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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-year-old girl is brought to the physician ...
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm neuro repeat

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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S,o rfo seom aores,n naeetsirmrstutonr is nheomtigs Iev' SYALWA estulggdr ylbrbpoa cebeasu I 'nawts tghtau ti lwel so vneer lleyra lraende ti, utsj eneldar goneuh for ehwtvaer .amex I sjtu dfnuo sthi boo thugohr BCIN and ist SAN!TFCIAT tsI' form 0201 os mgiht be do,l but it asw a.gter Yuo nca ahersc hrought the oobk dna idfn hte set.acprh I ettpyr muhc ustj ntew htuhgro all of hte mnaurerniteortts ct.ahepr m./t:.7/l9k0Biwpioo.twnhKbn/n/o9/c.gvhNbw1ss

My mani mtel-tG:weasau tayaka = rjoam ytrcoxitae i.mruoantretesrtn owT tseyp fo sc r:t1opee)r tco,tmebopair osmt fo hchiw are acisrtpnyep iG chwih ladse to edseeacdr MDAN rtreepco vycttiia dan iskr of itcixtooixiceyt, or tpacosntpsiy qG crtpeores atth dlea to rcnseaie a,N+ +,K adn esdecdrea aemttgaul acsseu eridtlzopoiaan nad dairecnse M++g nimlecpadest nad AMDN rercteop tiyciatv nad kris of xcixyc,otoiiett nad 2) riocoionpt sanlenhc iidngnclu ANDM dna Aa/iaAetMkPn sha,nnlce hwhci lla wlaol cfncepnsoii itonac flixu,n ubt loyn MDNA allows a++C iunfxl dna( onyl in a gaoelvt ndetdpeen amrenn faert ftiesiucfn loezaitdnpiaro has ddpilasec teh nroiihtbi g+M+ ino ni teh .nalceh)n

AGAB dna ceiynlg = tibioynihr smrotratntes.irune )1 AGB-AA dna BGAAC- = iorpotiocn lnheancs atht dlae ot uelfx of lC-, and dipetes this gacsiun ,ioazeiodpantrl teh rnnuoe litls assty obwle rtngsei otaeptinl. -AABAG iindbng esit rof ,uetraarisbbt sdteso,ri BAG,A nad otrcpxoini = endiis orep of anlc.neh G-AAAB gnidnib tsie fo dizzinbeosnapee = sudoiet fo rope fo nlen.cha )2 cnGiyel cannhle is a vyer lmsiira Cl- efuxl .lneanhc ) 3 BAB-AG is a omtbaitprcoe canhlen that tasiacvte iG diaegnl ot recasddee PcMA chwhi vtacaites efxflu K+ nnaeschl dan iinbhsit ++aC uilxnf eahsnncl gideanl ot izapterpan.hiolory

Bnigioce einmas = ocietaeacslmhn mnapdoie riondto(coina of oybd mevne,mto erwa,dr ,aititvomon ro)tneifreec,mn rinrnpeiohpnee l(e,esp we,asnkuelfs attntnoi,e nfgiede eoh,virab nneepriepih (sletwo tnroanoccneti in CNS), uspl reonsiont sp,(lee enslewk,sufa prnissedoe, ieyt,xna n)aesau dan tamiehnsi u,aro(sal ttan,teino rayellg, eituss emga,ad dna mya cenilunef dlobo niabr lf.w)o yiOvolub,s all fo ihst is in iadtinod ot caeenrigrd esianmnsniotrrosu nad itf,hlg grhf,ti nad fhigt soe.senrp

TPA dan orthe useirpn = oyetixcart ,inossnarmist aoeecde-rls ithw trohe mllc-eulemlsoa itnt.rensoaesrmrtu seAnodien it'ns alicalsycls ddinecoser a tuaeirrnorttsnem asbeeuc ti ni'st rleddoaeeersst/ in a+C+ nddenetpe mnae,rn ubt vrededi omfr TPA feboer havgni na eroytitcxa ltnp.aetio

lcylicnoAethe = arjmo uaterteoisrtnmnr ndlvvioe in orirtaeusnonsnsmi via carumsni dan initcoicn erpseorct.

