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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old woman at 32 weeks' gestation ...
Obstructive uropathy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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lsAo orf tesoh fo ouy who are aoltylt slcuseel ilke ,me yirruna tctar otctsbuinor = bructtesiov turayoph.

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skonys  I see .475 tuiciflfyD ecrso nda tinkh "wo,rd I tdo'n ndee ot teg ihst oen ecrrco"t +5

 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by banieb(23)
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nDurgi hte atls hafl fo encynrpga tidilnao of teh rupep anyriru tratc nac rcouc deu ot mocrpisesno fo teh utrerse by the ogiwrgn etsrfsuteu/u adn the naiel tlnrai.mise Teh rpoissoncem of shtee is ont wlnlgioa fuild gepsaas tnio hte edardlb uigsacn eruin puubldi in eht ky,edin siht sadel to iaodnitl fo eth keyind atth sned up nciagsu yctpmoaitsm e.rdnsopsioyhhr sith nac end pu ni ennitofci nda opmmytss cush sa hte noes retpsne in thsi aenittp keli cbka apin nda CAV teh cirgyn is ialymn ude to the npia ceauds yb eth btorcisnt.uo na d tusj as noseimght aex:rt eobldu pialigt satcrheet si a esaf and plmies yaw of agtrietn ycttoammpsi rsihdspyrooenh of nayrn.pgec

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banieb  ealtrerU stconrtouib yb hte pntergan ru tsueht5unbnm1w9:.oled./3pgiww.cmi79/np/tvs.7h/b +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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tvcuOiebtsr proayhtu eacuss a ntpreaols ozaaimet ;-&t-g whne epo,gorndl ltarbuu dgaame sn.eues Tsih asedl ot na cueta ralutbu cisensor, dzcaeirrhtaec by octrneci suglp ni eth ubautrl etssym as eesn in hte mgaei

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meningitis  Does ynoean knwo eht cnlveeear of the stem ygnias: g"ruind tsih teim seh slao ash bene yringc ?efrtqunyel" +53
usmleuser007  nhTik teh serplonta metazioa is td/ her cnegrnyp.a hitW hte insrgceani in szei s,tefu hte ilepvc cyivat is ebign rcmeedosps dan uths three si rprsusee on the reus.ter hTis aegndil ot het tr.tnopsaniee s A rpe oebav --- eth ncriyg byema tujs d/t erh anpi nda atoenlomi tssesr ucesad by irgonryw obuat sblispoe icopiasnotlmc idegnrarg her ts.uef +4
maxillarythirdmolar  yM tgu tsell em it mtsu eb esom stro of srnniaett chnaeg in llancatpe zsei wiht lomahron aegshc.n 'tsI nnimecisetr fo awth yuo mhgti xectep orf ebsrta esngach duignr teh nasrmulte eylcc, oim +
j44n  or yambe teh tsuef si rylelatli ruhigsnc hre trersue onit eth llwa fo rhe seilvp adn shse tgo an etcnfdie endkiy +4

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by ye2019(4)
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shlcyaiP exsma dehwos edsrnstene of thcnrcoopsei nla,egs ichwh aer teh eplsac wehre het dapgrmahi -npir)ehc( esmet het risb otc-)s(.o otN eht sbrtvteelCroao lgaen sdeertensn atht we kinth ot htni elrna dei.Iseas ogt oenufdcs ithw hsti inp.ot

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adong  oylehsnt nkhit thsi saw a ypot. hto thras +2
neovanilla  muignssA it saw tno a ,tpyo owh oudlw the erscicnoothp galsen be dteern in tish ctnonioi?d .rFmo.. ..?ygnri.c +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by waterloo(126)
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I leef lkei trap fo shit is thme igeens fi uoy cna ergnzceio toseh rea .beutuls

  • So if you ays ok ehtse are uet,lusb csnmtiooianro,ihi seit,mrointed nad DPI ear yobalbpr not .itrhg

  • splueieinrtolrGmoh ni my eiexercenp os afr, they oudhsl olyapbbr hosw a relgoml,ui tno etbsl.uu

neteeBw etouaenshomg esradp nda ictrvsbotue yhrautpo, I eefl ikel I t'ndo aveh ugeohn ofin - btu esisemotm a 5/005 gsues si btetre anht iapylgn tshtBeapl.i

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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loitnitDntedoinias/ of reanl lsepiv adn lsyeacc A . aysllUu uasedc by riynrau ctrta nobotctusri ngaele,r ( tnse,so esreve ,BPH nloneciatg unos,ttscbori cailevcr nrecca, rnyuij to t,erreu anrnygecp pataepynlr); eohrt iusuds aecncle oroleetarpneitr riifsso,b eiovtecaslurer lux.fre lnDtiaio ccruos parlimox ot iset of aup rlohot.mgSey inatenicre ecsoebm etdlvaee if tunrotbsioc si lietaalrb ro if taeintp hsa an or cedbststuoltaiyr eiy.kdn Lsaed ot simponosrec and ebosplis pyoarth fo alern coretx and ldma.eul

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by redvelvet(56)
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ocstecohnrpi anlge ednnerstse nad CBfvWere tascs in bueltsu on atht opoht for meaelpxl Al of emth is ednliga su ot e.pilyhritpsoen nAd even rionm ctsstiyi can aecsu penyerhlistoip in gnncrpeay deu ot roubttsciev rtpuhoy.a

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diegolc26  I htgthou ti cudol eb D ro E at .iftrs Btu eth pturcie is lleyar eral.c hreeT si laaofntiinmm inwtih hte ltbeus,u otn ni hte iiunetmrits,t hatt tnipso reom rfo bstticrveOu ryopahtU chhiw is oasl nfpa,uil cna secau efvr,e adn a rkis rtocfa ulcdo be mcnsrooeips edu ot deagrel urse.ut +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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ishT sountiqe aws a littel ci,rytk btu eht ayw I twen atobu ti wsa crsseop of .ntniimaioel You ndo't ees iotcepchosnr gnael rdnseeenst in B,,A ,C or D.

ehS sah vreef nda ckba nap,i ltniedfeiy 'ndot see atht in PDI, wihhc esrsnetp hiwt cvaicerl oomtin edtssenn,re nad uunerplt cdaiseg.rh rMorigcpah also ti'sn ngoswhi creicalv lhtyogsio.

sA an adedd oun:sb auinyrr ensost seauc geruaciictxn npai wenh orue'y gtiryn to spas it goruthh uyor rerute,s bsiallyca giangrgd ngiseloa.d ecHen the aetitnp

uYo dndit' eend teh ogcirr,pamh othre hnat to ese lal eosht ne,shotupril tub evew' all enes lmhopignilsuretreo itysooglh islsde, adn ti doet'ns vnee okol .ecslo

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by euchromatin69(16)
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eryancnpg is a isrk taorcf rof cateu li pAshoypniFeetr 1092 pg 895

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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aols eyabm ouldc od spesrco fo lenthin.ta..iimoe othcrniope'sc nglae tneserends' euslc su ni ot ti gbein a rlnae r,moelbp adn eth nloy eranl esrwan eoichc is vosicebturt puohyrat

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spdrwmn  ighiolrletespounmr asw an rsawne coehci +1

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