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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Genital herpes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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Kown rouy TSD's byab ;-) (igong houhrgt yvere hrteo ihcoce on tihs iuseon:tq)

  • iercBlaat vsigsoain sdeauc by rlgnadeerla igaanlsvli. Se a t,hni ffo thiew rgadchsie adn fyish mells fsh(i in eht d) 'ehseTr on linifanoatmm Lab fingsi:dn pH aetegrr atnh 45. ts(ju eikl iho,tciaoinmsr)s adn a iesotvpi fifhw stte thwi KOH. tmSe illw asy tsnmeohgi outba daousomlro chagsired nad shwo eht fanmiuos EULC ECLSL if ew aer lu.ykc Not het swaren rfo shti iouqtesn olubvoyis baceues ew lwuod tno expcte evelscis with stih lrbtcaeai sei.sdae

  • Csiadisiadn is gongi ot eb yuro htcik ttaegco eehces irsdaeghc, ithw a.nlmiinfaomt lnmora pH see p.hupoaseyehd Ttrea itwh lpotaci st,inatny ro orla anlefozcoul slnuse roey'u pargtnen thna use o.rCeaozillmt Aniag otn igong to ees yna

  • Ciorncahd erp duwrol si oaisseadtc itwh oaHhilmeups cueyrdi yuo lwil eavh a epeD tepuulrn nupflia rlecu twih persvuuatip saiptmhidnle.y liWl be dlto ttah pteatin ahs uliapfn ginualin ,sendo eterh aym eb ilmletup eedp cerlus ithw yywg-llorae dutea.ex oYu do yrc wthi H. RiYdCu Thsi ow'ldnut eb etru fro tahw rou ptatnei ahs ni htsi ienqusto caeebus ew 'renat odlt of ayn nliugnia oaetny.phda a knli ot a aicrchodn AVD

  • dalaihymC athatsrmico sesauc molranolamhgpuy rnmeevue hichw si mslal lwlhaos csr,leu aepl,ssin ubt ehtn eth lgrea plunafi eoclsadec inuigaln hymlp odsen aak BBS.OEU Cdareopm htiw eagrnnoho the gdasrhice is roem enhnitr dan yewart. niAag nto teh esac hree as sit nflaiup nda no mnioent of nya .BSBSEUOO eTh shgiredac ni ogaorehrn is oerm .rkthcei tohB elad ot PID, atret rof hbot bueecas toiofencnc si tWih ohtb eainptt amy veha msoe sotr fo apin or rnbginu eonstsnia pnou tunnairio. iSreetl yraiup ouhthg orf h.tob

  • aydoomnCl amiumunacct si a imfnateointsa fo VPH 6 + 11 eglti(na wsa)t.r eyTh ookl leik gbi eiw.fusalrloc ishT is ni cttroans ot aldnooCmy alat taht uoy ees in hslysliip hcwhi si sjtu a lrtfeta atelt wrobn ioonklg acleum.

  • Glnteai eeprHs (eth nraswe to het tnisqoue) lwil etesnpr hitw imlpelut filnupa uferspiacil vlescise or luanricetos wtih ttooiainnctslu omytpssm f(reve, seia)lam tusJ ifts ebtert nhta all eth other oisecch I nra gr.uhhot

  • llhSypiis is the aispesnl .acnrhec WU irssbdcee it as a esiln,g itdrdneua wlel bsurcercdmici elrcu, twih a alnec e.asb eeS owrksccer sarmnogsi on DF scy.crmioop peeK ni ndim oehtr lnespsai ruscel era maplrgloyhomanu rueeenmv of iacmylad (tbu eht obbues era stahw pfaunli ton het ,elcr)u dna aranmogul uinnalegi (onandvisoos - elbakellis asotral)ginmu ubt htsaw lalhramk touab thsi one si thta sit snpilesa thuowit dhaymeotypplhan

In srhot, eb fase.

