This video explains it
I think by 'left sternal border' they're referring to the Erb's point - left 3rd ICS on sternal border.
Even I got it wrnong thinking tricuspid area is being described!
retGa ieovd on S1 nda si't t!s!ipl
Teh ywa I bereemrm ,it S:1 itaMrl ;mp&a icuptdrsi cb lbood eosg ormf iraat ot litenrcvse enht orfm snctlivree ot iudoets teh heatr -t-g&; .2S ,oNw ewnh yuo vhae a Spilt S1 the yaw I nkith uobta is atth nhwe ouy iehnal you vaeh trxae bldoo iocmng toni hte rgith ised fo teh rteha so eth sirpctuid elvsav sslceo lrate nda assceu a pislt 1S puno oeps.rniarti epoH taht hspl.e
:Q Siptl S1 erhda orve efLt srnetla droreb - sctiidpru aea.r sFtir cpmnoeton of S1A:? gnynathi CM( ni RBBB) that cuaess eyldeda useorlc fo dsitrupic laevv cdparmeo ot ilmtar evval- ilwl cseau slitp S1 itwh laeeddy T1 dna larey 1M radhe at Tiidcpusr area.
ePlase adre eht slta entecsen fo teh un e.otiqs I nkith the lpits imght be bceeaus of ,b.bR shit seausc eht mtlria dan turiscipd levva ot secol at fetnidref is.mte
o-s wihch of eht owillgfno sbet ixesnapl eht rtsif oemnocntp of hte taerh sndou ip(lts 1.S) d Sohul be eth marlti avvle usercol oeerfb eth itdpuicrs
submitted by โlfsuarez(160)
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sFtir trahe dnuso 1()S is eaentgedr by wto htrea svelv:a het lirmta evlva nad iirducstp lNeray inaeosutulms clgosni fo thees vlvase alrnoylm grestneea a lengis 1S nu.dso nttliSpig of het S1 sudno is aredh enhw tilamr nda iurpsicdt avelsv elsco ta hglyistl eedrnffti ,msiet iwht ualluys hte itlram cslgoin obfree ciisuptrd