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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy has had fever, abdominal ...
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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by louisville(12)
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u-eyllehMbeten tedinas flace msaer rlvedee onuurmes plrohsuinte (ubt ton nay )samoi.rnsg ellhgiaS is rolclesso enhw astnide twih lhteymeen ;uleb E iolc iastsn bleu htwi yemelhtne lbeu bucaees it nseemtrf al.octse

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sympathetikey  .E lico sanits egrne s(jtu f)yi rost,heiwe c.pfreet +14
chandlerbas  lnyo E iocl ssiatn regn,e all rtoeh soetlca semfetnerr tsani alplc/rkpbue ts(ju )fiy eieosh,wtr pre.ftec ); 4FA1 4 bmoott +5
dmotav  I khtin hits si ltuaycla a eaetarps ecnpcot – E. cilo astnsi a"ilmtlec regn"e on ieosn eyemltneh beul ,graa ihcwh is ni het .E olci skcethy and sifrt ovHerwe hsti sueqnoti si nirerrefg to the netmlehey lueb test no a aclef samer. omFr athw I acn garet,h sthi tets lliw be iivpteos ddnai(teic yb erpeencs fo )ueoshinlrpt ni saces of iesivnav eahiarrd .(e.i lslahi,ge lonamaslle, htcriroeroagnmehe E. .)iloc Teh ttes lliw be etnvagie on( nhtupsoer)il ni cesas fo rdiareah udcsea yb xtnios rl,aeho(c ticrxogeetonien E. cli,o iaigad,r vrlai )diarrah.e oS evne hutohg .E loci nac prtesne whit eclfa PMNs if( s'it eth mrohraeegienorhtc ty),pe I usseg t'tahs esls lkeiyl ahtn giesaserul:?och l v4m5uhbsmwii..w.t54c4be2//gn:/nthodpn1.wpl/ +8
srmtn  ccterro daomt,@v Eoins lynteheem uleb aagr is eftirnefd rmof yehMnetl uBel itasn whchi jsut owhs espcrene or not of e.jout .se.ltucsyc dera tcalhiF: es ectyeolsuk nca be rvseebdo in ehtso hiwt hte lgfniowlo nitcdoions • maolnSlela fno•sicine t heaglilS f ntiio•secn irtaUlvcee clio t•is shoC’rn sesikdceauLytoees liwl be abntes ni cfael lessapm mfor oehst with idiaG,ar lo.ciE or vrlia niioncefst dan salo ni assce fo odfo ponio.sgni +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by monoloco(155)
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I kitnh lehlgiaS is the omts orap,peaprit sa it si aalycltu redrgeda sa ghyhil atlr.fmmiayno esY, .E oicl nca be fo het CET/SEHEC eivtar,y ubt .E lico lcudo also be fo the CETE raeiytv ro etvwaerh rtohe natirss ti sha. goEr, E. loic aym be ill,baseup btu ti si not het mto's .'ellkyi hBel ot eetsh sdikn of .sitqsuone

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jcmed  This is yhw I keipdc tsih oen busacee fo eth oumicd ytofsosotimnaam/llr aruetn :) +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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Silahleg cssuae na oyfmntiarmal eiard;rah it roescpdu a ntxoi nad cna vnieda ssteui i.teycrdl nI ntaiddoi, it si rssietnta ot i,dac os ti ahs a licclcraiseatyhatr low eficnitve dseo (0~1 ris,omsg)an hhiwc etfitaiclsa its acll-oraef -pptonre-(o)nseors dpeasr ecisyaplle ni intstsge rwhee ieynhge may eb ridooc,emspm hcsu sa in ayrcaed ro tnalusttiiino gsiu.noh tI cna be feefnaetdtdiir frmo .E iCol )HCEE( eesacbu E lCio tn'dose vhae as mhuc ppsesn-o-otenror rsdape nda ynlo seascu GI meagad by teh ehisil-kga x,otni ont etirdc anvsioni. oe,eTfrrhe CHEE dnlwt'uo afiattilec as rgtsno fo a lcnhureitpoi sne.srpoe

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yotsubato  I dusemas lla hte disk in hte adcyaer dah eht saem ,unlch uths otg fodo pooin,insg uths lal tgo EHCE. +5

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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aAtrp fmor teh eiln ni FA nneerefgicr MNP irelfttnai ni agilSehl, ehret is on ywa to fedrenatfitie eehr nwetebe ti and .E Cloi. apehC tsh.o

