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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 32-year-old woman is ...
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tags: cardio

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submitted by loopers(13)
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itgmVino dolob and olco ksin iidtcasne ihts si a yept of oihpemclvoy o.ksch oT dndanreuts schko, mrembree ttah 1 ) PB = PTR x 2O )C CO = SV x 3 )RH VS = VDE - VSnIE plciyhveoom o,chks you era ngsiol ld,fui so tresok omvule si seddeecar nad den sliodaict lomvue is dd.cesraee acdreeDes VED asenm thta the niigl"fl olmu"ev si e,casedred whihc oasl asenm the daeprlo wlil eb raeeecsdd (s2/0s.:C/wndFc0mpaoFy.%coircgii/u0twntclht/awhpoC7yvo). A,osl ksni is oclo sauecbe you'er eigsarnced SV --&tg; eeedadrcs OC ;--g&t gnA A/teDcH/II is dlreesea ot scncoorvtiats eeninargsci nsarte.icse Sniec hrtee si eeindscra nterise,cas terhe si lses odlob lofw anscgui insk ot be mo/ymlclad.c

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hello  naetPit ni lmveihopyco sohkc - het cuels rae owl BP nda COOL sin.k Hpceolyvmio hcsko is esdcau by dfuli Teohs.s l tintape hsa rdeeedcsa perdaol /bc of iudfl s,lso ..ei etrhe is eecrdsdae obdol melouv rirngteun ot ehtra --> shtu deceraesd aerpl.od +9

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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Peitnta ni yvceiomlohp hcoks - the lcsue are owl BP nda OOCL nski. Hivcoemylpo coskh is eacsdu yb ulfdi los.s

Teh eipntta hsa readsdece poalred /bc fo dlifu sls,o .ei. etreh si eacesdrde boodl muovle gnnrretiu ot hrate -;tg&- uhts esaedcder

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endochondral   wyh ton cde S?VR +
sup  lrcheaondnod@ /w phooemcvily cohsk you oulwd ees rdeacinse ssetcyim atlrraie sntscireea sa aerisrte ilwl tctcronsi to tyr and nrigb BP cabk pu. +3
eacv  r@ldadnoenoch cde VRS it yiyatlpc fo pcetis ock.hs +2

Chart from UWorld showing different AFP levels in different conditions.

Basically AFP is elevated in everything except chromosomal aneuplodies.

+/- hungrybox(1277)

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