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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis ...
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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by whossayin(35)
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ehT niemcmon I keil ofr mienrgmereb the sicolaton fo het aalcirn veersn is teh 2,4",2,4 uelr"

veoAb saenbmit=r CN I + bnidrIIa= Mi CN I,II sVPo nI= CN V, VI, VI,I udVlIlMeaII= CN XI, X, XI, IXI

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lovebug  yaowssh@in ahnxt so !hmuc!! +

 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by thecatguy(19)
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Tsih si a very ipnytcik .useoinqt sA I ese t,i teh 3 iamn ceocntps teesdt :aer

  • hsiT pattien ahs nlmiteiarg gainleura pr(h,sa ifreb, pidsoeic naip ni teh cfa)e, chwhi si descua yb a nleois ot ampryir nessyor ibsrfe ttha yarrc pnai snatioesn rfom het ec.fa
  • eMuiltpl se,rsicsol chhwi hte tietpna has, is a teidnlgyenaim eiadses .(,.ie ti fafscet hitew t)e.armt
  • hTe yaeiemdnlt nxsao gnycriar pani tensiasno from hte paileatsrli efca eentr het tnsberaim ta het elelv fo eth sonp nda nhte sdeecnd (moecbe hte palsni ctrta fo teh ge.liarmn)it sehTe wethi ramett iesfrb sspa rtohguh eth opns to snsyaep no hte palnis nuecusl of het imiena,gtrl ihhcw si ni the lmadlue unucsel( = yagr .ret)tam (rtuipce eerh.) rroeTeefh, a oielsn in het ihetw mettra .(.e,i a)upqel ni eth nspo cludo asuce tmiaengirl gian,ulare nad htsi oeneponhnm ash bnee esvrbdeo.

ebvoA the lelve of het rmnbasiet amat(suhl &;apm ecerlrab )rtxco,e ouy heva ocedns erodr syrseon eon.sunr Lisenso ni isht prat fo het icurict era tno ergyaelnl in eiagitmrln enugila.ra I peousps tehy olsa nwta us to msusea ahtt enoc eht asilpn rttca fo the iniaeltgmr rneets teh uemlla,d it's ont tlmdneayei aeryonm. I dt'on nthki hist si oytpclelem ,ertu tub evign the ilgoc dceribdes oaeb,v sopn luwod tslli eb het rttebe ew.nrsa

As oepple haev piotend t,uo eth rirpyam resyson ebsifr gycarnir tghli tohcu stniaeons from teh cfae enyspas no het echfi nseorsy luncsue in hte psno iditlemeamy trfae tyeh treen eht ospn. This sinuetoq is tno gisakn uotba sheot rfsebi h.gutho

I gto hte qnouiste nwrgo .oot.

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mightymito  woW tshi is eht ebts inpxltaonae yet! Tashnk so chmu rof eyrv eallcry gnwakli su hhugotr a yrtcik in.tqseuo +5
lovebug  tuthgy@aec e.A..r. you a ps?orrosfe tkanh uyo evyr uhmc ): +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by feliperamirez(45)
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I do utdaensndr thta eth cnlpipiar leuscun fo hte mgaritenil nerev is tcdlaoe at eth nsp.o uBt icnes tihs itptaen is vangih tiglanirme lrgiaunea ndlt'wuo yuo eb isugrtnpid eth ayhtapw oevvnldi ni inap nad trpe,mrueeta hciwh in isth acse dwoul eb eth nlsaip unclsue etdco(la in hte m)d?uella

esdi,esB I fdnou hsit ta na cerltai

A ternce ehsoithpys rbsettatiu eht inap of lgitreiamn nraelgaiu ot a nrelcat chsimaenm gviinlovn teh rasp olarsi of teh snplai niriaetlgm sc5u]l.enu[


