nigag setrsul ni rncieeads ilaetrar ensfsitfs gcenh(a ni aExrt reClcllua ramitMx ptscniomooi - eseerddac a,neltis dcneiaesr lnogleca s;eopd)ionti HIS si ebsrsopinle ofr -0608% of TNH scsae ni tespitna ;gt& 0.6 lA,os adecesder ieocmacpln sa a srletu fo ingag saeucs andsrecei eplus rpssruee
oghAlthu reeenv'yso iearrtes ILLW egt ffietsr sa we ,gea eveyr nsglie nropes lilw nto lovdpee oorcryan tesaecissorolhr dna imrtla ni.toesss lWli hte valevs eoebcm a ibt r?iefsft oFr e!rsu llWi yhte eplodev lti"amr tsoi"e?sns oN, ahtt si otn oetucgnrn wthi oml"nra ga"nig.
"dsolItea ytoslics noieetrnph,ys an eitvonlae ni otscylis tbu nto isolticad sru,eespr is eht otsm netleavpr yept fo iyetneoshnrp in etsho eagd 05 ro ,vroe ngiuccorr retieh ed oonv ro sa a meelpdotevn afret a gnol rpdeoi of id‐oiosclltascitsy ntheysrnioep iwth or huwitto emeartntt. Teh cersiean ni dobol ueessprr thwi eag si tmsyol eaatoscdsi ihwt rrtsalutuc hasecng ni the eirrsaet dan laesypilce iwth lareg eratyr fin.sess"ft
e:cSruo wla.w8Pi.igtnm.wlm:/2ncC2Mt/cerspi0pc.vh/t5/hn/so93/b
sti ued to rusavalc srosceils adn ie-fsnngtif agnhsce hiwt agi-ng saedl to ghhi ssy PB
adedresce cmlepncioa of eht lveesss esman yuo ende ot put omer rrseuspe in meht ot gte o.flw hte snrsetsfaefedicse/d iepmolcacn ucrsco wtih aeg- lagdien ot na atdeoisl aneicesr in ilcSstyo sure.rpse
submitted by ∗neovanilla(57)
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eTh yaw I acepdhaorp teh sieunqto was ot csrnoied tahw pnhsepa 1. heWn yuo gowr morf a ybab ot a ihlc,d and .2 wnhe uyo gwor fmor a engatere ot an edolr lutad. Wehterav eanrdmie treu eenbewt tohb fo meht swa the irhtg awre.ns
ghiRt nesra:w Teh tnreigs BP fo a bnewonr si 0/564 geg)lo(o, hlwei atth fo a ohm1n-t lod is 5/.609 hTe vaeegra atldu si he,rihg with het cenamAri etarH cossAantioi tgnici a(udsrlb,y O)IM ahtt lo"anm"r si 2l&0t;/l.10&t8; sseeervehlNt, eht rdnte is tath PB eissnerca sa we eag, rewehth we ear bnrnoews or lod pepel.o
Wrogn a:senrws peot Demlvne fo rcoryoan sr:ilatsoheseocr Prhaeps edu to eth Anraeicm ietd ti nca eb uredga thta hte eenmldovpet fo cosrhesoreiastl is slmtoa aiiebnvlet as ouy meobec an elord dault. nyrtleaiC ont eutr as a aybb t-&-g; .cilhd
eDnlovtpeme fo mrlati sossitne: iilrSam sennrgioa sa rnoyaorc ;eislhcsarotsore oyu YAM elvdepo it sa na ladut (ton ylerna as mmoocn as a bupidlu of lesoiterotrchac luae,)spq btu u,ser stle' yas htta ti nac pah.nep Not rteu as a bbya ;-t-g& ldhic.
seIedrnac salba areht et:ar heT pepooist is auycllat urte. eTh balas etahr taer fo a rnbewno cna eyslai dceeex ,051 and hat'ts eedsirdcno r.onmal As ew age, sith hraet arte eosg o.dwn
ceasIrned ccradai ecmlus sms:a iThs oen wsa teh rhdstae ot okrw uohrthg. It si reut ttha as we eag morf a abby -;g-t& hdcil uor taerh grwso ni se.zi uBt fi we atkwe uor tnaopsmius mofr rbefoe thwi eht eAcranmi ti,de nad anesdti upt uor tntpiae on a orem daeomert di,te lritlsleciaya his etahr ut'sdlhon eiransec in izse oto hmcu, ta asetl to hte itpon fo remai.dolacgy
Iernceasd moncepilca of teae:rris sA ew eomceb elrdo lu,stda teh loceiapmnc fo treeaisr scsreeaed dan nfsfsiest sacnieesr (fueacrl otn to cnofeus ritrsaee ihtw lsn,gu hihwc atulcaly od ecraisne in cenmialcop sa ew ae!)g