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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis ...
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tags: Neuro

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by whossayin(35)
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heT mconeinm I kile rof bmrgneieemr the oncsitola fo teh aarnicl eesnvr is hte ,2",442, eu"rl

bovAe mitsabrn=e CN I + nMi=bdIIra i CN I,II o s=VPIn CN ,V I,V I,VI dll= MIIVeuIa CN I,X X, XI, IXI

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lovebug  hnway@ioss xanht so !chu!m! +

 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by thecatguy(19)
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isTh si a yerv ipctinyk usieo.tnq sA I ese ,ti the 3 nami cpsetocn tetdse e:ar

  • sThi niaetpt sha rentilmgai aauinergl sphra,( ,brief poiscied apni in eth f,a)ec cwhhi is cdsuea by a solien ot miayprr rnssoey beifrs ahtt yrrca inap sentinaso rofm eht caef.
  • uMpleilt sirs,ocesl chhiw the itpatne ash, is a minlgedniatye iessade (.e.i, it tecffsa tweih etram).t
  • heT nliedymtea xsoan grracyni npia ntoesnsia rofm the trlalseipia afec entre hte rsmaentib ta het leevl fo eth ospn dna hnte nesddec (beocme eth lpains cttar fo eht n.amgtlreii) esTeh heiwt tertma esirfb asps htrgouh hte sonp ot speanys on hte aipsnl nuclesu of eth rlt,miaeign hhcwi si ni teh eamdllu slnue(cu = ygra .)amrtte (rcputei reeh). ,Tfrreeeho a sonlie ni the wehti mtatre e(.,i. qpl)aue ni eht pons ucldo escau irgteimlna egnalria,u dna tish nehoeonnmp sha eben sdeorevb.

eAobv eht lvlee fo eht enrbmasti hu(mtasla a&;mp reeacrbl ec,o)rtx oyu aevh odecsn rrode yrenoss u.nsenor soiLsen in ihts prta fo het itcicru aer otn negerally ni atnieigrlm u.arleanig I pespsuo hyet also atwn us ot emauss htta noce hte ipasnl attrc of eth netimlragi rntees eth lalmedu, t'is nto tedieyalnm eoyanmr. I d'not hintk htsi si mlyelecotp uet,r btu ivnge hte cgoli bdecerids vo,bae sopn luodw litsl eb eht rbette .wrsena

As peelop eahv pnotdie ,tou het ryampir esnrosy isrfbe ycirngra tiglh tuhoc nsanitose romf hte afce ysenpas on teh hfice sonsrey eucusln ni teh posn mylmiiaedet eraft eyth entre hte osnp. sTih iequostn is ont kiasgn tuboa toehs sebrfi htu.ohg

I tgo eth ietsuqon wnrgo oot..

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mightymito  wWo hist is het setb eaonanlpitx e!ty nsakhT os mhuc rof ryev rcllyae nikwgla su hotguhr a tkycir snto.uqei +5
lovebug  actge@utyh Ae.r... uyo a ofoerp?ssr akthn ouy vyer hcmu ): +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by feliperamirez(45)
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I do dnudrtnesa tath the piparlnic seluunc fo hte itarigelnm neevr is ctalode at eht .pnos But cinse shit eintatp si nghiav ilgatenirm erlanugai 'tdnwoul uoy be iudipntsgr teh atywpha vvlodeni ni inap nad meeuepta,rrt ihwhc in shti seca loduw be eht asnpil lnceusu l(oacted ni eth uelml?a)d

Bsdesi,e I dfuno tsih at na irctale

A trcene hpsoshyiet aitrsbteut eth pani of tilnriegma gluenaari ot a erclant ihnmsaemc liigvnonv eht pras sailor fo het ianlps tgnmairlei u.5seunl][c


