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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#50 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Pheochromocytoma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meningitis(643)
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neWh tniagnds p,u eht dybo lanrmloy asattecvi shtcemtyiap stesym ot iodva oarscttoith o.nhtyposnei

tuB inesc eehtr si now na ddievtai etffce of eht tmcahocooerhpomy aneisdrger,c it illw deal to a nopetrnihyes

:ie(. leuoDb tcoointrsncoaivs = Peho rncaregeisd + yShatipectm mes)sty

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sympathetikey  lia.inrtBl +6
medschul  uWldo epoh vhea a anmrol eignsrt PB o?gthuh +16
meningitis  I swa gtriyn to sjufyit thees ykicrt tnsuseoiq utb yver treu hclm.edsu. It ndl'uhtos ehav rmloan igerstn P.B imSmeotes it esmes tehse EBNM syalaw aehv a ctikr pu eirth esve.el Im ggttine rpinadao oll +
nala_ula  eTh rsaeon yhw the iepntta alrbbpoy ahs rlnoma HNT is csubeea emyrhcoohcomPoat ash ysotmmsp htat ousccr ni "elsp"sl - tyhe oemc nad og. rpantpyeAl in ttah ,tenmom wneh teh iyancpish is naxeimign re,h seh neo'dst have hte N,TH btu ikle mgiini@estn dne,laiexp os nyam nrieecdagr oremnsho oudran edals ot eobldu eht arnivnooctsicsot enhw eht eapntit atsdsn .up +10
meningitis  aknhT uoy al@lua_an rfo ouyr c!nutobotnrii eRlayl delilf in eht gpa Iwas +2
nala_ula  oN be!pmlro aknhT you orf all ruyo itnibtucsoonr ugorothhtu hsti !epag +2
mjmejora  I tuthohg eth myochehmopooactr aws tetigng sdueezqe urding niitsgt nad ienegrasl eht ihireennepp nh.te akdin lkie woh ti acn pehpna dinugr latiauinpmno rduing gers.ury otG it tgrih for asort rgnow ansreso tenh oh wlle. +
llamastep1  hneW ehs stis ni the xaoiennitam atelb rhtee dulwo eb a amlrno tvtnaaioci fo teh temithsapcy eystms fmro het erssst of eggitnt eeiadnmx hchwi si falemiipd by eth .peoh .rseeCh +
sammyj98  DpeoU:Tat pyixpoeAmlrat noe-falh vhae ymposxalra reenosiyh;ntp stom fo het estr hvea eitehr irpyram ireoshpentny orml(frey cldale etasei""snl etnrihpo)nyes or naomrl bldoo eu.srpers +
hello_planet  FA 2190 .gp 336 +2
notyasupreme  Damn ,malal ahtt si YYAWY oot uhcm fo na enecrnif.e yebMa fi hety dsai ehs aws voseunr ni engrlae or sohtg,inem btu otn vneoreye stge drtsesse out by a otrcod ahhaha +
jakelong377  tsโ€™I otn obatu ibegn srdseset ortnfin of c.orotd neWh u dtnsa ymhsptsatice iecavtta to eepntvr saotrtthioc phentoys,noi ot tonrecu ti ldeanar muedall rlseaeed nihoecatmsalec os hcum so atht chpmothaooycrome tipnstea wulod rppsaea hitw uelfshd ikns n cuhs +

Definitely got this question wrong but at the end of the day: I like turtles ๐Ÿข

+14/- jcmed(27)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—saqeer(6)
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bmermRee cmmhtaypeoocroho eslad ot hhgi PE,O hwich elsda ot ahmoypyitcel nda luihfngs eesn in this tneptia

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279
notyasupreme  I hugtoht romf het 5 Ps of chhmoropca,meooty lrPloa aws eno fo ?tehm 'shatT ahwt twreh me fof mfor ngkeeip ti het m..esa rO ltatsea eth gnikna kcde asys lolrp.a +1
saqeer  teh way i atunesndrd ti eht aropll is ceabues fo het revse voicsnotsotcanir gdriun an opdsiee of octlncaihmea eaeelsr but ni eagnrel inhgntay ielgadn ot ypmoyatcheil nca dael to hlguifsn +

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