enPitta in ivcoeomlpyh okchs - het esluc rae wlo BP dna CLOO ikn.s oeHlpymvcoi ksoch si escuad yb iudlf so.sl
The iteatnp ahs ardscdeee lpaoerd /cb fo dilfu ss,lo ..ie heret si aeredcdse olobd levumo rnintegru to ehtra &t--g; hsut rseecedad .eldpora
Chart from UWorld showing different AFP levels in different conditions.
Basically AFP is elevated in everything except chromosomal aneuplodies.
I meant this for https://nbmeanswers.com/exam/nbme20/487
submitted by loopers(13)
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gitonimV oobdl nda oloc kins cdsaeinit tihs si a ptye of eviyopmlohc oh.csk oT udntserand h,osck bmeemrre ttah 1 ) PB = PTR x C)O2 CO = VS x )R H3 VS = DVE - SEI Vn iehoopmyvlc sc,hko yuo era loinsg fd,uil os ktoers uovmle is redeeasdc and den itoacilsd eolvum si acrdsdee.e ceereDasd EVD manse htat teh ll"iigfn ouev"ml si ceedr,sead wihhc osal aensm het odlaper lwil eb aecreedsd (yomucCowogCsl2cta/wi.i0h:p./awv0t/h%rdopi7nFtsFyn/cc0). ,loAs skin is lcoo ebasuce reuyo' reaecndgsi VS ;t-&-g cadeeesrd OC &g-;t- Ang DIHct/e/IA is sleedaer to orsvtcacnosti gieirensnac estc.esnira nceSi eetrh is deeiasrnc eanrc,ietss heret is less lbodo olwf nuscgai iskn to eb m.d/cmaclloy