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merpaperple  sA sebt I acn sen,tnrdaud htwa ehty era rtiyng to egt ta is tath EM"B stnai oiwsnhg puheli"nostr &;tg- "BEM satin TNO whsogni samiors"gn ;-tg& mroe likley ahSliegl athn E iC.ol fI a apslcei ulturce fro na ogmnaisr .(ge. MBE for E. lCio) swsoh no nmsaorisg utb olny amiflatymrno ,lcles oil,rsntuhpe ttha msaen htat goasminr si ton fI tatsh' eht inotp here is't idkn fo a rtikc osi,eutnq as ew all udwlo aveh tgenot ti gtihr if heyt ahd stju adsi BEM" owedsh on "so.manigrs I seusg hte aatykwea is ahtt hte otnip fo a apciles rleutuc si rbayni - uoy era oknogil rof a iipcefcs ogsiarm,n dna it si iherte there ro ti nts'.i +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by groovygrinch(39)
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iLek naym ree,h I wsa tweeben E. oiCl adn lalhegSi tub etnw tihw glilaShe seucabe fo teh eadarcy cnerte i.hyotrs I aeostasci ECHE .E liCo iwht dba ebugrr eatm dan it esdeme lelikyun to me tath eyth wulod eb nigpwphi up esgurrb ta eht ardceya a(Uulyls yeeorven gibsrn iterh nwo ulhcn ot dayrcae) .

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by feralbaskin(2)
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lelighaS si teh stmo ellyik auslac osirmnag vreo .E ocil ude ot the tiegvnte eciplylcisfa nigtsat eth petiatn ahs dha old"ybo CMIDOU olstso thiw tm".sneues

aegP 414 AF 9021 GI sonaifis:ntmtae re,evF cpyarm bnadoamil pian t&;-g umen,sste loodb iumcdo sosotl (liycbaarl .dstry)eyen

eealPs eocrtrc me if Im' ,orgwn ubt I 'dotn rmereebm theSkcy imntoneign doloby dicoum sotlso rof .E ilco and ttha edital ndeots' emes ot aeaprp ni .FA

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meja2  hnTka ou!y I dnti'd chtac het dboly"o udocmi os"stol ecef,nerre dna yes ryeu'o grih-t E. ilco wtd'onul ehav isht npeort!tsanei +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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Osn BME rga,A daeistol elsooinc fo eifletnrmagc-tnose aibracte papare nbrow to k-ebalbluc ni o.crlo cihhaciEsre olic aesarpp sa ,gaelr bekllbcu-a cnooe,lsi efnto wthi a ergen imlaeltc s.heen tntoErecaber p.sp nreepst sa bwonr to ,beulc-kbla dciomu cesonoil whit no enhse. if-om-ntnlcsongteeaNer cosn,eoil such as gSllaieh spp. adn lSaaollnme ,sp.p arapep arrntetspna and l.scroeslo

We ibcasylal neeedd ot ecreartol thta → on moagsrnsi snee utb ylno ptrhliensou ot eignb a oletcsa eonnefrnr-tom rai.omsng refeorThe het enwrsa si illhSaeg dan tno E ocli

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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het ihcdl was ni a edracya, nenois nda toisvraur ear the osen ot kepe in mind. eisnon acn sloa be edu ot ahduwnse veegsig .oto and eth ayiftarmonlm otslo ehrliospt)u(n lsoa adecistni oisnne. het klca of xeeoupsr reeok(ocddun mtea rof ECE)H plhse ot elru otu C.i.oEl dtiyr atrwe T(CEE and EIE)C nta'er iosplebs beauesc fo ihts isdk ybdloo ol.ots olsA ofr iths ot eb UHS t(he lyon lssbpeio ol.CiE ihwt ylobdo rah,id)era we shduol eahv sene eht itdar or ta telas sitgehmon toabu ti miae(an + meoyhatncropoitb + utAec Renla fuf.)nsI. oAls, udico"m tos"osl si tigrh rfmo eht FA cathr fro lsle.ihga

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by whyisthis42dollars(1)
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.E icol sn'it an ornmtmyialaf ei,daarhr leagiSlh si ink(th cbak ot eht mlfsae in eth Skethyc .oi)ved htaT laneo si enuhog ot eulr otu .E ocli rfmo asrenw

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by beetbox(6)
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anC oeesmon pelh em ?uot I esohc i.lEoC ,oto nda Im' oot ichtk ot rnsdtadenu eth tmscenom here. Teh eqotinsu sdai aecfl marse ont elapcsi arag eulcurt ssdihw..yhe. aer we lntagki atoub tians col?osr dan hwy uwdlo mehnetely eblu itnesda eflca aresm hosw on masg?nior I tutgohh yenhemelt lbeu nsaist jtsu oubta nay clsel htat hsa N./DANRA If teh inostuqe is inrgty ot letl su tath eethr reew ON NOIRGSASM nese ni hte ,rsame hwy udlow Slhlaieg ont be e?sen Is ti aesbceu ilgaleSh sdaneiv clesl nad idrcdeneso more ilnrructaalle atnh lEiCo.?

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topgunber  i ktnhi .E ilCo dulow be svlibei no a eynheetml lube tansi eg(ern it)as,n im' sgumnsia lleahsig si oei huiamaroclpetys suscea bdooyl ahrdaeri ueinlk haoercl tbu im nisegugs its worng sebucae sti fmor es.aofod ghlaliSe dan c. eijjnu are ommocn ni eth tstaes em(as ihtw e )icol. eeBcasu loyn pnlhioetsru were sietnda we heva to amssue atth sti nto e ol.ic +

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