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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 61-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Closure of the mitral valve ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lfsuarez(160)
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srFti ehrat dosun S1() is gnaedeetr by owt thare ls:avve hte rialmt ealvv dna sitducipr vav.el Nyreal mlauesoituns scnlgoi of seeht elvavs lrymnloa geternsea a lginse S1 sn.oud tnSlipigt of teh 1S dsonu si rdeah nhwe iamrlt dna pisiuctrd selavv csoel at gistlhly rtdefifne ste,im tihw uslaluy het amrlti iogcnls eoebfr rupidtics

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yotsubato  Tehn why teh fkuc is ti dgcebsirin a imratl vlaev dsuno in hte tsiruipdc eaar +29
dr.xx  it's rebsnidigc a tnitsgipl S1 โ€” nissotcnig of ilrmta dna udtciirps valev rlsecou โ€” atht si bste ahred ta eth cdrusiipt e(tlf reowl ertalsn )derrbo dna rtmial aarc(cid ea)px niglensti sspt.o +40
titanesxvi  rtkyic uqetnio,s I ohuthg htaw udnos it is ni het etfl lnasetr oe,rdrb os I cesoh dipsrutci vvale, tub wtah yhet rehew sginka ,aws hawt si het frtis otomnpenc fo teh S1 uodns +5
titanesxvi  irtykc st,eqiuon I ughoth wtah ndosu it is ni hte telf rsenlat err,dob so I ocesh tdiprsciu vaev,l but tahw htye erweh knsgia ,wsa athw is eht ristf menonpcot fo teh S1 oudsn +1
drzed  It d'uhotlsn teramt ehewr uyo arhe a tlpsi ou.nsd roF pax,leem on etatrm rehew ouy lucauatets on teh ,erhat the edsnoc ahert dsoun in a yhatehl ivliauddin ilwl waalsy eb 2A enht P2 hehrw(et yuo rea ta eth lrmtai gteninils psto or the toirac nietgsnli tThope )s yke si gizgnencior ahtt eth ihrgt ddsie svlvae in ehhatyl nidsduiialv lwli lsaayw sloce rlate ..(ge teh ehrta dssnuo aer S1 ,2S utb reom aiclyeifcspl 1M 1T A2 P.2) Teh earnos fro tshi is ms:peil if you eatk a tebrah in, you ilwl rcseaien adroepl on eht tgrih deis fo hte rhea,t nad uhst hte grartee ueomvl iwll ceasu a dayelde loscuer fo the .vleav siTh is opsyloihicg ingsttilp, nad is tetbre crpdtaaepei in hte oyauprlnm and oracti elsvva aeescbu ethy rae ruedn aergetr reeu,ssrp and usth ue,dorl but ti nac aols eb raehd ni het istfr aetrh .dnosu +16
alexxxx30  sey !d!garee shTi seoqtuni si tsmloy sngaki fi oyu snduardnet a wfe sbiac gsntih rngadiger adoric yospih. hTe left sied fo eth taerh si eht geihrh essrpuer eisd so lfte esdid selavv iwll olsec rst.if The thirg iesd fo eht ehtar is eht rloew erspurse e,dsi wichh eansm rtihg esidd vevsal wlil pone f.stir ftLe[ coesls t,isfr Rhitg snepo ]i,ltofsncSy...erd it reieuqrs uoy ot onwk thaw 1S and S2 ussond emoc mfr.o 1S si hte dciilutaspitrr/m eavvl lnsgioc nad 2S is het ayArirmtolpc/oun svvela n.gsiloc So rayell hte qeisuton saks hatw is het stifr eonmtnopc of S1 imat(lr or ptisrcudi leoscs f.)rsti dnA eincs ew kwon taht teh tlef sedi lwil asalyw lcoes fisrt, it tsmu eb lamrit avvle loresuc. yrorS fi hatt wsa a nlgo +16
jesusisking  hTskna lxa@x,0xex3 ouy teh !anm RIP eoKb +
yesa  d@erdz eussln is't oicardaalxp sliniptgt ]Ex atiorc otssnie,s tneh ti si oicart alevv ignslco sftri at 2S. +

I think by 'left sternal border' they're referring to the Erb's point - left 3rd ICS on sternal border.

Even I got it wrnong thinking tricuspid area is being described!

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submitted by โˆ—gh889(154)
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Gtear oiedv no 1S and 'tis i!tslp!

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—rolubui(17)
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ehT yaw I rembeemr ,ti :S1 Mtairl &;mpa ptsucdiri cb oblod sgoe mofr rtaia to vnislrtece nthe rfmo reisecvtnl to iutodes eth rhtae ;gt-&- S.2 oNw, ewnh yuo evah a pSitl 1S het ayw I inhtk uobta si htta ehnw oyu ehnlai ouy ehav etxar oobdl ncmgoi tion eth tihrg esid of the htaer os eth trpsducii veslav oslecs etlra adn aesscu a pslti 1S puno oipirnster.a Hope hatt hlsp.e

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submitted by โˆ—yogi(19)
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Q: iSptl 1S eadrh rveo tefL nlrates ebrodr - updicsitr eara. rtFsi etncnopmo of A? 1S: nnygathi CM( in RB)BB ttha sseuca ealdedy lreusco fo rdcuipsti leavv mcordeap ot rtamil lv-eav iwll uasec pilts 1S whti aelyded T1 nda reayl M1 aherd ta piirucdsT aaer.

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submitted by usmlehulk(7)
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Peseal eard hte stal ecentsen fo eth sqieot u.n I intkh eth spilt gtihm be ubcasee of ,.bbR hsit usesac hte irtaml adn sdituicpr vvael ot slcoe ta rfdefniet eitsm.

so- iwhhc of the lwlgfnooi steb plesixna eth frits oteomnncp of the threa udnos tislp( .1S) lu hoSd eb eth itmrla vvela lcersou reoefb teh pidctsriu l.evav

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