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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Genital herpes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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wonK ruyo 'SDTs baby -); iogn(g thrhgou eyrve thoer ccehoi no sthi )e:nqiotus

  • tBlacreia aissgnvio eausdc yb aaeeldrlgrn vgsilnaali. eS a ,itnh fof ewhti drahcigse and yhfsi selml fis(h in teh e.ngrda) 'eTersh no mlainfotinam Lba f:nnigsdi Hp gtareer atnh 4.5 j(tus ekli t,hosrnasomiic)i nad a iveipost fwihf stet whti OHK. etSm illw sya otghnesim atbuo uoldmrsaoo ihcaredsg dna hswo eth fiauomns ELUC ELCLS if we aer lkuy.c oNt eht awresn rfo stih qentisou ubyloosiv bsuacee ew doulw ton tcxepe eseilcsv wiht hsti iatlecabr seades.i

  • iaiiCsdsnad is ngiog ot eb oyru htkci gatcoet eeesch csdgeairh, itwh afantlm.noimi nmrola Hp see se.yphoueaphd Treta iwth tiaclpo ttyasn,ni or oarl nooleflazuc lnsuse e'royu ngnapert tnha seu atorllCmize.o ginaA otn ggoin ot ees nay vcls.eies

  • dConrhcai rep olwrud is aioesctads with hHusemiolpa ruyicde ouy lwli ahev a eDpe rupleunt lipanuf ruecl wiht papsituurve adltmypeshiin. liWl be dtol ttha eanttip hsa punalfi liuinnga eo,snd rhtee may be mtllepui peed lruces wthi a-yyglolrwe tuaexed. oYu od rcy twih H. iYuCdR ihsT ou'wlndt eb treu orf awht uor pettina ash in siht etnsquoi ebsaceu ew tn'rea tldo fo yna uaglniin aapde.nyoth a klin to a aocihrdnc AVD

  • iCdahayml ttirchsoaam sceusa ynmlarlompuhago veneremu hchwi is mslla alsolwh leru,sc isanpls,e tbu nhte eht rglae lifpnua aecoelcsd unglanii lmpyh ndsoe aak BBOSU.E amCrpdoe iwht ghennaoro eth dchiesgar is omer rtnienh nad .ytwaer nAaig otn eth cesa heer as tis unfliap dan on nteomin fo yna OBOBSSU.E hTe daehcrisg in eanrhorog is meor he.rkitc hBot alde to IPD, trtea orf obht esebauc conticefno si mno.mco ithW btho ntiteap amy heav semo ostr of ainp ro iugnrnb nniotasse unop rui.ontani eSeritl iuyarp ghouht orf thbo.

  • laomndyCo iaatummncuc is a inamosenftiat fo PVH 6 + 11 g(aelnti w.)rast ehTy oklo kile bgi f.iaeoslrlcwu ihsT si ni atsrcotn to Cmadyolon alta tath uoy see in ilshisylp ichwh is tujs a rttalfe ltaet orbwn nogliko e.mclua

  • italnGe rseHpe (the erasnw to het entquiso) iwll rtensep ihtw mtpuleil luapinf cpieuisfrla sleevisc or cltuniroase tihw attoisnicnuotl myomstps rfev,(e ama)eils Jstu ftsi bteter nhat all hte ertoh ihccose I anr ht.hroug

  • lphSyisil is eth laipnses r.ahcenc WU sercedibs ti as a elnis,g eudidntar lwle isburcmedircc r,luec thwi a anecl b.sea eeS crkoceswr smoriagns on DF Kepe in nmdi other enslsiap eurlcs rae pguololnhamrmya rvueemne fo adiclyam b(ut teh obebsu are wshat naiufpl tno eht eu)l,rc nad rlmaagoun agilunnie vdsiso(oanno - alleslikeb ngitraumlso)a tub hatws aklrmahl uabto ihst eon is htat tsi aslenpis tuihotw apyehtdyaohmnlp

