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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 78-year-old man dies of chronic congestive ...
Failure of the Na+–K+ pump 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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shTi niaslxpe ti ryllea lelw wiht a iercupt: n:thwaaei/As.hwif/ptd.p/dlglhyeooitmlt1/tlsw.ttll/s.ahP2maAmsuo/0.

cryoHdip ngache = neo fo hte yaelr gssni fo alullcre ngeoediernat ni essrepno ot uyijrn atht etssrul ni inmuoltucaac of rawte ni eht ll.ce pmhi/sacaexoHiyi saeld to desaece ni coaebir neiiptarsro in eht aootdimrnchi dan ddeeeasrc TAP noicpdtoru deu to erilauf fo het aN/++K AsTPea eaidnlg ot +aN adn erwat ioudsifnf nito the c.lle dnvdIaliui lutube llces aaprep lsewonl adn mte"y"p iwht loamts dedlcuco ,mlune rellsumugo is heualeprl.cryl

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dickass  tis' saibaclyl rofm ptomaha crhpeat 1: calluler iujyrn csuaes llwgsien +7
md_caffeiner  is@dkcas ouy why nreat oyu on eeyvr q tmse? +2
mangotango  od yuo mnae "sanigcu lreufia of teh /Na+K+ "esaPAT snietad fo ed"u to flaeriu of aN/++K .P.sTaA.e" ? eTh lwo PTA si edu ot edc ebiraco iorpesnar,ti I be.vieel +2
fatboyslim  aMoa@tngogn sye .xtacley /NaK TsePAa psots gkownir ued to het klca fo TP.A I hiktn innwlnamken exmid it pu +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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eniewofhSl  gtl d(.lpi co,. grceyleh gh)iamnie ss oi saeudrtc:eitene→ aird  PerptescdAoodTcneu de+c e/aaPAd→rseaNa n T+esK d amp+pu2C ivfnco t iiafyoftdui→ s +dna aN tawre thio etn ll→c e swllc anllligeure

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endochondral1  acn nmosoee nxapile ohw ot scrso uto eht otrhe ocit;ehcsg& +1
endochondral1  tahw is rhoidypc geanotrnedi adn ewerh do i nelra autbo ?ti ywh si it tno eht ssol fo asamlp aenermbm etit?igyrn +1
shaeking  hocadol1,ndrnE I hda the meas uoqi.ntse I ietdr igirnugf it tou and tihs is awth I came pu iwh.t eTh FHC and tnisncogeo fo teh nlgsu is nureicgd teh mtaonu of ogenyx ntigetg to eth enrla clse.l Wtih apiohyx erhet is easceddre bcoarei pesr in ntdoimhiorca iwth sddeceare AT.P tuoWhit AePTsa Na biudsl pu and ewtar olwofs.l As far sa eth osls fo mmeerbna eiintg.ytr I kntih ti oluwd acseu ruclella ttosndecuri nto juts iorchpdy chg.neas hiTs is my sebt +2
charcot_bouchard  mrbenaMe gaeadm is rvlseerebrii asetg fo eralulcl nujr.iy fi bemrnmae is dmadaeg ecll is nyidg &p;ma it lilw nhskri. ro tytolla dotrdsyee yb amn tnyai.fhioelmt aer scflylapieic kgisan ychdpori ecnghas ie ualllrec ligenlws. hwhic is hte st1 nisg of selbrevrei clel nriujy ude to lfuriea of aN/K ppum +2
winelover777  aohnr@edndcl1o epCrtha 1 of .htaomPa lsoA FA 9120 072p redisebcs rcpihoyd trndeeagonie hiotutw ygnais tesoh eatcx swodr in eth ifstr etlbul ednur rrleebvesi ecll ur.inyj +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by qfever(67)
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Patamoh 1802 ntodeii pega p4charet 1 - erCualll rjnyuI - .III birRveseel am;&p eerirsivlerb ullalrce inyjur - .B.1

I hda ucidfyltfi yinrgt to efguir out htwa idohrypc hangec nasem ougt..hh.

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bharatpillai  i arews 'eiv eond the same nuoietsq berofe on o/wlrud eon of hte eorvsiup EBsMN nad eht ersawn ot hatt swa naliaulcrtrel Ca iauucmnolac.t +2
mangotango  ilpataahbl@ir thast' also tuer! cDe ATP g&&;;tgt ced acvytiti fo 2aC+ adn /+aN+K ppums tg&;&tg; lalrlceu wlsgnlei e(ltiaesr cprlgioohmo nmaettafnisio of reeisrebvl lcel ,)uynirj oradtmoiichln nligwlse --- AF, pg K/7N a+0+2 AaPseT hieitdnib tg&;;tg& nic netlrlauailrc a+N t;;tg&&g ecd iaytivtc of 2a/a++C3N hngceaxe uppm g;gt;&t& inc ltrrillaacuen +aC2 --- thsi is the aems ywa xiodnig rokws in hte hate!r +1

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submitted by andremosq(9)
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oteQsuin outba aleluclr nij:yru

ordHcypi eahcng amnse le.wsignl e tnPtai has a coyhxpi gnchea .oto

esvbRielre llce inu:yrj eseceDar TPA ;-&g-t ceDaerse tivtcyia of a2C+ dna +a+NK/ upmp l-&reclt;au-lg wenilgls esil(aret lmoiocpohgr nn)iamfte,tisoa aolidhioctnrm lnsilewg.

FA2200. gpa 720

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