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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has recurrent pancreatitis ...
Decreasing VLDL 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hyperfukus(111)
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os I tiknh fi yuo oetgfr ltaacu drgus on teh rekmta ttah ew owkn fo and owh eyht o,rkw eht inousetq si uroppyels tno aiskgn you atht Iacic.sely.lif.fp oyu pifl ti ni uryo aedh ot tnhik awht het melrbop is ttha aedsl ot nic GT its beceaus of LVDL erhrtfeoe ethy sida giitimnsrenad a URGD iwht ichwh fo eth wglfoinlo FTEFCES is OSMT aGarCe&poi;rpgtAEI-S-pENDR-t LLVD b/c s'ahtt eth riltpcu

hghoutAl gsdru ew know of aveh eht rheto ,isiestarhrtcacc orf hits guy, ew ldwuo be lkogoni orf eht cfeetf of VLDL erhevgtiyn esle si a sdie tngih atht 'onetsd dyicelrt esrdsad ish intocnoid

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an1  Panriitatesc is eud ot epTy 1 ihhg( hinrmoccosly, G,T )oectlelhsro or epTy 3 ( nooccrl,symih DL.VL) nairsIcgen isnhyrclocom wdolu tno be lfp,uhle sbte aaorpcph si ot euerdc DVLL. iagIescrnn HDL udlwo eb pvorcteeit agina I,M nrtestiapiac is gunrrcoic ude ot cxeses ‘’aft so het ebts acoahrpp si ot ecreud it +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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aFeirtsb eseardce cigertlsdyrie by dinucrge teh rndtcipouo of D.LVL

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by gh889(154)
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The swanre si ude ot an icexponte edolutni reeh wrhee nianic si desu in tps o/w eaietsbd who ahve tcfyoaerrr eyrrieigrptcayedlhim at gihh rksi or ash a hx fo tpi.rcantsaei

I aeger htat ftabrsei rea ftisr leni nd(a os sdoe htat artelc)i tub BEMN aws hognni in no a pcciesfi etpixncoe htta innica cna loas eb esdu senic LLVD adn GTs rea hghi ni ydheepi.emiairltcryrg

The ue"l"c hyte dah swa rernt"ercu scinptira"tae hcwih si spdpsleyuo a dela wastdro i.aincn

I olsa utp naeseirc HDL....

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wutuwantbruv  c,erCort uyo ldwuo tno wtna ot vegi fsrbeita ot esnooem whti reertnucr aetcinstpiar ceins baseftri eiacsern eht skir of lhetceosolr gtsesnllao deu ot inhotbiini of telrlocehso eylaosyxrh-α7d. +2
kernicterusthefrog  IYF @h898g 'antc wlolof uyro ilnk wo/ an INYT eaenrums nda doprsa,sw lusnes t'ehsre a meor ayhv-vstec yaw rundao I taepaipcer eth i,fon hohtg.u niiNac rx ofr ilmflaai iygyeetlrdmreihrpica /w uertncrer .caiaisnreptt wNo I ok.n.w +4
impostersyndromel1000  Greta o,inspt ryev in depht wneolkdeg tigakn acepl her.e Aols, amflilia itraecgeerdiyhmpylir p(re FA 0129 gp 4)9 has atehcpi opeiucontvrdro fo LLDV os picikng stih lodwu eavh nbee the seeiast aenrws in( oesctp)terr +4
hyperfukus  desptnyoemro1s0@r0i0m lrlleatiy hsta't eht NEO hgtni i eerrdembme and i nwet OYOL llo zuc i asw gsnarit orf a ewlhi +2
osler_weber_rendu  89@g8h I geare aicinn is teh ,wreasn btu eevn ciainn asusce carsenie in H.DL sA fi ttggnei to teh udgr antws tghou e,hngou MBNE sptu two fo ist acntsio in hte soo!tnpi Whta a tshi sutqoeni +3
mtkilimanjaro  I rfetgo hreew I was b(myea ,)odlUrW ubt I saalyw tgtouhh gainscrien LDH si vnree yrella a rriypma rfom fo ildpi lrocot.n You want to erlwo eth bda clhteeolosr cet. sinec genanircis gdoo tohecsoller onwt nahgce LLD LDVL .ect +2
jaramaiha  tmlmakiinjaor@ I lveebie ti wsa in nB.B .aDynRr ndenetomi htta hetre snah't been heognu eneiedcv ttha agniisr LDH would be lcifeaeinb sa afr sa ipidl onotlcr .oesg Bteter isetusd rewe done on snttsia eechn yhw yhte ear usluyla frsit enli xT. +

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submitted by armymed88(49)
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'nudtoSlh eth enttermat rof yrGhTpe be a ief?tsarb ichhW woldu iidtenac the anesrw to be sniergaicn DLH 2.0A17(F p)603

I ese arngdsceie LLVD as a futocinn fo nnci,ai whihc vrsese to sadcreee ceitaph VLL.D.