ediPtpe suirorttasnemnter = mylnomoc saeereld as ptepeoidpr grreal suorcresrp atht rae vedlcea by sicipcfe emnszey tath weer in teh seam otetrmutirsnenar vesleci upon .eerasel Five pytse = tbnu/arig ppesed,it oidoip epp,detis utrapiity epsid,tp ltyhchaomipa nirlgeaes om,reohns adn ohtse otn .iiecslfsad msxpaeEl = serpocrru hatt evgis reis to cuseatbsn P msppc,uhpa(io eotx,ocrne nda GIT and eaesrdle ofmr sllam eeaidrmt NPS C biefsr htta ritsantm inpa nda pturmrtaeee aiirnofo,ntm orpelufw ph,tvneesoyi iiteinbdh by poioid e,idppse)t rnkuiennoi ,A ptoprneuedie K, nad iopdrupeteen ammg,a nad opdoii epeidtps gndulcini antlp aalskolid il(ek pe,hornim) etsihytcn diioop a,diitrsvvee nda soihn,pdner dsoh,nipynr and penhae.slink In egnearl doiipo psdeptei era psrtdeensas ..(ie sigaanael s)c,eimanmh nvledvoi in cxpelmo hbeviasro xeusal( riaoctt,nat rveegb/vsuiiamisgsses )vhiebraso, dna eiicmtplda htuohg( tno )iiieedtvfn in cycpaithrsi sodesr.rid

le,lavrO nrutrttneisoraems = tepy :psyte lsaelmucoe-llm rimnsertstta nda ueersenp,ptdoi herew sluomaelsm-ecll trmersnittas rae tsafre dan adiemet prdai ycpisnat onirtmssasin (i..e nognarde SSN th/r/ttgifihggfihfl kiquc )o,psnrsee werhe sa pporieetnsude on(lag hiwt ocoigbli ensami dan omse amsll muleocle rsisrtttnm)ae rae wrsoel and amieetd rdglu,aa nordelgop oasmnnnu.risotesir

oeSm cr:iepust tp_wuohetw.dr/s/o:/lri/pur.s.etihtpinbtafdauhpnrantskmtwdrmoiev_veeuecemn_eok/, 8eaegfs02iatr.6bep0hc3n/t3i/i/r0adsi0Tdfig-/4Brpnotel/n3RsgrhutoGAac4es/4A-p10eawgauPsebml1-/iww9aodBe7e6.er6-6u-fl3:s2e-2r1b1b1rcpor-cgd-a58trfhpt, adn o15/5amgpfbi=-8asb-7:a.thigdagle3eea&eg0i=--;1bw0bbttaendlf31d/r/wreel#whe/fss2xxtawu-_h9/a4p/U2dr--6.1g.dfc6tnnel-i

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sweetmed  Tihs si iz.nmaag tanhk you +
sweetmed  iTsh is ziagan.m hatkn yuo +
paulkarr  .a.W.oh +
brotherimodu  rohtS eivdo semnooe dseotp orfm N-E2MB1 s:narsew htzcpH:/y2?ouhov-Qw.wo4uwmwatsb./evtw/uDc=t +6
dorischang  tdnDi' ishifn nredgai sth,i ubt ti lsook wemosea +3
kcyanide101  fI uyo anwan twrie a text bkoo utsj yas l..o.lso. ): +

  • effect of glutamate antagonist on pt with acute cerebral infarction = targets NMDA receptor

  • decreases calcium entry into neurons = decreased excitotoxicity = promotes recovery from acute cerebral infarction.

 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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hoTgu eqiuo.stn

allRce ttha ntmianeeM airzshl(me'e r)udg si a DMAN orepectR notitsAagn ahtt helps erntevp yoioctxtcitxe yb gBinlokc 2Ca+ nyetr. 'tshaT owh I eebrmrme hsit.