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pg32  I elirlaytl dah eaullmd tesdecel het whoel tmei adn hent ndahgec it to pons plsmiy auecbes i ftel eht stet rtriwes weer tjsu geinse if ew nekw ehewr eth mgneirailt verne aws .etlcado mrembu seabcue I nhkti yrou ocgil is ayw br.tete is't athw i srfit httough hnwe i erad teh .esac +1
l0ud_minority  heT euqniots ahs a mdiebocn loeins atht oldcu be ni rtheei het ospn or ellmuad vnegi eth suqoetni e.tms rTeeh si vreese tgioshno iapsn hwhci owdul ecindtai eth Snalip cueslnu of V iy(anlm inpa nda eumraeetr)tp as ellw sa the aMin soesnyr uulncse of V ila(myn otc).hu Hree si na eaigm rof ce.nerefre stoonamhle/eseyoki-p/exc/-hmno:pny/es-tneanyusrosge.itttarsfa--momesyt +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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lPcrnpeii enSrsyo uNuecsl of teh Teimlginra is ldecota ni hte Psn,o sa is eth oroMt iTelgnaimr Nulseuc fo eht s.nop hTsi tntorpnaeise si boparbyl nldeaig reom thwi eht ecrPliipn sSenyor lNuceus.

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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hTe psno ahs srenve ,58- os hte nitalimegr uldow eb efctefda here

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masonkingcobra  aTcamhil pain nesrmdyo wlduo enlovvi eisytdaesssh no het etreni nreotcarlatla odyb os meor ntah usjt het efca. Also ti urccos ntfoe traef sso.ort-tkpe lndalAii,odyt eetsh essetisyahsd ppeara tsmshkn/eewo atrl e +15

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by woodenspooninmymouth(2)
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SM is a mtneagidielyn .deaises tTahs' why I ndt'di pkci ecrtxo ro a;austlmh yhte era yrge t.etram I ecpikd dlaleum saebceu I hte tslrinmaoipegin nsrvee esetrarv eht lleuam.d I egsus ew are tusj odpessup to ssameu het eytdlmonnaiie is enighppna in hte opn?s I td'no oknw.

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woodenspooninmymouth  yrr,So I eanmt ot asy ttha teh nops uodwl eavh the lcel iosdeb ofr eth /pmpeatni nusonr,e no? +
athenathefirst  owdooooeimmnnhsyp@tun ihst si aclpecyiifls iiamnetglr aanreigul ihwt vonsievl licanar erenv &t-;5-g erewh edso NC 5 aeilzlco o?t 'sit eht s.pon If oyu dnot' get sthi tsuqnieo ll,tis cawth the Relu fo 4s ni aBodrs dna nBdeoy sitnoec on rmsant.iBe +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lilyo(94)
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I aws gnhkniti naglo eht snlei fo cfliaa ntsoiasne chwhi is edtdiaem yb eht maeitignlr nrvee dan eth fcat thta the nimterlgia eenvr is ldateoc ni eth n.sop

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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etrshe an oiatonscasi made ni 0172 htwi inrgleitam iaenuglra nad MS - hciwh is ahtw i iknht isth tp kye htgni to toen is htta lewih all otmro dan snseory srbief fo CN 5 netre at eth evlle fo eht nops hvroewe( oems slao do tneer ta hte llvee of muealld nda even the sc iav eht pnsial atrct fo 5 ot easpnys tihw eth glno oserysn esnculu fo 5) s erhe het kinl of igalimrnet alegiunra nda M :S.p/cm6ienil.gs5twM9s47p/t/hn/c.:Co4ht.bicn/Pl3m/awvwr

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mamed(25)
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erP drabos adn yd,enob ni teh alerlat pnso is eethr si teh iplans V cleusnu wcihh crsreia caaerotllntar anpi nad rurp.eeamtte Kniowgn tath + NC V rsiase it in hte ,onps I tenw ihwt eTh lyno oehtr otnopi I ahd tefl ton eosdcrs tou asw rlcebera eshihreepm but ttah emdees to .adbor

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vivarin  BB salo idas tno ot seu the relu of s4' ot zllacoei CN V ot hte opns os 'astht ywh I sdocers it .t.o.u +1
athenathefirst  inivv@ra loymecelpt eaegr wiht ouy, ubt this is NBME yalaws iigkln to ctrik nda esfnuoc us. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by athenathefirst(7)
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wHo si iths 1.62 elvel of ilfycifdut ehwn atsiostb ioneqstsu era slauluy 71 ro 81 #ynircg

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