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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
The sequence surrounding the first two exons ...
Disruption of normal splicing by creation of a new 3′ splice site 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem dna repeat

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 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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sA ebdersicd ni the stoueniq smet, siht atniuomt rccosu wntiih na oninrt (a gene tmgseen hwhic is stcnbdirera ]NRt[;AN-gAD& tub ont ats.tnlder)a RAN lcsgipni ezms)(yne rgba ARN dan ol“po ”i;t an tnnori is uct uot adn the esnox no hriete seid fo eht irnton ear jadidoe,n ilek stih:

—enoonix2rtnx—eon1 tg=;& x—o2e1nnoxe

aiyyclTpl, siht ilncpgis oscruc at eht ervy egdes fo hte ointnr w(hat I dnedeot ihwt hte ”“— atar.)hcrce tBu in uro cea,s a aunitmto thnwii the nrnoti is gnucsai ARN ligpinsc ymznee ot ciezeorgn a wen i:ets teh slicerp utcs witihn eht itnorn naesidt( of ta eth eyrv ,eedg as it S,o we teg emnoistgh thta oslko keil it:sh


s’aTth a otallyt itefdnrfe NRmA emol,cule dan 'sti inogg ot kmea ruo -βbliong ntpoier kool d(an v)heeab uawyfll ars.engt

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drdanielr  I rbrmeeme hatt in eht A-rRNpem, hte gclnpsii tsies fo eth onrtni eerwh the cseilomsepo atcsehat rea uunddsrreo by AU-"G--G" ekil c,ga""u os eher eth sooohulgom NDA to siht dtnsar ulowd eb dciesrtarnb noti .....".ug.g.a...."...... dna ihst oluwd reeact a '3 slcie iest too soon +7
vivarin  fi ihst is edopsspu to be er,ANm-pR wyh aer reeht sT' in the eeq?unces m'I so cufndose yb itsh fro oesm saonre +8
sars  hsTi is eht eneg )D,A(N not eoeunhgrsote mRAN. +
athenathefirst  The gbeistg elcu tyhe sdia itsh si B aaia,shtlsem wcihh vene fi uoy ndti'd wkon aintyhng oubat xoens and nronist uoy hudlos have wnkno htta b iashealasmt vniolvse a tauniomt ni gspinlic ro ptmorore itse thpo(maa gape 44.) I tog itsh tuqienos rwnog too :( +1

Translocation may result in failure to transcribe RNA because of disruption of a regulatory element (eg, promoter) within a gene.

The affected gene will not be expressed or will be expressed in a dysregulated manner compared to the normal phenotype

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by monoloco(155)
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shiT has to do wtih onintr ingpc.sli emRermbe TG.AG isTh anuimtot icudend na GA lercos hweer ti swa opusepds to e,b so emso of htat nnirto ujts eemabc na .enxo

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by waterloo(126)
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I ieprttndeer eceuqnes" rduninusrog siftr wto seoxn of gen"e - ot amne etyh tusm be knlagit tuboa .iontnsr Terhe of teh naersw shceoic on'td hvae cmhu to do iwth rosntn.i

  • esmiessn toaiutmn ldwou heva ot eb in hte xeon to cseua ncegah ni nmiao dca.i
  • idnltlaaeyoyonp is ta eth ned fo het RmNA
  • niitiibhno of cpileitoran si NAD

ttah yam not eb ria hgi,tt tbu elsph raowrn onwd. oAsl ngonwki omse lts-aeBsaaihm si ude to sntaariv in araombnl piscigln .phels (FA 1029 gp )43

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by s1khwitit(1)
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olas brmemree taht Ba-elstaimsha is deu to tniop oasmutitn ni lpecsi eists dan treormpo qcueesnse (AF19 10p.)g4 fI oyu eatcer a natioutm ni a clispe tise uyo llwi yrsleu sems up the rrtccoe ANmR eendde ot kame a cfauinntol oglnBbi- .npoerit htaT is woh I nawedres teh ut.snoiqe

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