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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old woman at 32 weeks' gestation ...
Obstructive uropathy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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sAol for eshto fo you how era tlotyal elssclue ikle em, yaurrni cttra tnsbtcoiuor = trviutsbceo o.tyhruap

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skonys  I see 5.47 ftyiucDfli eorsc adn hiknt dw,r"o I dt'no dnee ot etg tsih neo roerc"tc +5

 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by banieb(23)
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Duinrg hte lats hlaf fo nearcygpn idoliatn fo the preup ayiurrn tcart nac ucrco eud to coorsesmipn of hte rsteeur by the gronigw sesuurftteu/ nad eth leina Teh piescoromns of shtee si nto gonllwai iflud agepssa noti the delradb ucgansi irune dulpiub ni the kei,nyd tsih ldase to idniaotl of het nkeiyd hatt snde pu agcnuis iamcopmtyst .oshneisdprhroy ihts nca ned pu in citoennif adn oysmmtps ushc as eth soen eesptnr in iths ipatten ikel acbk iapn dan ACV sneertnesd. the nicgyr si ylmina due ot hte iapn seuadc yb the rusoitc.onbt dna tjus sa sitmoehgn a:txre uoedbl agpliti artesecht si a esfa dna ilmpes yaw fo neagtrti mmtsoaptyic ndeosihsyrhrpo fo agy.npecnr

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banieb  erratelU ustinoortcb by het ntenprag u usertpot/mw/vnh/idmb9pbu7t5nw.hwl1../93ig7:.ecns +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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rcibstvetOu ayoturhp caesus a trspnaloe iteaozma -&;gt- wneh gdooeln,rp ubtlura dagema es.suen Thsi dsale ot an tucae lutubra rsoncise, cateciedzrahr by riccteon ulpsg ni eth aultbur stymse sa nese in eth gimae

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meningitis  eDso ynneao onwk eht eeanelcvr fo teh estm iasg:ny irg"dnu htsi mtie ehs losa hsa eneb nicryg "flyqrueent? +53
usmleuser007  hiTkn teh eotlpsnar taoimeza is t/d her yprna.cnge Wthi eht scinnaiger in izes ,etsuf the pivlec iactvy si bgien sdecspmeor dna htus rteeh is rsesrupe on eth .strerue hiTs algnied ot eht tsepnea.irton s A per veaob --- het gyirnc eymba tsuj /td reh inap dan lonemtoai estsrs asdcue by iyowrgnr utaob spsoblie sacimlcnopoit rdriggaen reh sfuet. +4
maxillarythirdmolar  My utg tlles em ti tmus be eoms trso fo nnrsaitet aenhgc in tancaepll eisz itwh omrhnoal sncehg.a Is't ntmnriciese fo hwat uyo ghitm cpxtee fro atesrb shcaeng rdnugi het nmlutsrae c,lyec mio +
j44n  ro eabmy hte usetf is letliyarl nurhcgsi erh rrseetu tnoi hte llwa of reh isvepl dan sshe tgo an eifnetdc eydikn +4

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by ye2019(4)
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aylciPhs seamx ehodws nterssdene of rhtseococinp ansleg, cwhih rea eht aplecs reehw the ahridgpam )hr(pne-ic tesem hte risb os-()toc. Not teh tlorveasetbroC glnea dsternsnee taht we thkni ot hint elran eds.iasIe tog enduosfc itwh iths tipn.o

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adong  hotnleys tknih ihst was a .yopt toh trhsa +2
neovanilla  Aisnmsgu it asw tno a typo, hwo uwold eth escncroiptho galens eb dtneer ni shti ninod?tioc Fr.m.o. ..rni.c?yg +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by waterloo(126)
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I elef keil tapr of tshi si tmhe egeins if ouy cna goeenzric soeth rea u.ubtsel

  • So if uoy say ok ehste aer lbeuust, tacr,miohnonsoiii dioeeitnmts,r dan IPD ear obalrbyp ton

  • ilolpseGretnirhmou in my creeipnexe os ra,f thye sdholu bbalrpyo oshw a riemllog,u ton ubuelts.

enBteew sntumoaeoehg depras and utsbivoterc uoayrhpt, I leef like I ondt' haev neugho onfi - utb toisemems a 505/0 essgu is tbreet htna aygplin ta.ipesthlB

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nttntiineDo/aiidols fo anlre esvilp nad cyseacl A . yaUlsul caduse by niuryra cattr sbtnotcuior eealrng(, nos,set sreeev ,BPH itgonnlcae orttcnsbsu,io aiccrlve crneac, iyujrn ot reut,re ycrgpnena nyeprtlpaa;) ehtor siuc dsaecleun pelreoiatrernot fiisobr,s rraveteusiolce .rfleux tinliaDo crucso pomrialx to esit of oSrtuylae.poh mg interaneic meobsec tlaedvee fi otcuitsnobr si ibetlaral ro if teipant sah na eotrcy dtsaitrulosb edk.niy esLad to nospremiocs dna sileposb yhartpo fo arnle otcerx dan dumlea.l

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by redvelvet(56)
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esiprchconto elagn nendrsetes and rvBCe eWf sastc in ueusblt no ttah oopth ofr aempxelAl l of etmh si lnadige su to piepsrltyhn.ioe And vnee mroni ytcsiist cna cueas prlipetonsyhie ni arngcypen eud ot ettisbovcur uoaptrhy.

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diegolc26  I ogtuhht it lduoc be D or E ta tsrf.i uBt hte tcipeur is rllaey acrle. heTre si inlmafoimtan tiwnhi eht ublt,seu not in the ,siittrmuneit that otpisn mroe for istrteubvcO Uatyhpor hhciw is lsoa lni,ufpa can caseu v,free and a irks rotfca coudl eb morcpossein ude ot ledgrea +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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ihsT oquseint asw a litlte c,triky tbu het way I ewnt ubtao ti swa ecssopr fo mnti.ienlaio ouY not'd ees cihtcreopson leang nendsetres in B,,A C, or .D

ehS ahs verfe nda back ai,np eltiiefndy dtn'o ese thta ni I,DP hcihw sserenpt thwi vlieacrc ootimn endsrnst,ee and etlurnpu ecgsadrhi. coMghrraip salo itsn' oigsnhw vceiaclr lgs.ohtyio

sA an adedd s:ubno rinruay otenss uasec unxtirecagic naip wehn 'oruye gntiry to apss it ouhgthr royu ees,rutr clilabays dngggrai elodgi.san Hcene het etatipn

Yuo ntdd'i eend the rrcgmho,ipa otehr tahn to ees all oehts l,sruenhipot tub 'evwe all enes euheponrlitsoglmri yhoilotgs sd,lsei adn it ent'osd neve kloo .oslec

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by euchromatin69(16)
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eynaprgnc is a kisr ftrcao orf atcue nFoAeptrpiyelhis 9102 gp 589

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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losa ebyam odlcu od cessrop fo milntite.ain.oe.h iceonsot'hprc lgean nsrntdesee' csule us in ot ti egnbi a erlna meboplr, adn hte nloy rlena rsenwa icheoc is cobvstturie tauhpoyr

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spdrwmn  lgeipohitrmnlosreu asw na awsenr oicche +1

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