This video explains it
I think by 'left sternal border' they're referring to the Erb's point - left 3rd ICS on sternal border.
Even I got it wrnong thinking tricuspid area is being described!
teGra idveo no 1S adn t'si !!pltis
ehT ywa I emmrbere ti, 1S: Mlrait apm&; purtsidci cb ldboo eosg form aaitr ot sletncvrie tneh mrfo reveslncit to etdisuo het traeh t&g;-- S.2 o,wN enhw oyu heva a ltipS S1 het awy I ikthn botau is ahtt ewhn yuo anhlei ouy heav rtxea dbloo omginc nito eht hritg esdi fo hte rteah so the ictsurdip elsvav cssoel lreat nad suasec a ptisl S1 poun n.eptraroiis pHoe taht .lhesp
Q: ipSlt S1 eahdr erov etLf tearlns borrde - iupisrctd raa.e srFit teocnonpm fo 1 A?:S tignyahn M(C in )BRBB that csuesa yedlade crsoule of iripsdcut elvav modparce ot tiralm l-avve lwli ceaus tpisl 1S htiw yeedald T1 dna layer M1 rahed at csridipuT aaer.
lePaes edar the ltsa sceenent of eth oni s.qetu I nktih the pilst gmhti be uecseab fo bRb,. hsti casues teh mtilar adn tpuiidcsr vvela ot eolsc at finetfdre e.smit
o-s hiwch fo teh iwollgfno etbs xpelasni eht ristf etncpmono of teh aethr odusn (split S.1) odu lSh eb eth imrtla laevv eolcusr efbero eht rusiicdpt
submitted by โlfsuarez(160)
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stirF arhte uosnd (1S) si edegntrea yb owt treha vlsaev: het riltma elavv dan ptrisciud lvvea. alryNe leonususmita coiglsn fo etshe vavles amyllonr neetrsgae a igsnle S1 nosd.u gntiipltS of eth S1 duson is aedhr ewnh tirmal nad rupciisdt lsavve loces at tlylihgs dtfnefrie iesmt, iwht lyuuals eht tialrm lgsicno eerofb uipsirctd