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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—titanesxvi(106)
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oeph hist miage phel to ernadsnudt ,ti hte sppum n'odt rkwo eaceubs ckla of APT

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an1  aS.Drtrat ileapxns isth ryelal w:l auemlrmys. roTninop uodstie het clle nsema atht teh mnmebaer sumt hvea neeb egadma evierl(brirse gdea)ma rof it ot alek t.ou sTih esald to raiflue fo het a/KN aPeATs ppu.m aN ibdlus up idisne and trawe swlfolo agcuisn retfrhu elcl lsgelinw mbmaneer ad.gmae Ca losa uidlsb up disien. K will uibdl up tsuodei bcaseeu ist yomlnral duspoesp ot eb pmdpeu in btu eht pmpu is ekbor.n lsoA, leaclr mfor FA htat lpyHmkeeiraa is eesn hitw DO ASBSL;B lelc slysi +2

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dodgerslakers15(22)
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In reucllal ih,samcei het +N/+Ka TaAPes mpup sptso inokgrw due ot dseecdaer APT ves.ell nyolqeenst,uC siomdu is not epmupd tuo nda sopitsmua is nto pmupde oitn hte ,cell idelgan ot an olaucincmuta fo msudio ni teh ecll dan msoiaptus ditesou het cl.le umrtrroFhee, eht pssaclaocimr ircueutlm sTA-eaCPa mppu ,ilasf hhwic sleda to an nrsiacee ni cmuailc in the

omBtto ei,ln miesichc ituse:s hrete si a ipubdul of uosidm nda uiaclcm ni teh ecl.l

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madamestep  I sloa elki ot meembrer ihts aiv the ftecesf ethy .esuac Lwo TPA โ†’ /NaK TAePas tcna do ist ihtgn so yuo tge Na etfl in the l.elc treaW ollfswo Na โ†’ uleCalrl s.ewnillg Ca2+ PeTsAa tacn rwko nidurg na ,MI rrmmbeee ttah oyu egt cnocoirtant rscsnoie in a ETMSI urngid roshu 412.- tortnonCcai si rmfo het rcaeiends .C+2a +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—oznefu(22)
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I egt htat hte enwars is rceocrt rof a eesilrebvr yujrni eehrw teerh is lecl lisglwen uebasce of eth ceeandsir anilclerurlta a+N and +aC2 edu to idempiar KaN/ nda iarmacpocsls iurulmtce tiitcayv ...

uBt if eehrt aer dnsrieeca aradcic enzeyms ni eht bdloo caginditni ellc hdeta dna abremenm ,dgemaa dtlounโ€™w hte itualalrcnerl clesretleyot eb low ncsie eyht rae dseaeerl toni the bl?ood

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lord_voss  tnronipo = rlerreiviebs ujrniy dan anemermb gamead -> ihgh raexalltlcrue trceoatnioncn fo +aN dna C+a+ cuesas thbo to mevo tion cell rhohutg aaddgem ebnmaerm dan high rlntculriaela K+ asevle teh elcl +13
rogeliogs  neoitQus si kisagn obatu eht eagschn in eth rseaoyytiodccm dan ym oncsde nttenepiraroit aws taht yeht era sgnaki eth hgasnec efrobe tyeh et"rr"puu dan eaiterbl ithre tnectno in het bodlo rdiopugnc ienerasc ezmseny ni the pe.ttnai fehroreTe usceeba si a siecihcm erscspo = iorudtnec of 2O = wol ATP = pireinamtm fo a/NK aTAPse = seercnia dsac-aeeNre K lrlriuelantca = bcklo /aNaC xgenarhec = isenarec Ca uerlia saem tfeefc as xgiiodn +5
allodynia  hWat wlil epnhap ot aN adn ac nrcetinnocatco wnhe teher si na leervsribrie j?ynrui +
baja_blast  yadaoliln@ homataP .pg 4 has a lyerla oogd aurysmm fo ts.hi In htsro, N+a adn aC2+ thbo esiacenr ilnyllretucalra in na rlveibiesrer ijuryn. +

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submitted by delamj(3)
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I uothhgt hits aws a petyrt ogod amrysum form kiwpaiedi.

Stspe 4-1 epxanil eth ois:tqune

  1. kacL fo oexyng suaecs the tc]drycyaio[som'e ormnal ocspsre for inmgka TPA rof ygneer ot
  2. heT llce twecsshi ot enraiacob temamo,ilsb rgiduncop laicct a.icd
  3. eAl-PTirnat noi trptsaron psump l,iaf gansuic the ellc ot moceeb oardipeezld, llinwgao ns,oi nidlngiuc cluaicm (2)C,a+ to flwo tino eht
  4. Teh oin uppsm cna no oergln tsrratnpo acucilm tou fo eht ,elcl nda ltialcernralu lcaiumc sevlle teg oot hg.hi
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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mtkilimanjaro(18)
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tenAhor ywa to hintk touba htsi si juts htta caedsrdee 2O daels ot dnutfnicyso fo teh N+K/+a PTeAsa as eosthr ehva oidntmene.

sihT is erytpt mchu tielicadn ot teh csehniamm of oidgx,in hwhic bsoklc hte /aNK easPTA nad cmcilua uslcmcatuae in het lcle eceabsu ti tcna eb gdheanexc orf etclraalulxer N+a cwih(h is not nceliurraltla edu ot tcveefied /aKN PAasT)e

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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fI uyo knwo hte OMA of doxingi ouy odulsh eb elba to tge thsi itnouseq rgh.ti

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