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keycompany  sFieabrt itbinhi LLDV sreiocnet yb( tiniinhgbi a7- xsdrea)lHoyy nad htey sacniere DLH. vwoereH, sthi tpentai ahs occihrn ietsac,pniart hiwhc cseaeresd ezmysen ttha lowal ofr aft .naoiprtsbo cseueaB a rgela nproito fo HLD is zhyniedests ni ottcnreeyse rofm ynelw osebdabr ,fat HLD tecotnn is lkeilyun ot rsaeinec ni tspntaei hwti occnrih spttciraanei ofmr nay fo eht -ilwrlidpenogi a.tgsne Hoep hsti hp!esl +3
mr_haib  brteisfa uecas ecaersedd DVLL as lelw as ic.anin heTy ereisnac eth vityitca of LpL yb cingvatiat RPaAP ginscau sirnaece satioacbml of LLVD adn cilsc.honmyor secni DVLL rea crih in r,ctlieygdeisr tsih is woh yhet redeeasc iriyst.delrgce +1
lordxrequiem  btu eibatfrs laso escrdaee ebil cida potcdinruo yb ibtigninih 7ahpla yes,hlxoydar ciwhh is woh yeth uecsa crenadsei rltooeclshe estoangsl.l +3

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submitted by monique(10)
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isaFtbr,e udse ofr lcrpirtdiryei,gaheeym atc by uepailguntrg L,PL chihw no sit ayw atmfssronr LDLV ( nad ONSY)LRHCMOIC in refe tfa daci ttah lilw eb odtser ni pdesaoi iuse&t;tsg htrreoeef SDEGCAEIRN DLLV LSELVE .

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by biteme(1)
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hrOet hnta cryoisnmoh,cl LVDL aveh eht egishth deirctrgliey cnntteo fo yan of hte ntro.peioplis Scein escdgieran yolhnrccioms isnt' an ioopn,t adrceigens LLVD si ruoy onyl ccoieh to epke it otu of uioan.trccli

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submitted by 2weekstomyexamaah(0)
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eAftr I did iths E,MNB I tgo DQI 661 wrngo (I tpu i)icn;an dna onw m'I ton seru hwich si the rihgt way ot thkni tuabo .ti In 6,16 het pt hsa TrGphey dna rweasn si to ttaer mih hitw ietfsbra ot prnevet rseucerrenc - kdi fi nyaone lsee dah shti onnucsf.oi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by fleurmuxlin(0)
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sFirt diA ePga 49

yTep 4 -yrgedieemryirlhpcita is ecdusa yb Hpeatic rortceopdnvuio of LV.LD fI we stuj nocdrise the prriamy s,eusi hetn ti si saye ot ees ywh rnecidsgae LVDL olduw be the .nasrew

(ulfl sds,ruclosei I also saw thkni butao eth estyp of tmcidinaoe ttah lsudoh be esud)

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submitted by imgdoc(183)
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Gs,uy teehr rae otw aysw ot go tuoab ihts :qnituoes

ouY znorgceei tshi guy sha mlailaif ytreieihcirmd.ayerlpg

  1. You goczeiern taht yocmroihslnc adn LVLD rae the onyl owt geyitdcrlire oemsuclel ni stih iteenr ist.l ihTs rorawns it wnod ot 1 seaw,nr dirasngece ,LDVL cesueab teh reoht rawnes hoecic swa ot eeiacsnr hiry.nlccosom ooBm, thsi is eon way fo nseanigwr .it

  2. ouY nreczioeg ahtt we ievg iasbterf orf typrmiliyaee.ircdrehg eThy veah 1 MAO, hwchi si to tacevi prsoxmeoie orfaloptrire ttoacriva p,aahl nda thta canssriee LHD ls,evle edeacress LDVL sl,evle dna sleagputuer ppinotLiero l.isaep shiT lsao rasnowr ti nodw to wot pi,ontso reciasne ni HLD dan sedeacre ni DLVL evl.esl tWahs eth oucnfnti of D?HL ti lased to PCET lgrnuotiueap dna seeerdasc hloloesrcet evell.s tI s'nit elufsu in teh urdnteoic of glidyrtse.riec o,mBo uory arwesn si tlisl renidcagse LLDV.

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submitted by adong(144)
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mfro wlur:do tsfabeir iavcttae RA-aPplaPh to ceearsin LLP nda rcsedaee VLDL idotnrcupo

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submitted by syoung07(58)
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laialimf THGrype is si ued to vpoctiudrreono fo L.VDL ts'I lafamili dieyimdlpasi eytp .4 innnyogA to ekpe all of setho gstitrha utb hkcce uto AF 9p.4 1)208(

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