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Retired NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—imaginarybanana(30)
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dno't eb a dkci? nto lalyer urse awth rome trhee si to .ti Teh nepatit ode'stn have any rhtoe lyifam so tish mnawo shdlou be endiosderc liayfm

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aesalmon  itossunQe keli isht yuulals eihng on nkaigs if ey'oru iogng to ollofw hte lesru ro ton gotu,hh lyuobviso eht eno sgaikn reh to ile nad asy ehs wsa her rssiet si wrog,n tub eth oertrcc enaswr is ousovyibl rgebniak het eiphosc tnrs'cee c"lpyi"o - psmbryulea if hte hiyanpsic si iednsng ehr ot scepoih nteh yteh 'ntdo okrw heret os hyw wuldo het r.D eb bael to just eltl reh sit nef?i +6
hungrybox  aeh,Y I tog ihst noe ngwor whit teh smae lcgoi sa uo,y aoel.nsam +1
emmy2k21  I nugnyeeli prttenedier hist sounteqi as hgothu teh owt eowmn rewe ni a npeioatsrlih eaesucb fo eht outqes my" solec ndei"r.f I guerdif tnnicasgfii hsoetr dlouw be deawllo to tivis .sipmly Ha eemss lkei Im' teh lyon oen woh drea oot afr in enetbew hte l!neis +9
dr_jan_itor  km@2my2e1 I oals thohutg eth oqseut ilepmdi a bisnela elpsnohatiir dna ttah eht ntaepit wsa araifd to shera tihs eyt(h rwge up ta a meit ewnh ti wsa yliheva dsemii)z.tgta oS i asw g,inihntk of suceor oyu nda ryuo secal"pi fe"indr cna tsay I wnko hsit si ont juts a esahp +10
et-tu-bromocriptine  ngyinhAt atcuayirrllp owngr thwi A nDo('t yo.wrr I'll clal oyu rgith ")a?.y..wa tI eedmse eikl teh mtos roapilenofss yet sdeteanciro nrawes ccehi.o Aer we esppuosd ot lmiyp thta eht'yer strpaner debas no oseth iotaotnuq sakmr unarod oel"sc fdi"ne?r uBacese ieshwrote ti sseem like oot suacal dna lses siplaonsfore hnta ,A lotmas as if s'it arbginek yl.opci +5
lilmonkey  I can rwase tath I wsa shti eacxt smae qtuniose in LOWURD .foereb eTh noyl roensa I otg ti trhgi tsih .item +1
docshrek  eolkylm@in cna yuo palsee vieg eht IQD ofr eht drloWU ounesit?q +2
jakeperalta  naC meoenos iepnxal to me why iflgwloon ptshoali licpyo si eht nrgow rnesa?w Im' os sdnAto.l inseltseyla ohw si ihst ptnioo any fntdreefi rofm eht last ooitnp ehewr eh sask rhe to say sit erh eiss?tr tBho og igatsan itosphal ciyp.ol olWdu aetylgr epeaaiptcr osem hgnitsi .layl +
jakeperalta  Can meoosen pineaxl ot em hyw ilofwnlog tlsphoai iyolpc is het gownr wners?a m'I so nAdtlos. nleastleyis owh si ihts ooptin ayn itfrdenfe fmro het slta nitopo wereh he sask hre to ysa tis her sriset? tBho og taingsa itpsoahl c.lpioy duolW aeyrtgl eciapprtae some nigisht lya.l si:t.P ktrsuc me as a ciortnam rehsnlaipoti as lwel, utb it t'nseod lcrae ym d๐Ÿ˜“utbo๐Ÿ˜ญ +1
drschmoctor  erjakatae@pl olloFniwg teh plistaho colyip is rgnow ueabces it douwl eb uelcr dan ynscalnueesri riigd to edyn a gndyi mnwao eht ctfromo of hre eostcls no.aipcmno A,ols It wlduo eb netpprparaioi ot sak teh tP ot lei. s'ha Wt the tonpi of iocgbnem a drocto if ouy veha to follow some BS aprorctoe oycipl nedstia of lnlgaci hte tssoh adn gdion ihrtg by yoru tnae?sitp +1
peridot  aY daink bmdu htat suyuall MENB aslluyu tlsle su ot eenrv raebk the uelsr, eyt erhe 'tsi sduydenl k.o utB here the seorna ofr hist pexeotcin si atth liewh nloy lify""ma si ,dawlelo a nliseba rintispoelah liiaufesq eth ""efdirn sa mflaiy eh(yt utsj erew neerv lcfaifyiol aogkedldnwce as m/aaelmifrdriy ued to msgita ro tetas ,swla ihhwc eociyts neegcszrio tdaoy si dbum and oe)atdd.ut 'tIs a pstdiu iyhcacltietn ahtt ehr gniiatncisf roeth 'tsni oadellw ot vitis sa a aiylfm ,bermem os lhwie ew alslyuu nevre nwat to break seulr, hits cisoaern fwosllo the trpsi"i" fo eht e.rlu Pslu ts'i a arylle mtreeex enaicrso wrehe hte nwmoa is ingyd and ujts wtnas to snpde ehr stal msemtno ithw ehr lvedo neo adn it wodul be oto lurec ot nedy emesono tha.t hTree is on eil ivlev,odn chwih nkdia vseale oepn teh acenhc rfo hte isonuatti to be ealedrc pu fi owesr somec to rst.wo shTi is efitenrfd ormf E cwihh is a hrtstaig up eoHp atht e.dhlep +1
kavarthapuanusha  Well i am tgirwni this etrfa tegingt het wnsear rwgon nda aeftr onwk eht trihg rsanwe , i ikand kihnt sit usf.tdeiji zCo hyet nidoeetnm sit sheo,pci fi ni ihospce yna moatnu of naip emactiindo is lwoeald , hetn htsi slao shdulo be aolwdle , alfltrea aimn ami si to oocmfrt eht paetit!n fI ti ewre aym eb whseeeler htne gwnflooli lphotisa oypcil yam be gtrhi , tub spcihoe ylawas ntetpsai ftcorom stifr so asmke ense!s Aso l its rehte ni emnb 17 , so ndto yrrow if yuo teg it ongrw . +1

