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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man undergoes surgical ...
Release of cholecystokinin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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  • cIeltykhinoCsno is teeercds mofr eht I lcels fo hte domuedun dan ejmunju.
  • tirGnsa is eaedrlse rfom teh G cells of eth munart of the oh.msatc
  • FI si tcderees by eht htcmoas dan esrabodb ni the tarlemin lmieu with B.21
  • nPsepi is eeetcrds ormf hte hecfi lscel fo teh smtaoch and lpsya a elor in npeoitr seidgi.ont
  • renSeotic of IPV cseanseri lttisinean atrew dna leceltoetyr oeniestrc yb igtnac no teh phratseatyamcpi agnaigl
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nobody  PAEG 536 FA 1290 +2
mumenrider4ever  AF 0202 p.g 137 +
ali_hassan  gp. 653 1028 +

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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Atuolhhg hlfa ehste omrhesno nca taclyaul soal be edescret ofmr het mdneu,duo eht nuuddemo is sotasedaic hte tmos thiw KCC reaseel.

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didelphus  Gnratis, isrciitnn tcf,aro adn npspie are rdtceees by eth ot.smahc VIP si hysinetezsd ni nuse,orn os KCC f(mor I lcsle of udm)udoen dlwou eb mots ledytric eatefdcf yb a oto.yedmcnedu +25
teepot123  af 19 pg 563 +

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