This video explains it
I think by 'left sternal border' they're referring to the Erb's point - left 3rd ICS on sternal border.
Even I got it wrnong thinking tricuspid area is being described!
ertGa iovde on S1 dna s'it lips!t!
Teh yaw I rmreembe ti, :S1 rtiMal amp&; iutdprsic bc lobod oseg rmfo traia ot nvteelsrci nhet ormf ncleeivrst to estoiud teh rahet ;-&-tg 2S. ,Now ewhn uyo hvea a ipStl S1 het ywa I htink buaot si tath ewhn oyu eliahn ouy ehva rteax oblod oignmc otin eth htrgi sied of teh eahrt os teh rtpidsicu savlev cosesl leatr nad csuaes a lptis S1 nupo ieapostrinr. pHeo htta hse.lp
Q: Stipl 1S rhade rove fteL rteasnl rrdeob - tuiicpsdr irtFs moonpetnc of A ?1:S nnhtgiya C(M ni RBBB) that casesu elaeddy sluocer of ripcuitds vvela aromcdep to litmar a-vevl lliw ecsau tspli S1 iwth dleedya 1T dan laeyr 1M ahrde ta rTpuicdsi
Peelsa eadr the alts netsecen of eht squ.etoni I nhtik the itpls itmhg eb usbecea fo .R,bb isth scaseu teh tlamri nda pductisir vavel ot seclo at trdnfeife e.tmsi
-so hchwi fo eht giolwlnof sbet xseailpn teh tsfri ntpomcoen of the htrea suond istlp( .S1) d oSluh be hte tlmira veavl cesluor feeorb eth usprctidi lve.av
submitted by โlfsuarez(160)
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Ftisr thear odsnu )(S1 si gtdneeear by two rtahe sevlav: het ltmrai eavvl dan drstiipcu evalv. eylraN samnstluueio gslcnio fo tseeh vaeslv anlromly nrgeatees a esnilg 1S su.don gtnlStpii of teh S1 unosd is rdeah wehn mratil nda picstiudr velvas eslco ta stgihlly ftfnreeid itm,se ihtw uullays hte mrailt lcosngi eobref cuptrdisi