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submitted by โˆ—pg32(218)
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The oynl yaw to gte tish insequto cetrcor si ot bakre teh rusle of teh hiecpos ceetrn ecasbue you muedsas teehr aws a tincamor poilhatrinse etebenw eth nem.ow uCdto'nl eb eorm wfroghrtd.taisar

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NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

Is this how it works in real life? Am I ever going to need to need the TCA cycle after Step 1? Probs not.

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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hsTi remo or essl eseirl no awth uoy reneteimd teh odiinfeitn fo fy"ail"m to b.e herWeht teh pt dan erh ifdenr era in a tcirmona apelhionisrt or not htye raylaugb elyr on each rehot as miflay rmebmes uldow.

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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Wlle yhet era ont llelgay a imylaf eyt a(dn sey it is ryve iugntptse nda uniafr) and teh octdor ilybrraiatr nguvorlier teh pheciso cytaliif rselu rncgciaod ot h/srieh now ujtnmegd usndedo wognr to me... I dnot' nI case ynnthiag papsehn nda teh atfcilyi dnifs uot otuba tshi, luwd'nto het 'osctord ssa eb no het rftsi neli no iust?wals Deos -okeicDD-At'n-B luer osal palpy erehw yuo amy tyaetopliln clash hwti esrul nda alsw as ew?ll (:

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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fO lal the nhgtsi tehy nca tste su ,on 'eehtyr itetgsn rou cinukfg ad??Gar

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peridot  'tnoD mena to be na eraeg eebavr but I hhgotut it aws tytepr olco to egt stetde on uor a!yrdga I hktin sa'tht na tminaortp ntigh ot pcik pu no. sA for rtehi rnsewa ,cieshco mI' nto aysawl teh sitbgge anf fo heost secin I nktih s'rhete more anht eon hitrg yaw to do ose.g..nthmi +4
yesa  zytevv@ I yllear 'otdn nkhti ehty er.a eI'v oedn ym ietanlrn cinmeedi anriotot dan tpnes two skeew on sdlio con erewh lla my ntsetiap rewe me.nairtl It 'tenosd mtatre if hte ieloiathrpns is ocrtinma or tn,o and the oresna het infder ldohus tge ot saty whti eht tiatnep i'tsn os the ridnef cna eb ddaeutp no hte ein'tapst cneiinacroo/dt reom is-a-elstiy' ot ridovep tomcofr adn pnacposmioihn to teh ptntaei as hes secaf a cnsttaon uipllh lteabt whit hre si.eaeds The qauilyt fo the n'atstiep feli si ctnnegtoin on suhc trrpppossnuexee/cie if sethe are tmnairpot to .hre +1
sunnyside  .s.Y.iek ts'i grnidenctscoi egrdnai isth romf a ltotinaep efrutu cllu.eoage Tleiberr ejko fi th'sat wtah uoy ewer noigg rof. ooooB +

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