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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-month-old male newborn is brought to the ...
Na+: 132; K+: 3.2; Clโˆ’: 90; HCO3โˆ’: 37 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by apop(8)
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hesTe onsiteaplaxn aertn r.tgae tI etosdn erllay vhae much to do ihwt ARAS niicoaat.vt tI hsa stlmoa ervgiyenth ot do twih a enhnomopen celadl het lelinaka .eitd nI ihncorc vgt,noitim yuo dwuol tcxpee lC- ot be olw and =K ot be low ri(iaslm to lba usslrte ni mneosoe iwth um).alible To namptceose rof the owl lC-, hte csotmah has an tteorpnari cwhih snexgaceh C-l orf 3.OH-C erfe,eohTr -Cl wlli be reislhnepde ni het ,hotamsc ihlew -HC3O llwi nicsaeer ni teh do,lbo sacngiu an loal.kissa nI ackliatol tetssa, het /K+H+ raeoipttrn lwil ebgin ot tvceatia, tshingfi +K IOTN elslc akoal)eyipm(h nad gnrnaieics p.H AASR yrpbboal spaly a relo in makign teh pkohlemaayi oerws but eth inkealal eitd is oemr tamptnroi eer.h

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spaceboy98  stnI knlliaae ited areetld ot an erescnia ni pH terfa al?esm Yrou glcio si on ionpt utb 'Im nto uers ehwhtre ew can plypa thta tocnecp erh.e +1
kevin  cceopnt nac be iedpapl hree eaeubcs we eedn to eerptel eth lC- in dorre to raetce lC;H hte csoahmt tn'sdoe ecar if C-l si olw in usem,r onyl ttah C-l si low ni eth iplareta lelsc dan os lilw ppum out H3CO- ni sti pnxseee +
usmleaspirer  yhw si K+ wlo? +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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ihWt ihnccro motn,igiv you oels reyoctsletle adn a otl of icda. It rsggtrei mtciobela aolsailsk hhwci is hwy lla het msreu lveuas are wol ro( no eth lwroe edn of eth anmlor )ngrae tepcxe orf ibreoa.anctb

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ergogenic22  derscedea K+ from( diecsaenr SARA edu ot voemul osls) dan cdrdeease C-l ol(ss fo lCH fmor the h)mao,tsc slsliAako mfor olss of CHl nad usth high ci.Fbb r rao shti oesnar gihh to imd eagnr K is wrgno +5
sbryant6  'tlduWon rsednaiec SARA dela ot neecrasdi N+?a hTe wasern sohsw acredsede Na+. +3
sbryant6  ,sAlo rrmeeemb Bialmui rovsNae is tsacidaoes iwth aimekp.laoyh +1
sugaplum  so eht rngea they aveg for K is -?36 so .23 is LWN n?het ro era we utsj oipnrtage no i"t si no the welro den fo lmraon in "epds +2
dbg  dmisou lelves in ryoicpl ssntiose r,vya tnihngo yerlla scaisl,c acn eb ghhi as ni iths aecs miyspl ude ot d,oytnhari anc olw in teorh ceass fi oralteendso mneadag to seevrre ttha to the ertho eteermx +1
skonys  romHho,pyelicc" myeplochika itbecalmo kllaiosas si the cacilss oeetyteclrl and ecaasdi-b bilmcnaae of lrpcyio snsst"ieo rfom ampeescd ibenhd lmoitynlaiVw = movelu loss ed(c skin got)ur as well sa slos of H+, -lC dan h(Nt+wai )H02 &;-gt acliboeMt lkoasl.siA sLso of +H sasuec eecsrain C3OH- itrotnnee sa lwle as +K tfish inot lselc aoeikmplay(h 9FA1 85).7 +

From amboss: The loss of gastric hydrochloric acid from emesis results in increased bicarbonate concentration in the blood and decreased chloride. Some potassium is also lost through vomiting. Hypovolemia leads to an activation of RAAS, which exacerbates metabolic alkalosis via increased bicarbonate reabsorption (as a result of angiotensin II). Aldosterone also causes renal secretion of potassium and hydrogen ions, further exacerbating both hypochloremia and metabolic alkalosis.

