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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old woman comes to the physician 3 ...
Carcinoma of the breast 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Pre amoh:Pta

oMts cmnoom in tlsaeoapunmpos :moenw

1) cyftoicsbir saen,chg ltatinudrca aapl,plmio nmorbFaadoei

eMor yelikl in upatnapomeslso 1) weon:m psydlheol mtruo fmoondaei(rbeali-k o2t ))mru Basrte screanc caeesnrdi sikr /td 1) encidrase ea,g oidtrnua of eesognrt tuthrhouog feli rlae(y erncmeah, ltae mne,seapuo )o tyseib )2 ycilAtpa rh ysapilpae 3) rstFi deereg sirevetla

seQunoti ettsas sretspen ti aa :s) 2mc f,mir orentdenn )a bssm on alxrliay aenhdpyapomlhty ro lppine ce cshda)gir lxmeetyr erosidenda ssma whit ugerrlair egrsucid tasmlner rugilrrae ctrmfolcniaosaiicci

so athw can ti b:)e 1 ISDC = oesd nto lsluuay rcdupoe asms

2) oemodC pyte = hgih- egard scell tihw nosiercs &a;pm hcrspotdyi afiosiniclcatc at crntee fo uctd

3) Pgeat aiseeDs = evsoivnl het knis fo eth pnpeli eurn(yldgni acnomrai)c

4) ICD = a) ofsrm detc-uikl utrtusresc &8t;0%g( of c ess)a b) smas tdedeect by slhapicy ixmonanetia )khe(cc c) lulsauy 1mc ro teregra hec)ck ( d) molcDspseiat orsmat = einvotcecn suesti riggnow htwi omtur spo(psurt u)otrm ~~~ (ccehk -- ruaigrler grna)m is )e yeuaMrdll nceaimrCo CD(I) = imimcs friooandebam

)5 SLIC ±a LCI = OD ONT europcd nictcaliifoacs ro asms a) CLI - leslc aehv l-le"snefigi eatrn"pt nhikt fo a beaedd lkecnace dna you cut it in emildd aklc( rica-Eednh)

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usmleuser007  crtonioecr Mts o mmocon ni nrsauoalpeemp : 1wmeon) yctbicrosif cgeha,sn attdcluinra plmopaali, rdmeoFabioan +4

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by joker4eva76(31)
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Cudlo also eus teh sitepa'nt ega to kame teh ffdteianrlie. Aeg si a rski crfaot aredetl ot rebsta arncce moncom( ni stuonl-moepaspa ,noemw suesln esre'ht a oytrhis fo brtsae nccrea ni the .)lmiyaf

coircistbyF agecshn nad rdbiaaomnfsoe era ualylus ncmomo ni paaelormnseup oe.mnw

No dihsgeacr dtoe,n os is't ont an dnitatrucla poam.lapil

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yotsubato  aulIcnrattd omlapplais rae oasl eudnr het aearlo +5

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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In aditonid to wtha voreeyen lsee ad,is etyh ewtn out of hreit wya ot eus the rwdo rgrreui"a"l EITW.C eaybM empmldidi-ens fo ,em utb as rfa as I rtdneduasn bnineg fhfuts is earylr rrgiu.rale

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by airhead5(2)
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The swrnea si niaaorccm of teh serbat. I get ,that tbu ’Im naivgh eoulbrt rggifuin out whcih ciCoraamn fo tseaBr it s.i mI’ kctus nwbetee DCIS, and eIasvniv lDtacu Cicorm.naa m’I iangenl wsordat iaeIvsvn uDtacl cnoaima,rC sjtu ebseuca i’ts )(1 smto mmnoco and )2( hte mssa thiw regrairlu sanigmr in rucsestl nsudos like ti ulcod be e‘eltsatl itlf’ni,tiaron enes ni saeviIvn cuDtla ainco.Carm uBt I’m tno es.ur anC anyoen ehl?p

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liverdietrying  eThre si ont noeugh rmfioainotn in the utnoqies etsm to ienemrted twah nidk fo canrce ti .si You dowul ende a yopsbi dan hotoiglys mniitooranf ot nimteeerd ew,evoHr tsih is lnydtiefei not ICSD eiscn eerth *si* a s.sam ISDC uuyalls juts sohsw up as llmsa loiiiocmsrtciacfnac no XR (dI’ oggeol na eaimg os ouy anc ees i)t. llA the wrods yeth seu eher rediescb an iaiensvv earscoucn aycrs smsa -- awth dnik fo ncreca ac’nt eb knnow ntiul yteh iysbpo it! +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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heT smas si ni eht oteur eprup nd,atraqu tshi si hyw it twan .SICD iNec nda espiml

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seagull  wts' *na +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j000(17)
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ihst is ton dmennetoi ni FA or tm,phaoa ubt accdringo to :sboAsm

nI esiivavn atculd caoi,rmnca the rmapamhgomy dnifngi shwso sdhap"reta-s sniole uccsro deu to dcreestlu aocicmacrintlsfoici of het dngoirrusnu .esuts"i

It si not CSDI cseeuab ISDC enstod' pocuedr a stsmaI si tno abioenfordam ti( is mtso momcon in oewnm t5; 3ltI&) is ton toisccbryfi nhegsac a(puornpemlesa nwemo ,0-052 etnfo ,ibratlela rdt)nee

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by oznefu(22)
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hatW ear the dswor that tnipo to noamaCcir terhra nath oicibFsrcty or oenaoramibFd or aFt rNcessio t(on an s?)rewna

oheTs acn hvea mssaes nda aioctfscalicni rig?th Is ti ylno the lerirragu imgsarn?

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mnemonia  ioiyFctsbrc cshaegn ’sonedt caehncitlyl coasmnsep lsciregosn e,isdnaos iwchh is hte one erhew ouy dlouw get oanasi.tcficlci ssCyt nad sbofiris nt’od lylsuua seetpnr thwi iailcftnoiacsc. Fat ieronssc ’Im ruse yeth dlwou gvei thisryo of artmau ni eth sme.t +
mnemonia  csiclotiafnCia = fta scosier,n lngcrseois es,nisdao dna ID/.IDCSC tofcccioianlriiMcas csfealcpliyi I wduol tveruen ot ysa si a obrdzuzw dcltau mancrioac lyesi.aciflcp rhEtie y,aw fo eesht 3, yonl crcean si na wasrne .eccioh +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by mdmikek89(6)
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a'llY eend esmo smbAso ni yruo

iTsh si a geinnb or aatnigmln eosiunt.q

focla ssma ro yidnets

ruialrger msirnga


= natilnmga = aamcrionc


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