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veryhungrycaterpillar  1tt:/ro./pnj.cuo9gwiwo3ser9//.nse0/nh0trwo/sthctGrtea ltelit ,aerd nda isth is eht parpe etyh pytret humc aedbs this iteqsnou o.n +
veryhungrycaterpillar  Lindke hte rogwn pp.rae Meatn ot ilnk ihts o:ne :a/itlo/8wsn67/ieb.06/c.h2lw5c/piwvsp.Mmt/Ptnnr.hmCcg +

a picture for better understanding

^ link is dead :( (they published a 3/e) but here is the re-route to the new site if anyone wants to dig in

+/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by spow(50)
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  • A) AAA-BG stcpreore etl Cl- in
  • B) eyiGlcn is dseu ni teh aisnlp rdco as na ibnoitirhy to;riueasnemtrntr aslo lets -Cl ni
  • C adn )E itotocbeprMa uaemtatlg ertrsceop rae Grtpoein- luepcdo
  • forr,eeheT het yoln gthni that odulc lte aC2+ ni is AMDN persrctoe
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thotcandy  ragdcicon to iths, H5T3 si na noi alhcnne ilmy(an aN dan K, btu smeo C)a so ahtt aws ikand fyfe moi +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by lfsuarez(160)
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NMDA eptorcser ni iths cesa rae ibegn sedu for nglo emtr otntitipanoe whinti het nriab nad uto of lal fo hetre shecioc ylon htsi ercperot seus C+a

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by chasingdreams101(4)
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I kedpic ANDM uaeesbc ’sit ttm,olasriuy btu is teehr nya eeerpd esaron orf ?isht

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tea-cats-biscuits  hTe Q is cluatlay nigksa chwhi fo het erceptrso esu +Ca nos,i nda fo eth hicosec vineg noly MDAN epecosrtr od os. +32

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by adong(144)
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Yuo can srwena by scposer fo noimnieil.ta Ctpeoivet"mi "scnteriiatno smkae you hknti osylitmurta .NT sCors out BAAG adn iey.nclg In eth ortecx so egmtultaa. Mbtocoatirep owldu anme tee'rhs sdneoc esssmgnree lvonvdie adn eht octrerpe ulwdo not astrtmni a.umlcic nHeec .NADM

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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desu in ognl etrm poinotetatin ngglu(e,aa ,yemomr) aMy osla yapl a erlo in eeng atirocnritsnp ni osnruen

1) MAND is a Gaaetmltu eerprcot putsy2be) MAAP is a epbstyu of NMAD htat si lntilyaii vcditeaat by alutamgte )al 3reese MNAD epeostrrc era udnfo nrae APAM rcroetsep utb era otn dveaatitc yb low esellv fo uaetgatml srelaee ude to a Mg ion inogl’c‘bk eht anne )hl4c nueqrteF inAtco nalpottei &;tg— iisolnumtat fo AMPA >— dlaiepzrseo psot yasipntc uoennr g;&t— otevalg pdeedetnn Mg bkcol of MDAN eterrcop dvmeeor )5 nfilxu of aC hotugrh MNDA g;—t& cassue enev omer PAAM rreotecps ot eb teesnrid otin eht mmarnebe (:OTEN MPAA si ssviopnree ot aC adn e6gmal ))attu scaeBue rtehe rae orme poerercts to edrospn to i,t eth ellc si orme presnsoiev to aealmutgt

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submitted by zpatel(36)
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all eth hertos a etnteicnomviop escni tyhe haev tffic(sccpypeieiiisc a)idsg,nl DANM si hte nyol (csnleeieeonhtnvce eomtptiviec pr)otrec,e sha a idgnla stie nda ac , an nda .g.hmnec.e teocemiitvp

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hello  teh itseuoqn says tovetpeimic tnirceaion,st i ithkn iths si nffeedtir rmof etmiiocpvet nig.bdni +

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