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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 32-year-old woman is ...
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tags: cardio

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submitted by loopers(13)
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itmiVogn oodlb adn loco skin dcaiisnte hits is a yept fo hoyvmloipec k.csho To dstunarnde hscko, mreemreb ahtt ) 1 PB = RPT x )2 CO CO = SV x H)R 3 VS = DVE - VS nIE olpmehivcoy okhsc, yuo era loinsg ildf,u os ostrke muloev si reasddcee dan nde caltiosid moluve si ae.eedcdsr ecsedearD VED esamn thta het il"fignl ulvome" si sdcardeee, ihwhc losa esamn eht daoerlp iwll be sadeeerdc (ndyyi.p%7oFooaowp/ca0s2:c/r/Ccw.hncwgCtml0t0/husvtiFi.) lo,As nkis si ocol ebsucea yrue'o gsrcnedeai SV ;g-t&- edcdresae CO &;t--g Agn IcDHt/eAI/ is laeedrse to tvonsccsratoi rciensagein ecn.stsaire cneiS hetre is reecdansi n,icsatsere ehert is essl dbloo fwol agisunc ksni ot be aoydcmcm.l/l

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hello  taientP in epyvochomli okhcs - eht leusc rae low PB nad LOOC insk. pomyvoieHlc kscoh si ecauds yb diflu sT.e so l h pnaetit ahs derdsecae eorpald /bc fo iulfd sl,os .ie. ether si rdacedese boold umoelv ugennrirt ot taher ->- stuh cadeserde .oaerdlp +9

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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iattneP in oecylpiohvm okhcs - the elusc ear wol BP adn LOOC ns.ik iyHpolmoevc choks si usaecd by lifud sol.s

eTh netpait hsa seddeeacr pdarleo cb/ of lufdi lss,o i..e ether is drsdeeaec dloob euvolm gitnnreur to etahr &--;tg tush eseeddarc eraold.p

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endochondral   wyh ton cde VRS? +
sup  dnoen@ahroldc w/ vmecyloihop ckhos uyo wdulo ees iearednsc ssmeyict rltiaare rnsceatsie sa srreitea illw ttoicncrs ot tyr dna bgrin BP bakc u.p +3
eacv  r@odncelhnaod cde VSR ti lipyytca of ciepst .okshc +2

Chart from UWorld showing different AFP levels in different conditions.

Basically AFP is elevated in everything except chromosomal aneuplodies.

+/- hungrybox(1277)

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