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Retired NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—imaginarybanana(30)
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dn'to be a dkc?i not eyarll erus ahtw remo erhte si ot t.i ehT etatnpi 'dnseto aevh yna toerh ayimfl os tish awmno ldoshu eb edicderson alimyf

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aesalmon  Qetssioun elik hsit syauull ighne on nskagi fi royeu' ioggn to lofwlo het uerls ro tno oth,hug svoulyoib the one skigna her to ile nda asy she saw rhe esrtis si ngor,w btu eth rcortec erwnsa si lyboovius ikbagner eht pcohies c'strnee colp""iy - myrubeaspl if het nhycpsiia is isgdnen rhe ot ohseicp hten etyh odtn' rokw teehr so wyh uoldw eth .Dr be ebal ot tusj tell reh sti if?en +6
hungrybox  ahYe, I tgo hits neo rowgn hwti hte eams cloig as ,uoy a.aomlnse +1
emmy2k21  I eyinglenu netrpeietrd hist nesotqui as hhutgo eth otw oewmn rewe in a aihiolspetrn bsecuae of het qtoseu ym" escol nderif." I grdufie aitnnisfgci htesro dwluo eb allewod to ivtis si.pyml aH emsse ekli m'I hte loyn noe owh eadr oot raf ni weentbe hte !linse +9
dr_jan_itor  y1@em2m2k I alos htghotu het toqesu diilepm a aeisnbl hieltopainrs and ttha eth aneittp was ardfia ot saher tshi ye(th werg up at a imet ewnh ti was ailvehy ig)aes.dtmtzi oS i was k,hinintg of oecrsu uoy and oryu sac"lipe riedfn" cna tsya rth.egeot I wkon itsh is otn juts a aephs +10
et-tu-bromocriptine  tAyhgnin claairprtylu ognwr hwti A D('not .wyrro l'Il lcla oyu tirhg aay"?)w... tI edseme leik het otms aprsoolisnfe ety naisecodert warsne choic.e erA we ssopuped to iylmp thta ryee'th septrarn dsaeb on hetos otniauqot samrk uodnra "olecs ien?drf" acBesue sheiwoert it semse like oto csuaal nad sesl ofenraiospsl nhta ,A maslto sa fi s'it ibkaregn .poyicl +5
lilmonkey  I can ewsra htta I was stih axtce amse osnuieqt in LRUDOW ebf.ore Teh nloy rnasoe I otg it ihgtr thsi +1
docshrek  @eioknlmly acn uyo aesepl evgi the QID orf teh dWorlU ue?tiqson +2
jakeperalta  aCn nooesem nxlepai to me hwy ilonolwgf toihspla pcilyo is the onrwg ?rweans Im' so Alts.ndo lailtsnyees owh is tshi noipto nya rntfeiedf fmro the stla tnopoi herew he sksa erh ot ysa tsi hre ?ssteir Btoh og iagntsa htpaoisl yoi.pcl Wdluo tgrlaey aeacepitpr msoe iinhtsg ally. +
jakeperalta  Cna eosmoen pnailxe to em yhw llfwgonio tihosapl ilyopc is the ngowr newras? mI' os o.lAsntd tyaeeslsinl how si sith npotoi nya nerfefidt rfom teh stla optoin ehrwe eh ksas erh ot ysa tsi reh siers?t tohB go nagasit alhpstio .ploiyc odWlu tagyler tpaareciep msoe hnstgii alyl. tis:P. tkrcus me sa a mtcanior apirnilohtse sa ewl,l utb it te'ndos larce ym ๐Ÿ˜“du๐Ÿ˜ญotb +1
drschmoctor  eaterklaa@pj Filwlgoon the tihlosap ylopic si wnrgo uebaesc ti odwlu be lcuer adn ielssnenyucra griid ot nyed a idngy wnmao the torocmf of erh sscelot aconmn.opi ,oAsl tI dulwo eb itarpropeianp to ska the Pt ot eil. h 'saWt hte tnopi of oiebgcmn a trcodo fi uyo vaeh ot lwoolf semo SB cpaerroto ioplyc ntsedia of ignllca the hssot nda noidg thirg yb ryuo entpa?sit +1
peridot  Ya iakdn dmbu tath laslyuu BMNE luaulsy lltes us ot verne akreb eht luesr, yte ereh 'sti dnesludy .ok Btu hree hte eorsan ofr ihst exntoepci is htat ilewh yoln liym"fa" is ealow,ld a slbenai poirahstneil ifiqsulae eht "deir"fn as yaiflm tyhe( ujts rewe neerv oiyfillafc deokngecwdla sa alafymi/drirme ued to tamisg ro atset wa,ls hhwic cseiyot iecegsnzor yaodt si mbdu dna )a.tdteuod sI't a sdpuit yicnaclhttie thta erh sagtiincfin tehro s'tin waeoldl to isvti as a iflaym mb,rmee so hilew ew ulsaluy veern natw to kerab ,luers sith ecsnriao soollfw eht t"i"rspi of the .luer usPl sit' a layrle xeetemr aroscein hreew eth nawmo is dingy nda jtsu wtsan to pnesd reh lsat nmetmso htiw her eoldv noe and it oldwu be oot uelcr to ydne oemnoes .that eTher si no ile vl,eoinvd hwich aiknd asveel pneo teh necach orf eht sutaoiitn to be cderael pu if owser mesoc ot rsw.ot hisT is eentdfrif mfro E chihw is a taihgstr pu .ile opHe ahtt phdle.e +1
kavarthapuanusha  lWel i ma gnrwiti iths rafte igtgnte the asenrw nwrgo dna ratef nkwo teh igrth nsrawe , i dnika knthi sit .ejtusiidf Coz tehy teenniodm sti oe,pihsc fi in eposchi any umotan fo anip tedcoamiin is wdlelao , neth htis aols sdohul be oawedll , arlefatl niam mai si ot trcofmo eht tpin!tae fI it reew amy eb wehesreel thne llowfnigo hsoaptli lyoicp yma eb irhtg , but icoehps salwya pnitesat fomrcot frsit so kaesm !snsee oAsl tsi rehte in mben 71 , so ntdo yworr if uoy get ti grnow . +1

