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NBME 22 Answers

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by its_raining_jimbos(29)
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Nto 0%01 esur on tihs e,on but ser’eh woh I pahoprdaec :it amenhitsi cauess rtaiearl iilaotnd dce=esedar( rialtroera n)ecsseia,rt tbu lal fo ttah lodob ahs ot go oeewsemhr nicse you nwo vahe rmeo dbool lgnwfoi hrtohgu teh etesirra adn tath swmoeerhe si the pllrasiacei (esnaceidr yprialcal toicaytdhsr ersrs.)pue tienimasH esucsa ieacdrsne ylepetmbiira fo hte iclta-rolyppas sueelvn n(eo of .rD Sasrtat’ ritovaef )tcsaf so uy’do hvae dacisrene aclirlayp otaifrintl ate.r

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taediggity  lTlayot rag,ee aeitralr -d;&atiilngt-o sercesian olbod folw noit irsscenal/aileceripas piyrcllaa aodtyirtchs serreusp + iainrcgnse btrealipeimy of hte yra-ptlislaopc vslneeu= Icsneader iplaaylCr tlFiirtnao etaR +3
makinallkindzofgainz  I vole you xninplato,ea ubt I ndo't itknh aioftirntl ater si pteedednn unpo biieemaytplr fo eth raoyll-apitcsp nsleve.u I nhtki eht ortfltinai atre is esaecrndi psmyil ude to het cdeinrase oobld ol;fw isht is ilmasri ot owh iencsarde erlan dlobo flow illw aensecir oaGerullmr itoFltinar tRea )F(RG. +13

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by link981(208)
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Hensimati seusca reeltorai oaltdvio,isan uncgasi a ulubidp of lodbo ni eht ehT nadceresi lodob in the eilsrpacial iwll uasec hte speesrru erhet to eris. Fltoiarint is dnednepet on e,essrupr the rgheih eth e,euspsrr hte orem teh i.lntfoitar

bRmmeree olodb l:wof nisve ot ueenlvs to slerlpciiaa to lareoierts ot treseiar

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yb_26  aerge in la,l epcxte hte dolob folw - it si irthg teh seootipp [oo/a/st/uhyrh/lmatt/sctcpl:etbosernreholivb/edfc-smueaiasatetsn.t-su] +18
link981  I tsdan eccortdre b_y2@6. rntBarifa ntomem 🙈 +2
rockodude  moal nlgiidnuc a lkin to a taeamheocytman epga no acisb odlbo wolf +1
ineedhelpwitmed  LLO +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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eiHmitnsa sesuac a sdcraeee in icdhatosytr erspsrue te(g hsit, ’sti a )oaltdoairvs but enht scusae na escenari ni apcariyll shytrcoadti rpss?eeru kyOa,( tsih is hwo ti assceu dem,ae I ssgu)e. osDe enoyna gte hwo isth uycatlal k?rosw

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its_raining_jimbos  Not 100% uesr on itsh eon, utb ree’sh how I cprdapohea ti: ieithnsam cssuea reralait ldnaioti eare(sddec oetrrraail )sasctneie,r but lla fo tath dolob sha to og hoeesmewr ncsei uyo onw veah moer lbdoo wfnilgo rhhtuog teh tairsree dna htta whemseore is the paiellrisac ce(aiednrs ryapiacll rsayctdtoih rers.puse) tHimaeins ecsaus erncaidse ytliemrabpei fo eth straclppyoa-il usenvle e(no of r.D ’satSart fetivrao ctaf)s so o’dyu veha aenedscir lcyraipla tritnaoilf ra.te +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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tainHmsie deesasecr rtierraloa eiasetn,crs tbu I gssue nto larpacliy cssitra.een

PΔ = Q × R

nI eth lri,roaeet iatnseesrc des,eeracs so lwfo .craseensi nI hte lilc,ryapa etesrscnai ahs ton aeedrcsd,e os eht adiceners olfw tyhe ieveecr tasstlrnae ot sirdcaene prerssue dna .intlaforti

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by alexb(53)
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tWha they eamn yb ltfaonir..i.t

liFdu emopscrid of twear and eelrlttoecys, htwi a rvye llmas nmtauo of irnetop and htero ,eouamcllcmreos nymloral selave caipiarslle dna lalms laippryltsoac vunsele by a ocsrsep alecdl nta.roitfli roFtlainti si rlyprimai rnevid by eht clrpaaily hiatrotdscy resuep,rs nad teh omnatu edifrtle epr uitn miet si daldiyltonia fcleienudn by teh ietempylbrai of hte lsseev wall ihdetnmuo(le adn ntmeeabs mmbrnee.a) hTe dulfi htta retfils oint eth ueitss woslf iihntw eht tellauclerrin acpse e(ht it)sriinuettm dan tmos of it si esbodarebr ta the nlvearu ned of crepiaallis eewrh eht hirytsadotc ueersrps is l.ower Some fo teh ielfedrt iudlf is ktaen pu yb ymliphcat lsevsse dna ereturdn to eth ircoaut.incl

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by atstillisafraud(217)
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eiiHtmans casseu alyrilpca tirrraeloa ailnotid da(seecre eiartdserse(ce)cnsain prseurse ni eth ilraalpyc uecaebs rsffeteen aimner teh smea ie)sz mitaHnies laos snicserea rlicylaap ial.pietbymer

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