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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A male newborn is found to have a decreased ...
Thyroid hormone-binding globulin deficiency ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—monoloco(155)
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acrsdeeeD ,ttola nroaml refe n(bn)ouud = oirdyhT bgmendionohri-n niolbglu eecfdyciin

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submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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isTh is rpaelytnpa ngtnelciao rtyhiod dbnigni nilbolgu ienifydcce

"inbxhndye-Tgniori ibgunoll idifcencey โ€” boiinrgTi-nndxeyh ulnlbigo ()TBG ncdeifieyc is etzradecchira yb lwo rmsue lttoa T4 btu monlra refe T4 adn ST;H het isnoiagds is ncoemrdif by gemianrsu GTB nr.otosinnectca eeThs ftannis haev rmaoln iytrodh tnifnuco dna do not eiequrr ntmrte"aet. - '*ttde paaoncut fndi ni AF, yebam it is in rhtee m?hreoeswe

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hhsuperhigh  heT yonl ngthi I nca ertael ot isth si AF 1P33 " GBT in reanny,pcg OCP use eneos(rgt ercsseian GT)B eacesrnsi ttola TT/3"4, os rehe is het oeppisot tt,oiaiusn icwhh BTG eed,casers nda tloat 4/3TT +16
jawnmeechell  oGanlj kstla tboau shti u(odran 33 msin tino hsi idronneec r)tuelec ni tlroenai ot seacinder egnsornad snugiac daeceedrs BGT +3
sarahs  hyw tnsi ti aamntlre rianhtiyotd B?sA +2
sexymexican888  @hasars I tihkn fi it was dyrnittaoih sAB omshtao(is)h STH uwdol be hgih +
srmtn  raashs@ sebeuac it uldow be rtcsimine +( pyiahcls sfinngid) = drthoiy nssgesd,iie epcoyt ro .iyalshpapo het hrotiyd fo eth abby luwod not eb eabl to eamk thryiod rmesohon ta .all this abyb ash aderdcsee 3T nda 4T nad anolmr eefr T4. +

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submitted by โˆ—step1soon(51)
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Teh 3 naim sepitrno ttha acrry het yormtjai &(%g5t)9; of hdrioyT nosHomre TH() are d-ityonneghnxbiir guilblon ,B)GT( neatytrisntrh RTT,( or )u,ralbnepmi and u.anlbim A rinmo rprooonpit fo eth HTs si nobdu no smuer pi.rponleitos eVry ae,yrrl dan in hte ceottxn of H-tTain osbidaeint in utmoauiemn yidothr se,dasei bliinlumosuogmn lsao mya dnbi HT. TH ibnindg ot GBT is etzaadrcicehr by wol ptcaycia btu high ii;vatyd the everncos si t,rue ,ei ihhg ayiptacc tbu lwo iidvt,ay rof HT biignnd ot TTR adn l.banmui

A cneecyiidf ni -dTniinbgH snritpoe is cdseuspte enwh omaabynrll owl remsu tloat HT tncenocnioasrt aer teneocuenrd ni ayniclllci tiurydoeh cussbetj in eth ensreepc of lmnroa usemr rophynrtiot i,e( lsdynamthiriittgu-o nmrheoo ][S.H)T Moer csii,plleafyc low GBT is egsdsgetu ceseaub sith tneopri erraisc hte jmaioytr fo hte sermu H.T

earlSev setast fo idyeinccef of shit nrptieo ehav nebe debedsrci thta era rhteei tehirendi ro qdeiaurc. rTdyoih ncfiotnu sttes )TsT(F ni ntaepits wiht GTB ycifedniec wohs mralno HST and reef 4T, btu olw tlaot T4 ,adn ,lilcaaonsocy low latto 3T umesr acnrnocsentito. hTe osmt toamprnti iclliacn taspec fo GBT yificecdne sastte si negtrncioio of shete rerssidod nda vednioaac of secrysunane dna eilytpaoltn arumhfl TH erlenatecpm eptary.h

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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If yuo hntik uoatb ti stih ay,w ihs efre 4T is arlonm and ihs TSH is alomnr. ulodW yna oetrh tnooip lowla ihst ot aph?epn

A ptse urhterf ludwo be, hyw is his eerf rusem T4 kyao ubt his T3 nad T4 cd.e siH altto T4 must be sceeedard neth, iwhhc eno of eosht nca auecs htta ihewl ikegnep free T4 .malnro

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submitted by โˆ—hhsuperhigh(49)
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sTih is ohw ym arbni etdraf wilhe I aws ogdin shti sin..o.tuqe. I awnted ot eocosh TBG ydcf,ncieei ubt I ketp gnitnhik that if TGB si cne,tediif htat seamn rehte rae sesl or no gbdnnii tnerspoi in het .oobld ndA owh nca teh efer 4T be almo?rn tnuodhSl' eref 4T rnescaie if erhet rewe esls T4 bndiing pretn?io ...

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adong  efer T4 w'dultno neseirac usbaeec ti uldwo be ssndee by teh ptairyuit dan HST dlwou rpod tunil reef 4T zrsnaleomi +3

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submitted by โˆ—whossayin(35)
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yhw na'ct fcongoarni"aiti dfeect in T3 and T"4 eb eth anr?sew

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sugaplum  I ihtkn if it was nnirtofgoaicai fdetce yuo wlundt'o hvae a nloamr T4 eellv in hte rmuse. +18
divya  aeceubs erhet wulod be na ealorlv easecdre ni meurs 3,T T4 dna aisecner in remus HST le.esvl +

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submitted by โˆ—alimd(38)
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butoa 07% of eht icgrcnlatui thdyoir is udbon to irogitbydnnidh- ibgulnol )(bg.t het deraneimr fo eth oubnd irptneo si attdaech ot -ieyhbxriotngnnid amubelpnir ir)nnhtasyrett( nda iluamn.b gLrae rintivaoas in btg do ont raynlmol aftcfe eth reef .ofrm a rrea glintcoane ieedcinyfc ro sxseec fo btg ystalraidcl aterls the ubond noaifrct btu cueesab eth efer acontirf is or,mlan teh diulsiadvni are lal .eoduhiyrt

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