epsntaairict is onuccgrri ued ot eexcss ’t‘fa so het ebst coparhap si ot deucer it +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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iFbatsre rcesdaee tdgceisiyerrl by gdruenic the oicoudrptn of V.DLL

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by gh889(154)
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eTh nwears is eud to na tipnoexce oueldtni rehe eehwr iaincn is udse ni stp /wo tdbaesei hwo heva ertrcryoaf lichramtyreieigrdpey ta gihh isrk ro has a hx fo acitp.tasrnie

I eegar atth iasrfbet ear tfsri enil (nda so edos ttha celiart) but MNEB wsa gniohn ni no a fsccpiei oexticepn atht innica nac osal eb used nesci VLDL nad GsT ear ihgh in irehieceyatympdrl.irg

heT cu"e"l yeth hda aws ernctruer" "aecsnraiptti ihchw is epouysplds a lade rosadtw aincin.

I oasl tpu ersicean D.LH...

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wutuwantbruv  e,rotCcr you dulow not atnw ot evgi fbtiaers ot sonmoee thiw eencrrrut irtacenpitsa esicn erbfsait isnrecae het kris of coltheerosl etlnogassl ude ot ibihnioint of rteocshlelo yαo7yh.dxrl-eas +2
kernicterusthefrog  YIF 8@h8g9 anc't loflwo uryo klni ow/ an NYTI sraeunme adn ,sswparod enluss s'rhete a more h-vcatesyv awy ruonad t..tah I ppreaactie hte f,oin tu.hhgo iacinN xr rof imllaiaf arcdryepermegtliiyhi /w nertrruce tsena.rpitaic Nwo I kn.ow. +4
impostersyndromel1000  tGear ospni,t yevr ni dehpt wondelkge ktiang leapc ere.h ,lsAo maliafil grdlreiyphyritemceai rpe( AF 9102 gp 94) hsa eitpahc ndrteoupcrvioo of VLLD so gcpiikn siht wudol haev eenb eth esseiat wrnsae i(n )ostrcetepr +4
hyperfukus  n00oede@mytp0si1somrr tliralley stha't teh EON thgni i rremdmeeeb dan i enwt OLYO oll ucz i swa ratngsi fro a ehiwl +2
osler_weber_rendu  88gh9@ I geaer nianci is hte wnsear, utb vene incian csuesa eeirsanc ni DLH. s A fi gtegint ot teh gurd asntw tguoh ong,hue BMNE upst tow of its itoacns in hte s!otnopi taWh a hsti enostiqu +3
mtkilimanjaro  I egrfto weehr I was me(yba odl)r,WU tub I aalwsy tghtuho rnaeincsig LHD si veren lleray a ymraipr from of iidlp o.ornclt You tanw to wroel teh abd leohrectslo secin asngenicir ogdo ooelslrhtce tnwo hegacn DLL VDLL etc. +2
jaramaiha  konimjmra@atil I leebvei it swa ni n.BB Drn.aRy idteemnon tath etrhe tn'ahs eebn euhgno eedcevin atth irsnaig DHL wudol be icfebneail as arf sa dpiil onrotlc .egos tetreB iessutd eerw oend on tsnasit ehenc ywh htye aer yulsula isfrt ienl xT. +

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submitted by armymed88(49)
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hln'Sdtou het artntemet fro GyTerph be a ?bseiraft hiWch douwl tiincdea teh wsrane to be ianncrgsei HLD 7(F2A1.0 p)036

I ees deasgcrnei VLLD sa a ftocninu of c,ainni ihwch sreves ot desecrea ahctipe L.VL.D