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drdoom  sthi uetpirw- is OEAEWMS ... utb ti laso dmea me it.ovm +1
b1ackcoffee  Tsih is ,osaeewm ,wterpui not hte .stsd +1
lovebug  FA 9102 gp 8.4 1I dmuems pu som'@ajod omt!echntism etiaptn eavh e"illpt,mu tdnree lscviese adn "erucdln a. csnta lagianv )d hr.ecgiasA tecairlaB gnivsoasi &tg-; ON cevesli ;-t&g )/B or aCiidsanisd &t-g; NO cevelsi &g-;t )rC/o ohidaCnrc t;-&g dushlo aehv lugIiann pdtAayhneo -g&t; /ro )D .C mtscaahorti g;t&- evah eaLrg flpiaun naignlui LN &;g-t )ro/E daoyonmlC iaaatcnmu ;-t&g giB loeCiwaflru tg&;- )roF/ leaGtn spereh g-&;t !!!E S)YG oreGorahn tg-&; ON V,lecesi camyer rutlepn hceraigds g&-t; o/Hr ) .C istahratocm iaagn asem( sa )D -;t&g I )/or sliiShyp -gt&; pinlsaes ehcnrca ;-tg& or) /J iarismnshToico t&;-g rbrsywraet i,vrxce tmiole in ewt prep ;gt-& oa /rthkns am!odoj@ +
homersimpson  oGtat vloe eth SOBEBU +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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FA 0192 p814:g naGtiel erhsep psneestr tihw nailpfu vuvlra or ecaicvrl lsisceve and e;urscl anc asuce tmsyices msytmpso uhsc as fev,re e,eahhacd lagaiym

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sam.l  hte iuetnqso semt ttasse a a" encts gnlavia iesgcdr"ha is ttah a srotacdirt in eth qsi.uteon +
kentuckyfan  tS"ac"n smena yrve tel.ilt +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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If dyyaobn has a gdoo yaw of gdminihnurebeegssmtrigini/ all hte etdnirffe tnaproseitesn rfo altgine srso,e 'Id aipcepaetr the p.elh

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hungrybox  slP tpso as a eprtaaes ptos dan otn a ontcmem ot isth The tfanirtomg rfo eesht mnemscot sxu +1
whossayin  ngiAmssu u evha l,droWU usjt pyet xseyaull natemrttsid i.tncfnois.e that alebt is the etbs IOM +
lumd  akTnh yuo so hucm rof eht i!pt dD'tin wnok ahtt uyo acn aehrcs for eispfcic ostcpi ni U.W +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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Wyh si tihs ONT ocihndc?ra Treseh ongnthi eher that uesrl ti .tuo

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drachenx  ahriconCd is icesrbedd sa na ucle.r. tihlws ni siht enoqusti heyt tdenenmoi siesve""lc. rtPyet much ynol eerpsh si uelvascir +6
whoissaad  yTeh teniondem euscrl oo.t I ehcso nraichcdo sa w,lel tludc'on indf a leuc to erul ti ut.o losA hhtgtou rd"isage"ch wsa tngipoin you wotarsd a icarblate ecnitonf.i But ugsse m'I nwgor :) +
emmy2k21  I inhtk /SENUEMBML ierwsrt kema hte suinostmap the ptnieat is ni Amecrai sunlse cediepsif iw.rheesto harnCdcio is not omonmc in eth US. If hte netsouqi etsm oimenstn a lnpiedgevo uny,ctor nhet nroihdacc acn ekam ruoy eiafltdnfrie isl.t +1
selectuw  rfo rda,nhicco htree yma eb a intoenm fo laiiungn mhypheopaatdynl +2
samsam3711  lsAo hiwt ccorhiadn enoistuqs ythe watn oyu ot ifeednrtefait ti wnteebe niaodrcch nda s,plsiyih ge.( anfPliu s.v spi)alsen nad is alluusy didrecsbe as a much rlraeg ceurl taht si pifualn t(no aivrsucle sa in iths )nqiostue +
suckitnbme  oAls eebielv thta cohidcran dseo not srnsepte ihtw ecsismty smopystm elik ni hsit ineg.vtet +

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