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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-year-old girl is brought to the physician ...
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm neuro repeat

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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So, fro mseo n,oeasr ristsatorenruetmn is hmigesnot 'Iev YAWASL gltrsdueg ihtw... lypabbor ceuabes I wnt'sa ttaguh it ellw so venre lelray raendel t,i tsuj neldear euhong rfo tearhwev I jtus donfu tsih oob ghutroh ICNB and ist F!NSAATCIT tI's rofm 0120 os itmgh eb ,odl tub ti aws tg.ear You can rachse trughho eht ookb nad idfn eth cehatsrp. I peytrt much jtsu tewn hgohutr lla of hte ieotmerautsrtnrn .crehapt /N7goc/9wnnbi10swomlohiKB.h./kwt/vbt.s.9/pn:

My imna aaasGem-atwyl:tatuek = rjaom arcyioextt ntmuaertntreorsi. wTo tysep of ot)p:se1r rce otopa,ricmbet most fo hcwhi rea eypctriaspn iG hhicw dasle ot sdraedeec NMAD cepretor tcatiyiv adn kirs of ,ixcciotetyiioxt or tcnytasppsio Gq terroespc that alde to ecenisar N+,a K,+ adn erasedecd tumgeatal ucesas itznoraepoiald nda deniecars +M+g pmceneatlsid dna NAMD rporeect vttaycii adn riks fo xiotcxitteiocy, adn )2 otioopircn ennhacsl nniciguld AMDN nad /PiAMkAeaant nsnche,la whchi lal woall nfiseciconp tocain un,ixfl utb oyln MADN lswola ++Ca lfnxui na(d noyl ni a tvoaegl ndedpeten enamrn artfe sfiinecfut aldpintrozoiae has edadplcis hte hiironibt +gM+ ino ni het aln)nceh.

BAGA dna cnlyegi = obyiniitrh ensttaurr.omreints ) 1 -AABAG and -CGBAA = ropoointci nhnsleca htat adle to leuxf fo lC-, nda psiedet sith acguisn analotdiieor,pz hte noneru iltls tssay wbeol resntig to.ltenpia -BAAGA gdbiinn iest ofr rtebair,stbau sod,isret BGAA, and irctxoonip = sinide rope of enhcnla. A-AGBA dnnbiig eist of nzbieesaondezpi = sodtieu of oper fo lhnance. 2) Geniycl nlencha si a evry lasiimr -lC flexu lhenacn. 3) AG-BBA si a ptboaotricme nnhlaec atth attsvaeic iG ledgain ot cseeeradd cPMA hhiwc viseaactt ffulxe K+ lnaehncs and bitnhiis ++Ca ufixnl eslnncha nelaigd to ho.oezriapyntrlapi

enoicBig enmias = ncaiatcohemels pieandmo ioctndinoora( of doby evemm,nto dwrre,a iomoivant,t frmce)ti,rnoeen pnreieipneohnr e(psl,e ,wsnefuelkas attn,enoit ediefng rhevo,iab ipeeenpnirh seo(ltw arncictnotone in )CS,N puls ntoornsie sel,(pe sefuelwsak,n on,eedrpsis e,nxytia anse)ua and ihstamine (aaslor,u nttaio,ent aryl,gle eustsi eam,gda dan yam neinfuecl dloob rainb wl).of olOis,yubv lla fo tihs si ni ddonaiit to rcreiaengd stuisanoenrnrsoim and tg,fhli hftgi,r dan ithgf senspro.e

APT nad horet inupres = trtixoyeca asismrnn,iost aoee-lecdsr whti hroet cmluea-smllole oeirtrneanstr.usmt nosdieneA n'tsi llsacicalsy oirsdeendc a utnearimesrottrn aubesce it tsni' aedsreosreledt/ ni C++a dnteednpe arm,nne tbu dredevi mrfo APT eeforb gihvna an ocertiyatx ointl.etap

leytoAhncelic = omjra autsetmnrirteorn nedvvlio ni ntoimousinrenasrs vai niarcsum and inocntici rtposcer.e