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pg32  I yaeirtlll dha leamldu eedcslte het owlhe temi and hten ghdacne ti ot opsn lpmsyi eusbace i eltf the tets tweirsr weer ujst ngisee if we knew erweh eth aigrlinmet ernve wsa oleda.ct mmbrue cabsuee I kihtn oury cigol si yaw .brteet 'sit twah i fisrt uthhgot wenh i eard teh eca.s +1
l0ud_minority  ehT enisoqtu ash a bncieodm nesilo atth cudlo eb ni iteehr hte snpo or elaludm iveng eht qtunisoe .tmes Tehre is severe sonhigot isnap chwih uowdl adtienci teh apSinl csnueul fo V inmlay( anip and aprterute)me sa lewl sa teh iaMn soreyns nuucles fo V yina(lm c)thu.o reHe si an egaim ofr tsepgsscuxeesi-onohinenop-tem-eysm/ahm/oyoram.:t-/rtna/saoee-slfkytytn +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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iclrnpieP oySrsne culeNsu of the Telrnaimig is elcdoat in het ,onsP as si eht toorM lrTigeiman cNeluus of het psno. isTh naetnpseoirt is pybbralo gdnalie omre ithw teh clPriniep Soreysn Nselucu.

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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eTh sopn sah srvnee ,5-8 os eht eimantgrli luodw eb feeacftd eerh

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masonkingcobra  mcliaaTh ianp nydsmoer doulw ivovnel hassesdtyeis no teh einrte ranrtaacllote doby so moer ahnt utjs het .ecfa Aols ti oruccs tonfe etafr orsp.tkst-oe ditloil,yndaA tshee sstssdeayieh paraep mosenwhkest/ t la re +15

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by woodenspooninmymouth(2)
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MS is a naedmynilgeit eisased. That's hwy I ddt'ni ckip xtorce or satahlm;u ehty aer ergy tma.ret I pdciek eluldam ceeabus I hte inpaoslenriitmg eversn ervatesr het ldaue.lm I ssegu we are tjus spoupeds to msuase eht etamnidiynole si agpnphnie ni the pn?so I t'don konw.

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woodenspooninmymouth  Sorry, I teanm to say tath eth nosp wdluo aveh het llec idoesb for eth ip/epanmt rue,nnos o?n +
athenathefirst  nhwsondomo@oimtyoeunp siht si lfpisiaeclcy giriemlnta aaguilenr tihw vnlsoeiv ircnaal vrnee -;t5g&- herew oeds NC 5 cielolaz o?t 'tis the ospn. If you 'dont get hits utsineoq illst, wtcah teh euRl of 4s ni soarBd dan Bedyno cetsoin no r.etaBmsni +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lilyo(94)
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I saw tiihnkng alnog het ilens of ifalca ioestnnsa ihhwc is deteamdi yb teh inlatgmeri venre nda het ftca that eht irleatginm nreve is oteacld in the posn.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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ehetrs an oasiisncota aedm in 0712 whit atmglernii urailgnae and SM - hciwh si whta i hnikt siht pt .hsa eky inhtg ot tneo is htta ehwil lla mtoro dna srysone fibesr fo CN 5 nerte ta eth elevl of eth ospn hew(reov osem aslo do nrtee at hte vlele fo delalum and neve eht sc avi eth snapil actrt of 5 to pnsayes itwh teh gnlo sosnrey usnlceu of )5 sehe r eth ikln of irgleimatn eaigralun adn M :Swmrv/wtcc./n4tlpb6h/o..3e4/M.Cgc/lsiws57niin:9a/hPtpm

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mamed(25)
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Pre bodasr dna dboy,en in the retlala spon is rtehe si eht lsaipn V lcuunes cwihh iacrsre anltretcaaolr ipan adn mutert.reeap wKngnoi ttha + NC V assrei ti ni the ons,p I tnew hwti sn.op ehT lony treoh inptoo I dah tefl not ssecrod uto saw rlaberec meserephih ubt ahtt emdees ot br.ado

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vivarin  BB osla aids tno ot eus hte elur fo 4s' ot lizoecal CN V ot teh onsp so at'hts yhw I csdseor it ...out +1
athenathefirst  invva@ri omlpcetlye eaerg hiwt ,you btu tsih si ENBM sayalw kglini ot rcikt dna sefounc .su +

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submitted by athenathefirst(7)
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oHw is tihs 6.12 lvlee of cltfdfuiyi nhwe tosatisb siseutqon are auulyls 71 or 81 rcny#gi

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