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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old boy who lives on a farm has had ...
Yersinia enterocolitica ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by jfny21(13)
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eesH'r a awy orf em ot rmmrebee: .Y LonarOitcCteeDi. peoH ti esh.lp

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johnfred4  ooh.abou.ltgoo.ooho 'sit so bda won il'l rpabolby eemmerrb ti +
chaosawaits  chk:ySet Yrsiesn' tesP ni hte odlc fo iretnw +
l0ud_minority  hkcetSy: baby nrgniikd teltob fo k.mli +

Psychrophiles: "You Like it Cold"

Yersinia ent Listeria mono C. botulinum

+9/- dentist(94)

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submitted by โˆ—pppro(25)
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naiiYser tsrvieh in cdol rrsepuamette nda cna eb iedtboan omfr oorp sintaeatd limk. C(ekhc echskyt )ehstkc

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forerofore  wgroth in dclo estaeterrpmu sesme to be eht thdemo fo atisiolno of nsiiayer anle otociiectrbi/.:sMhlwio/85.gcmptipe7wPn/2n./Crcanvh/3wls/5mct.t eatmp/tg9tr2co/n5/ +1

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