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submitted by โˆ—pg32(218)
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eTh nylo ywa to etg tshi tuinosqe ectrcro is ot aekbr the relus of the ichespo tenecr auebecs ouy eausmsd heret wsa a airnmotc ienrahspotli tebenwe hte .nmweo otln'dCu eb eorm t.tsdrwragriohfa

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NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

Is this how it works in real life? Am I ever going to need to need the TCA cycle after Step 1? Probs not.

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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sihT moer ro lsse slerei on hatw you edieenrmt the dniotfinei fo mail""yf ot be. ehethrW hte pt and ehr ifernd era in a ircotnam slptnirioeha ro ton hyet ylaagurb lery no ehca thoer sa ilfyma bmrsmee uw.dol

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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Wlel hyet rae nto ellagyl a yaiflm ety ad(n yse ti si eyvr ttuspegin nda r)nufia and the ctdroo rrytrlbaaii unlrivoerg the pcesoih ilytacif uselr ccgaidonr ot hersi/h nwo mejntdug ddousne owrng ot em... I 'dnot ..knwo. In ecas inhtngya hsapnep adn eht ilcaitfy fsind tuo auobt i,sth n'uwltdo teh drc'oost ass eb on teh ristf einl no uilawsts? eoDs cB-'-DtonD-eAik relu laso yaplp wehre uyo yam lipenyolatt shlac ihwt uresl dan sawl as ?lewl (:

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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fO lal het stgnih eyht anc etst us o,n 'etryeh stniegt our gicnufk Ga?ra?d

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peridot  o'tDn mean to be an egear bevaer btu I otthhug it aws rytpet loco ot get dtetes no rou aydr!ga I htikn stath' an mptantrio gnthi ot ckip up .on sA fro thier earswn hoi,ecsc m'I nto swyala hte tgbsieg nfa fo hoste nseic I knhit t'hrsee roem htan eon tirhg way to od +4
yesa  zeyt@vv I leayrl tnd'o hiknt tehy 'vIe edon my entrlain iecdeimn tooiatrn nda stepn wto wkees no sdoli cno herew all ym ttpnsiae reew .nmalitre It odtn'se temart if eht enapilritohs is cotinram or otn, dna eth snearo eth nidefr huolsd tge to tysa with eht iaetntp nist' os het ndfeir can be utadepd no the etsap'nit icndnio/oacert emro tsy'ilsi--ea ot eovidrp rtfmooc adn sonimphipaocn to teh etntaip sa she aescf a otntascn iluhlp aetltb ithw hre .seidaes eTh uilatqy fo het 'ipesttna efil is gintcneton on hcsu nsserpcxpeepr/teoiu if these rea motnprati ot her. +1
sunnyside 'ist dinorscgtceni eiradgn shit fomr a ienpalott urfetu uoacgeel.l rTileber okje if hats't hwta you ewre ioggn rof. ooooB +

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