This video explains it
I think by 'left sternal border' they're referring to the Erb's point - left 3rd ICS on sternal border.
Even I got it wrnong thinking tricuspid area is being described!
Gtear oiedv no 1S and 'tis i!tslp!
ehT yaw I rembeemr ,ti :S1 Mtairl &;mpa ptsucdiri cb oblod sgoe mofr rtaia to vnislrtece nthe rfmo reisecvtnl to iutodes eth rhtae ;gt-&- S.2 oNw, ewnh yuo evah a pSitl 1S het ayw I inhtk uobta si htta ehnw oyu ehnlai ouy ehav etxar oobdl ncmgoi tion eth tihrg esid of the htaer os eth trpsducii veslav oslecs etlra adn aesscu a pslti 1S puno oipirnster.a Hope hatt hlsp.e
Q: iSptl 1S eadrh rveo tefL nlrates ebrodr - updicsitr eara. rtFsi etncnopmo of A? 1S: nnygathi CM( in RB)BB ttha sseuca ealdedy lreusco fo rdcuipsti leavv mcordeap ot rtamil lv-eav iwll uasec pilts 1S whti aelyded T1 nda reayl M1 aherd ta piirucdsT aaer.
Peseal eard hte stal ecentsen fo eth sqieot u.n I intkh eth spilt gtihm be ubcasee of ,.bbR hsit usesac hte irtaml adn sdituicpr vvael ot slcoe ta rfdefniet eitsm.
so- iwhhc of the lwlgfnooi steb plesixna eth frits oteomnncp of the threa udnos tislp( .1S) lu hoSd eb eth itmrla vvela lcersou reoefb teh pidctsriu l.evav
submitted by โlfsuarez(160)
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srFti ehrat dosun S1() is gnaedeetr by owt thare ls:avve hte rialmt ealvv dna sitducipr vav.el Nyreal mlauesoituns scnlgoi of seeht elvavs lrymnloa geternsea a lginse S1 sn.oud tnSlipigt of teh 1S dsonu si rdeah nhwe iamrlt dna pisiuctrd selavv csoel at gistlhly rtdefifne ste,im tihw uslaluy het amrlti iogcnls eoebfr rupidtics