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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—titanesxvi(106)
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eoph ihts imeag help to tsddnurean t,i hte spump don't orkw ueacsbe aklc fo TAP

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an1  tSDrtaa.r nlisaexp hits eyarll yleuwmml:r.a s rpoionnT suitdoe hte llce emans htat eth eenammbr smut hvae neeb aamgde sbrevr(irieel mga)eda for ti to ealk to.u hTsi eadls ot ureifla fo teh NaK/ esTAaP m.upp Na idslbu up ndsiie nda warte lwloofs uagicsn erftruh clle lwgilsne enmmraeb de.maga Ca olas dubils up sdneii. K lwli iludb up idotsue ubeseac sit mnlarloy psespodu to eb uepdpm in but eht mppu is boerk.n oslA, llraec mrof AF that peyeailmraHk is enes iwth DO ASLSB;B lelc slyis +2

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dodgerslakers15(22)
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In lrlcaleu iac,smhie eht +aKN+/ aTPAes mppu topss inkrowg due ot eddaercse ATP yqnC,nsolutee mdsoiu si ton dupemp tou dna iopmssaut is nto deppum niot the lle,c glnidae ot an nicalouctuma fo udioms ni hte lecl and itomaupss ueisdto eht cel.l rhrr,eouFetm eth carialsspocm imlurcetu Pa-esTaAC ppmu s,aifl wichh dlaes ot an ericsena ni ilmuacc ni het l.ecl

oomtBt nil,e emiihcsc uessi:t tehre si a ulduipb of uoisdm dna imccual in eth .clle

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madamestep  I olsa leki ot mebeermr tish avi teh fetcfse etyh as.euc oLw ATP โ†’ K/aN PsAaeT actn od its ginht os uyo etg aN lfte in teh .lcel etrWa llosowf Na โ†’ relalluC snewllgi. 2+Ca TaAesP tnac owkr rdinug an MI, meerremb hatt you teg atntcnocori roneiscs in a TSIME nudgri oursh -1.42 Conioatcrtn is fomr teh seraiecnd Ca+2. +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—oznefu(22)
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I get ahtt eth aserwn is rrcotec for a eisrebrlev irunjy weerh rhete si elcl gllsneiw eusecba of teh ardencies altriaruencll +Na adn a2C+ deu ot reamidpi /KNa dna loaicsprcmsa ueucltrmi itiaycvt ...

tuB if htree aer neicsdear crciaad emznsye ni eth dloob diagtcinin llec hadte nad raemnmeb ,dmeaga tโ€™duwlon eht anlctauirlerl reslettoclye eb olw icnse eyht rea aserdele toin het old?ob

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lord_voss  otnrniop = eivrrlrebise irynju nda meanmbre adegma -> hihg xueracrltella onaoeicncrtnt fo +aN nda ++Ca uescas hotb ot emov oint llce ugthorh amdadge ammbnere adn gihh aeaclnrlirtlu K+ elaves het lcle +13
rogeliogs  itueQsno is nsiagk atuob eht aescghn ni hte riseamccdoytyo dna my osecnd ttrietinoernpa saw thta eyth rea giskna eth saenchg ebfore tyeh "urtupe"r dan retelbai ireht tectnon in het olbod nrpuciogd icesrena senyemz in eht nteaitp. Tfreheoer seaucbe is a ciihcmse srsceop = tdocuinre of 2O = wlo PAT = atnmrpemii fo KN/a ATeasP = seanicer -saaercedeN K raetllliaurcn = bkocl NCa/a ecagherxn = aceirnes aC ralureahilcln eams ecftfe as iixngod +5
allodynia  Waht lliw hepanp ot Na dan ac tnancneccrtioo ewnh teerh is an ebeirlerrsiv n?jiyru +
baja_blast  o@aalildny ohmaPta pg. 4 has a ayrlle dgoo rsymaum of t.shi In hs,ort Na+ and Ca2+ htbo rincseae ylllnieatrrlauc ni an ieleebrirvsr .ruyjni +

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submitted by delamj(3)
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I htuhgto sthi swa a eytprt dgoo mrsyamu rfmo epkiiiwda.

etpsS -41 ielpnxa het usot:iqne

  1. Lakc fo eongyx aescus the tmesa'ooc]y[idyrc romlna osspcer fro giknma TAP for nreyeg ot .ifla
  2. eTh cell hseiwcts ot rnbacieoa sm,bliatmeo ndrgoupic caitcl .daci
  3. -lPTtaAnrei nio rpattsonr usmpp lafi, acgnusi het ecll to bocmee paoddelirz,e lligoawn so,ni uicinlgdn iaucmlc +)2(,aC ot oflw nito the .lcle
  4. hTe noi psmup nac no egolnr arsnrottp iaumclc tuo fo teh ecl,l dna unterlarllica cucimla selelv teg too .ghih
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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mtkilimanjaro(18)
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toehrnA ywa to ktnih outab sthi si ustj htta decedaser 2O lsdae ot sfncuiynotd fo eth a/NK++ APseTa as soetrh evha idenntm.oe

shiT is ettpry mchu ietldnaci ot the hencmiasm of oid,gxni cwhhi sbkolc the Na/K sTaAPe nad amiccul umlaecasutc ni the llce ucabese ti actn be dexaecngh orf lxlatarecruel aN+ iw(hch si nto nlltruaaceilr ued to eeevfitdc N/aK T)AeasP

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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If ouy onwk eht OMA fo ioxndgi yuo udshlo be ebla to etg thsi usoetqni rtgh.i

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