Pieeptd utietsnsmaonrrter = lcnymmoo serelade as ipotdpeepr erglar rorsrupesc ttha rea evedacl yb fceicips zmsynee atht weer in eth eams rustermornietnta ciesevl npuo elasee.r Five pyste = gabir/utn ee,tidpsp iiopod ,tspieped uiapyrtit sidppt,e choimtyahapl aesirglne s,monoerh nad thoes otn sielicsf.da pEeslxam = rrsurpeco hatt vsgie eris to ensusctab P (isp,hcompapu tercno,oxe and GTI nda leeaesdr frmo lsalm daireetm PSN C esibfr tath tnsmatri naip and ueeemtartrp nrfiaotomn,i fprluwoe iny,eovsthep idntbiehi yb ipiood sppeid),et unneiniokr ,A uepopdienert K, dan opneetidrupe aa,mgm dan oioipd eesipptd gnlciduni ltanp ldaikosal ekil( rp)oienh,m chstnyite ipodoi vtdeeivi,rsa and hoe,rnsdpni rdiny,sohpn dan sen.npihlkae In aerengl idooip pepetsdi aer tsrsanedpes (ei.. aasianleg mch)ei,samn ivlvnode in xpcoeml ohiabvser axule(s r,nttcaoati eemvbssgrseuagsisivi/ rhv)basoe,i and lcpaetmiid thug(oh nto finete)viid in ithpcrcisya s.idrrseod

lrve,lOa nsiromnrtsuerttea = eypt spy:te smeeol-aclllum riesatttrmsn adn orneiduest,ppe wrehe ascmlleollsm-ue iremastsntrt ear srfeta dna meetdai aipdr tnsypcia smotrnasisni ..i(e genndrao SSN tiri//thfgtilfhgfhg kcqui eoe,)ssrpn eewhr as preeudiepsnto a(gonl iwht blogiico saneim dna oems lasml lcemolue mtisnartesrt) era orsewl and meteaid radluga, dlogprnoe mnrssriseaiu.otnno

eSom iu:tsrcep rnpa/enhsodritvpe..kcuesmmkf:lwoutdarta_ttn_iohevwi_n/u/mrepeeuo/ptw.herdit/bs, -uas/fa34ite-/ls6:pcognwc7ru2gha0bgser/emea-68AoRc892ntihro01odsb/iaefe-idi3sa42/eB0TPagdltd-5fr1wcrn1/u..r-/bbpl1r-4g603etpwAa1eBr03Gtsifhr6pepe-t, dna eww-dhol2./i=/gtl1a.8bUiaw#16aa/bee;ie/g4adff/t-d-e-flabg5/-sr_&fhae1-3e0g9desgu3lhbwt7pnb=cnxs26xnd-5-01:peitar.trm

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sweetmed  iTsh is agn.aimz kahnt oyu +
sweetmed  Tihs is amzg.nai aknth yuo +
paulkarr  W.oh..a +
brotherimodu  htSro vidoe nmoeseo tsdpeo omfr EN21M-B nw:sesra s?cvvuD.twwopetoh4/H.=2mucatuoyz-wwwth://Qb +6
dorischang  tDn'id isfinh irgadne ,stih but it lokos moewesa +3
kcyanide101  If yuo awann ritew a etxt kboo jsut ays ol.lo...s :) +

  • effect of glutamate antagonist on pt with acute cerebral infarction = targets NMDA receptor

  • decreases calcium entry into neurons = decreased excitotoxicity = promotes recovery from acute cerebral infarction.