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keycompany  rFebtasi bhniiti LLVD roncieets b(y tiiihngnbi a-7 yse)lryaxoHd dna ehty srinaeec .DLH eewH,vro thsi tateipn ahs roccinh caertnp,tiisa iwhhc srcdesaee yeenzsm ttah aolwl for atf tsan.ioorpb aceBues a galre inoortp fo LDH si shinezeydst in eosetnycert fmor eywnl rsoaebdb atf, LDH ceontnt si kenyliul to csnereia in tsnaptie hiwt hiocrcn ienartiatcps mfor nya fo het piogr-eidllniw getsan. Hope hits e!phsl +3
mr_haib  astrfbie uceas acrdseede LLDV as well as c.ainni hyeT sernceai hte ciyvtait fo LpL by vatnigctai PPRaA giauncs eicanrse cboatmisal fo DLVL nda siymlhncocro. iecns LDLV are rhci ni ii,yrstledecrg tsih si owh teyh eaeescdr idies.geltyrrc +1
lordxrequiem  tbu ritbesfa losa ceaserde bile dcai troiucnpod by nitgihniib ah7pal yro,lhsexdya chwih si ohw thye eusac creeanisd oetolscrelh lelsg.toasn +3

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submitted by monique(10)
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sarFbe,ti dues rof ,imephrlgirteeacydryi act yb gpruaguitlen LPL, chiwh on ist ywa nsrtfraosm LDVL ( adn CSRH)OCONLYMI ni eerf atf adci hatt llwi be terods in pdeiosa e;&tuissgt teoreefrh GAEEDSRCNI DLVL LLVSEE .

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by biteme(1)
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eOrht than ,rcmoylihnsoc LVDL aveh eht tsheihg deycgliriter otecnnt fo nay of the ltippseoiro.n neSci eirensgacd lcrochsymion i'tsn an io,tnop sgradciene DVLL si oury olyn ceiohc ot epke ti uot fo ouiic.alcntr

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submitted by 2weekstomyexamaah(0)
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efrAt I idd ihst BMNE, I otg DIQ 166 nrogw (I put can;ni)i nda nwo mI' otn srue cwhih is eht rhgti yaw to nkith tboua ti. In 1,66 teh pt ahs ehGTrpy adn rsanew si ot eatrt ihm htwi irsftbea to tevrenp rrrnscecuee - ikd if oaneyn seel dha htis fcnso.onui

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by fleurmuxlin(0)
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rtsFi iAd egaP 94

epTy 4 rraepiricdeegmh-lytyi is adcseu by atHiepc nrdvpecoirtoou of VL.LD I f we tusj senircod hte rrimpya ,esusi hetn it is seay to ees yhw crdasengie DVLL owudl be teh ea.nwrs

lu(lf e,iudlssorsc I osal was hnkti btoau het tpyes of eadntiocim htat oudslh be ds)ue

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submitted by imgdoc(183)
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syu,G heetr ear wto ywsa to og buato tsih quione:ts

ouY erezgoicn isht gyu has lliafmai cpyirimeh.yglidarreet

  1. Yuo ieecrnozg taht mnychoorlcis nad VLLD ear eth ylon two eridicytlegr elemlscou ni hist rnetie lst.i hTis rrsowna it nwdo to 1 senraw, agedesncir VL,DL abcusee the tehro resnwa icohec wsa to easirnec orymnocc.slhi Boo,m ihts is eno ywa fo wnnaresig i.t

  2. uoY einrocezg atth ew evgi terfisba rof ityceria.rerhlpiemygd Tyeh aevh 1 AMO, hichw si to itcvae xemioesopr friroratlpeo atroavcit lapha, adn ttah srcisneae HDL slev,el sescderae DLLV ,sellve adn surpgelueta petniroipoL alsp.ei Tsih slao arorsnw ti dnwo ot owt onstip,o rnesceai in HDL nda ecraesde ni DLLV veles.l aWtsh eth tnoncifu of ?LHD it deasl to PTEC lutnuropiega and rseedcaes tleocrlhoes lesv.le It n'tsi lsfueu in teh rtoeucind fo rcls.iieyegtrd ,Boom oryu enrwas si lslti gaderiecns DVL.L

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submitted by adong(144)
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mrfo r:dlwuo estibraf vctaeita PlP-aapAhR ot ecesanir LPL adn ercdasee DLVL onirctodup

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submitted by syoung07(58)
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flilaami GreypHT is si due ot vprtercudniooo of .LVLD 'tsI liialamf myipdiedsali epyt .4 ogiAnnyn ot eepk lal of thsoe ahsgttir utb cekhc uto FA p4.9 10)(82

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