Ptnaite ni cieomyovphl ohskc - the ucesl rae lwo PB dan LOCO leopoimcyHv cksho si uacsed by flidu sols.
The tetpani has eersdedac rdeaplo bc/ fo udfil lsso, e.i. ehter si eaescdrde olobd evomlu inerrnugt ot tearh g-t-;& usth eecasrded
Chart from UWorld showing different AFP levels in different conditions.
Basically AFP is elevated in everything except chromosomal aneuplodies.
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submitted by loopers(13)
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tnVgmioi dobol nad oloc ksin icetnsdai hsit si a epyt of holcoeiympv kh.cos oT ursdnnedta kchso, reebmemr hatt )1 PB = TPR x O)C2 CO = SV x 3)HR SV = DEV - V SEIn epmhyoolciv sh,cko you aer gilsno ,duifl os trkeso uevoml is eeaserdcd adn end ocitsladi volume si ca.erdseed rdacesDee VED names ttha eht flgi"lin ulvmeo" is esreec,dda hhiwc also mesna eht edlproa wlli be eaerecsdd (aoCi/2%rwcnF/tycha/00:slFimpyd/.wsonv.iwo0gcCtcthpou7). sol,A ikns is oocl eeacusb oyr'eu aecsrnedgi SV &--gt; radscdeee OC ;t--&g Ang It/eDAH/Ic si esraedle ot ntositaccsrvo incgresnaie eert.snaics cniSe heetr is acinersde as,esrecitn there is lsse oblod lowf usgicna kins to eb