+10/- smpate(20)

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—masonkingcobra(408)
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nI baiemtcol ssla,lkaio tsiumspao evmso toin eth ellcs

heT loss in ovlmeu tguhroh emssei gtersirg ASRA etsglnuir in erciesand edsronoeltA eerlsae adn fethrur sostumiap xritoeenc


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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by iamapotato(3)
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oN one rehe hoebtder ot aytaullc sciussd t'shwa ginog nTi .ohs is a nht1m-o old bnwner.o

He iomvst treaf esfnd,ige dya5- ioyh.rts

tA 1 ohmnt ld,o hwti itmnvoig refta fsigde,ne it si tsom lkelyi a seac of ROYCPLI SSINSOET eud to rryhpyoepth of het rlypico hsnicetrp sluu(ayl ourscc 6 eeskw lrat.)e

Deu ot mih nvimigot cshomta ,ntstnceo eh lwil LSOE ,Cl- K+, dna N.a+

He illw ASOL osel +.H shTi is ywh uyo go onti eht amiceltob lakilssao iwht a tsrnteaul rnaeseci ni het .H-C3O

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kamilia20  h:kesyct: tigvoimn ucssae loss of REWAT geeartr htna uโ†’oidsm nreeasdic srume siumdโ†’o CREANDSEI emsur lt,aiymlsoo oS NA liwl eracedse oo,t but on ttha arf +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by ark110(1)
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utB what is het eefcnrifde weeebtn nitpoo A nda poiont C 1;(32 ;94. ;09 )35

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sympathetikey  K+ slounh'dt riaences. s'It gimnvo toin lelsc edu ot mcetbolia salalsok.i +
home_run_ball  In eth rateplia lcel of hte e h ngo stmryaHd oc sino aer merfdo morf hte onatdsioicsi fo cabcroni adi.c reatW si a yrev nmior ucoers of ydrhogen osni in inoscramop to nbaoicrc cdai. ironabcC iadc is feodrm fmor abrnco dieoxdi adn trwae by acbcnrio edha n. ashyreT itorceanabb ion O(Cโˆ’)3H is aexhdcgen fro a eroclhid ino (l)Cโˆ’ no eth aalbs deis fo the lecl nda the tiebcnoabra udsfefis tino eht vusneo dolb,o ideangl ot na knaelali ietd .oonhnpenme +1
ergogenic22  ARAS nsrcaeeis omrf velumo ssol, nad stuh more lsadeeonort lesad to owl K+ +1
sinforslide  ehTer ssneaor for haomei.lakpy ,stiF r eoms K+ si slot in sgartci ul.sidf Sodne c , H+ ftihss otu fo llecs adn +K sihstf onit sclle ni tabcimleo sai,hl si.kToaldr CEF oumelv rtntcaooicn ash cuaeds enairesdc eeicrnots fo neoa.rdolste +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—rainlad(33)
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ylmeh,piroHcoc lamcoykpihe omlbeaict ilsosaakl si teh scslaci ttrleloeyce nda -adseacib elaibcman fo irplcyo tisse.nso

Perstsitne ngmivtio serulst ni osls of l.HC ehT rohcelid slos ssruelt ni a olw odlob odcheril lleev hhicw mpiiars the k'ndesiy ybiilta to rexetce raionebtbca. iThs is the coratf htat vnestrep cnoeoticrr fo hte oslaialsk alndeig to mceiltbao oalslksai.

A sdecyaron adntypsleieoosmrrh odevsple deu ot hte ardsedcee dbolo oeml.uv eTh ighh leardsneoot slvele ecssua teh dnyiesk to tiearn a+N t(o eccrotr eht caanslravritu umleov epndolet)i, dan txeeerc neisearcd osnuamt of +K tino hte nueir ns(tlgurei in a wlo bodol lvlee fo puta.msios)

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submitted by thefoggymist(12)
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I d'not etg hist. u'toSdlnh hte nyeiksd atsrt coenrrgtci eth abcbri slevle afer 5 sy?da Teh eleaddy ahpes fo eth ntecriocro iscen ehty take .m.e.ti nad ni teh etiqsnou 'heyter ansigk w"o.e W"n vaeh leaimtboc skoaaslil cneis HCL si tl,os so hte odyb wlli tyr to ccertro ti rftis by oirhyetvelnntapi and letar yb ascreedni trcoienex of babcri. irabBc dsluho eb w.o..l nlss(eu Im' nimssgi metgsiohn ude ot gebin )xheteadsu

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thefoggymist  d,Nienremv I ithkn I otg .it etBa idltatcrenae slelc caontn ifnnoutc and rctxeee cbrbai ebeascu ew tndo' aehv aeY pearylanpt I asw adetse.xuh +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—amirmullick3(76)
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ryeV syae ouesntqi. siolnbiuoN tv.iom 1 omnht .ega Mtos ykleli eiaoscnr si lopciyr snsto.ies

eTh igiomvtn uceass slso fo lHC so we veha the ,eairpchoohmyl and aenrl ocstnpoinaem rfo hist H slso s yib viregrsenp nopsort at eht nespxee fo K so tath visge k.eyalmpahoi As hte seasdei is enamd, the arro rewd ni the miega of teh tahsocm si mtshoo eumcsl thryeypprho fo eht lrciypo suislcramu sacome,u rm negfioht -epilsoevdha amss eftl on nalp.itoap hisT is a ilcombtae oaklsslai ceaseub howtuit -lC, het Hbaaaelt3 orll/COsC achgnerex illw ont ko,wr so ouy eniart CO.3H

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