aingg sluetsr ni screanedi rilaetar fsefntsis h(gncae ni Eaxtr Caullcrel mxrtMia ooicosntpim - earcedesd ,netlasi ndecsirae llngcoea )spooedt;iin IHS is nisloseperb for %-0680 fo THN scsea ni siatnetp ;gt& 06. so,lA draeeedcs mpcaoeilnc as a ltsreu of gniga cessua sadeeircn ulspe serperus
holhAgut royes'neve isreater WLLI tge ffsiert sa ew g,ea every gnseli nsoper liwl ton eveldpo roncyaor oorslsethcaesri and irtmal itessnso. llWi het svvela mbocee a bti t?ffeirs roF !rsue lliW yteh peedvol "raimlt seit"nso?s N,o ttah si tno utoncegrn hwit rlnoma" n"g.gai
etsld"oaI ssytilco enntsihey,orp an teinealvo in tiosscyl utb ont itlcdaios ,seuepsrr si eth smto laetrepvn peyt fo nretshneipoy ni teosh aged 05 or r,evo cgcourrni hitree de vnoo ro as a vemdntleoep tafre a glno poider of cistlcitsliodaso‐y nreopshyiten iwth ro owtuiht etrat.mnte ehT aseicenr in lbood eurpssre wthi gea si mostyl tasdoiseca htwi arcrtutuls csneagh in het arereits adn spleyileac whti elgar ryerat "fie.ftnsss
Suc:ero 8tP9ii/gpwm2cmc.ctvhs.5/w23a//
ist deu to saavclru sscrseiol adn n-isetngffi agscneh ithw -gniag sldae ot gihh yss BP
cdsdaeeer pminccaeol fo eth selvsse asenm uoy ened to tpu meor eprsreus ni htem to etg o.fwl teh estesdc/infedrfseas oenilacpmc rccuso hitw g-ea egidlna ot an oitsadle ensrecai ni sSiltcoy re.urpsse
submitted by ∗neovanilla(57)
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ehT ayw I rdeocppaah the ontusieq asw to ironecsd htaw nsephap 1. henW you orgw ormf a abyb ot a ,ichdl adn 2. nhew uyo gorw ofrm a ntareege to na eoldr .dualt hWtrveae ndrmieea ertu wenbtee obth fo ehtm was eht rgiht n.warse
itgRh rs:naew Teh niegtsr PB fo a eobnnrw is 0/645 (oegg,lo) iehwl htat of a -n1ohtm dol si 9.650/ ehT aeargev tdual si ei,grhh whti eth cAaermni Hreta ciaotsAnsio cnitig bd(sulay,r IOM) atth naroml"" si lt01t8;l&;/.20& h,tlveesesNer het entrd si htat PB esraecsni as we age, rhtehew ew rea eosnwbnr or dol pleeo.p
ngorW nsswera: eelDpnoevtm fo nryaoroc arcohse:islretso Paresph deu ot hte cnarmAie tied it nca be rudgea ttah eht dteoepvlmen of sioshlsrrceeato si oasmtl btnlieiaev sa uoy bceome an elodr d.tula iyaCnletr ton retu as a byba ;t-&-g i.ldhc
Dpenveomlte of ratlmi ni:sosset ariiSml ieasngnro as onrcyrao sorcieho;arsetls uyo MYA odlveep ti as na adutl o(tn enyral as moomcn as a lbuuipd fo eahrtletcosroci qaep,)lus but sr,eu ts'el yas ttha ti nac npahe.p otN etru sa a byba ;--gt& il.dhc
cdeersnIa baasl eathr aer:t heT pseiotpo is uaatllcy uert. The labsa hatre etra fo a nrenbow nac liyaes ecxdee 150, dan sat'ht ronecsidde ar.noml sA ew ge,a hits retha tera oges dnwo.
deecnIars acciadr clmuse s:ams sihT eno saw het atsdehr ot krwo ghho.rut It is uetr ttha as ew ega fmro a ybab t-;-&g ihldc oru atrhe rgosw in .isez tuB fi ew waetk oru iomntsapsu fomr ebeofr hitw the icrnmeAa e,dti nad tdaenis put uro eitapnt on a oerm atmoerde idet, sllraeicytlai shi treah lstd'nuoh isercnea ni eizs oto ,mhcu ta tlsea to the opnti fo .oeamialygdrc
reenadscI nimploacce fo rrtaeeis: As we mbeeco oledr tuda,sl the lcicoepanm of erserait ssacreede and ftssnefsi rssaiecne aruelc(f ton to uecnfos eertairs iwth su,gnl hichw lcaltyua od rieesnca ni eplicoanmc as ew !ge)a