 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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huogT ieostu.nq

Rlleca ahtt nnMiaeemt melhzai'e(sr )udgr is a DANM ecpotrRe asAtitgnno atht splhe tprneve tixieocctyxot yb gokBcinl a2+C tnyer. haTts' hwo I eeembmrr t.sih

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veryhungrycaterpillar  ./t1no9rnsc.hjw9upch0teto/o/ntr.wo:si30et///gswreGra t ltetil eda,r adn hist si teh pprae eyht pyetrt uhmc bsdea itsh qsetinuo .no +
veryhungrycaterpillar  dinkLe the nogwr epr.ap eaMtn ot nlik hsit o:ne 8pcecns5rstio//tMhtw/w2i/ln.g/ +

a picture for better understanding

^ link is dead :( (they published a 3/e) but here is the re-route to the new site if anyone wants to dig in

+/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by spow(50)
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  • )A AA-GAB ceesrptro let -lC ni
  • )B eiylGcn is seud ni the pliasn crdo sa an hoinyrbiit otaeinsrtntemrru; slao slet -Cl ni
  • C nda E) Mbotrtaepico egaatlmut cersoptre aer i-eotrGnp ouplecd
  • refTeoerh, hte ylno hngit taht ucldo lte 2+aC in si DNAM srtoperec
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thotcandy  goadcinrc to isht, H35T si an oni nenlach (lmaniy Na dna K, utb soem )aC os htat aws kiand yffe oim +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by lfsuarez(160)
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ADNM roepetscr in hits csea are bengi eusd rof ogln emrt aopitntieton ihtiwn hte nraib and otu fo lal fo hrete cesohic only ihst rperotec seus +Ca

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by chasingdreams101(4)
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I ckidpe NDMA aucesbe t’si luits,trmyao tub si rtehe yna erpeed aesnor rof hsi?t

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tea-cats-biscuits  heT Q is acaylltu agknis hhcwi of eth cprrtosee seu aC+ n,sio dna of eht csioceh nvgie lnyo DANM rsocretep od .os +32

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by adong(144)
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uoY nac aewnsr by oepscsr of laomi.niteni "eetitiCopvm titsane"onicr ksame uyo hitnk tryistlouma N.T sorsC tou AGBA nda geyn.cil In teh ctreox os muetatla.g atoborcpeMit udwlo enam eh'rste scneod esngsmeser dlnevivo nad eth cortpere uwlod nto srtmntai lc.mauic ncHee .NMDA

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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desu in gonl emrt tietotoapinn ,eagalung( emy,orm) yaM lsoa yapl a relo in gnee tcironpatirsn in rosnnue

1) MNAD si a aumateGlt cpreorte )2tspbuey AAMP si a pestyub fo DNAM htta is litiiyanl avdeattci yb gaueltatm e3 salre)e ANMD crpterseo aer nofdu aenr PAAM oceetrprs but ear tno aettcvdia yb low slelev of gmaulaett seerela deu to a gM ino lcgbnik‘’o hte nn4a)hecl tqnereuF ctoAin lteotpani t—&g; ulnisitaomt of AMPA g—;t& rdelpszoeia sotp acpniyts enurno &tg—; tgoavle edtpenned gM ckblo of DMAN potrecre redevom 5) ixlnfu of Ca uohghtr NDAM ;t—&g eussca eevn emor AMPA prrtesoce to be tdesrien iotn eht nbmmreea OE:TN( APAM si ssepenivor ot Ca nad tm)l)ae6u gta esucaeB hreet era eorm rpsrceoet to nerspdo ot ti, eht lcle si remo invsepesro to etmutlgaa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by zpatel(36)
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lla teh hostre a oeonmiventtpci nscie yeth vaeh ci(cfifctieispypcise sil,gdn)a MAND si eth loyn tenc(enohivclesnee tcioetmvpei pe,)cerrto hsa a anldgi iest nda ac , na nda e.g.nech.m ettomciivep

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hello  eht ntqsuoei assy iptcoetemiv o,cnastiriten i tnihk tihs si ifftndere frmo ieemttivcpo n.ngibdi +

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