nI to,rhs be

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drdoom  sthi etu-wpir si EOESAWM ... tbu ti also amde em t.vimo +1
b1ackcoffee  Thsi is ams,ewoe w,iteurp tno eth sdt.s +1
lovebug  FA 9201 pg 81 I4. dumsme pu om@sd'jao hmsmineotc !t epaittn veha l"p,temiul ndeter ceslvsei adn ulnca"ed.r asntc aivanlg ai) Ahgcsrd.e Bielcrtaa inssiovag t;&g- ON veilcse -g&;t /Bor ) aCnddiisias ;-gt& ON cievesl -&g;t )r/C o rCondicah ;t&-g usdloh heav nnluaiIg Aenotadhyp gt-;& or/ ) D .C atitmacsorh g&t;- evah aerLg lapfuin gnuianli NL &t;g- /Eo r) nmdaoCyol atmiacnua t-&g; iBg ufrlaeiClwo gt-;& or)/F natGle srehep g;&-t !! GYES)! rGharnoeo &;tg- NO cesliV,e mrayce epnltru hiacrgeds &t-g; o r)H/ C. oamacrttish niaag asem( as )D &t;-g /orI) iySlhpsi ;-&tg apseinsl recncah -g&;t / )roJ mnoThscsiiriao tg&;- abrwesyrrt rivc,ex ltomei ni wet repp t&-g; tsha/r okn ojm@!aod +
homersimpson  Gttoa oelv het BEUSOB +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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AF 2190 g8:14p aGleitn pheser psentesr whit flipuna vuarlv or aierccvl seclivse and eru;csl can cueas sytesmci tpoysmms ucsh sa v,eref ,dheheaca aymialg

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sam.l  het nqetoius tmes tsatse a "a estnc vgaialn sdiacr"hge is ttha a rcdsiroatt in hte q.uiontse +
kentuckyfan  tn"cS"a mneas eyvr .eitllt +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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fI doybnya ahs a ogod ayw of bigmmingii/inrenthssdegreu lla eth etfinedfr oreitnspeastn rof ieltnag s,seor I'd iarcetppea eth .help

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hungrybox  lsP sotp sa a earspeta sotp nda ont a tmecnom to tshi The agrtimfton ofr sehte osmnmcte uxs +1
whossayin  sAimusgn u vhea Udo,rWl usjt tyep uyexslal itmnatsrdte co.isniften. atth alteb is teh best IMO +
lumd  khTna oyu os ucmh ofr eth !pti ndtiD' okwn thta uyo can creash for epicfsci sciopt in .WU +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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Wyh si isht TON icc?roadnh sheTre gntnhio reeh atth srule ti .otu

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drachenx  aiConrchd si bdeersicd as na lec..ur lihtws ni iths ieuqntso tyeh tdioennem s".eesvicl" tPtery uhcm lyno rehsep is uaesirclv +6
whoissaad  eThy ieendmnto slceur too. I oesch dcarhconi sa ,ewll nltoc'ud fdni a ulce to leur ti otu. oAls ttguhoh dicg"ra"seh wsa ponngiit ouy dsoatrw a ircletaba io.tfnicen But gesus 'Im wonrg :) +
emmy2k21  I nkthi EMESU/BMNL rersitw maek eht ioamsntsup het naitetp is ni maircAe nelsus dcispiefe .hresitowe ihcnaodCr si not mncmoo in hte S.U If hte estiquno tmes moneitsn a enedgivlpo uconyrt, tenh cidnrcaoh nac emak uroy aifeltinedrf .ltis +1
selectuw  rfo idhrc,ncoa teehr may be a emtnion of igunnail pmdypeaahynhotl +2
samsam3711  sAlo thiw orihnadcc sosnuqiet eyth tnwa ouy ot dtitaefiefenr ti eetnewb odacinrch adn i,ssyphli (eg. luaPinf .sv al)snpesi and si suulayl sddribece as a cmuh learrg reclu ttah is ulinapf n(to lvcusiera sa in this tei)oqusn +
suckitnbme  lAos bveliee htat nricadohc dose nto etsenrsp iwth syemisct pmsystmo ielk ni hsit eeingttv. +

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