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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A 22-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Formation of destructive free radicals ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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Tihs si a epiruct fo Gdiiaar laaibโ€ฆml ecausd yb drgkiinn aeticatmondn tware wiht

cetatulneiMdul seitzotoophr

Rx -- alrneozMitdeo -- ormfs tcoxi efer arlcdai stbilamotee in teh lcariabet lecl taht aemdag DAN = DRBLICACIATE

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qball  Tshi is intsgte uro nwkgleode ni a ARFI y.wa hyW ntca hteer eb orme intesqsuo elki sith nstidae of tmeh ytnrig to tickr ,us veha oolryp erdodw osetsquin ro hvea su ikcp hte atsle httiys nsa.wer Edn of .nrta +3

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submitted by vlodkadrinker(7)
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ezlondtiia eerrprfed deu to silneg dseo

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sweetmed  or oaeezoditmnlr +
niboonsh  waht duwlo ihs aiodsisng eb h?ot +
lostweightthxnorovirus  ib@oonshn raGidia I ebeliv.e teh oeoihzttpor is ucdtpeir in eht olepbmr dna ahs a clacsis se-l"iiklh"de npa.eecpraa FA 0291 p.g 155 sah moer noraftiionm dan eht hckseyt rof ti swa realyl ogdo! +1
nwinkelmann  reP AF, COD ofr gardaii = demolraeznit.o MOA of oniloderzeamt = mrionfoat fo ixcto eefr aicdlra tboasemtlei in hte rlaactbie elcl wlla that agmdea NAD gnamki it ecaridlbcita dna nrt.pazooaoitl toeMr etstar = GET GAP = ,aagdiir taemba,eon scnrm,iahtoo andear,erllG oaeanrebs owlbe( ahr,)gpdiam nda H. ypolri s(a na aavleitrnte ot iialixnlcom ni CPN elyl)gar. rvseAed ecffets = sdulfliiaim-ker onateicr, H,A nad liamclte .taest I 'tdndi oknw thwa Tdaeiilnzo is, adn uodnf tuo it is fo hte easm grdu cssla as enatoz,dMolier so mkesa esnes hwy it udlwo osal eb deus rfo Gaadri.i oFr teh pporesu fo het SUMEL 1, t,gouhh I iknth anrzemeiodtol odwul eb DOC cyseipa(lel eabuesc elinaziodt 'snti ni )A.F +10
mannywillsee  Tsih illtte bug sah ahs a cfea, dan wno oyu atnc' nsuee ti e!teirh +

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—the_enigma28(69)
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sI trehe ayn dgru hhiwc odwlu esacu nnahenemtce of clle emmbrnae iiepetlyrmba ot ocdelr?hi tI msees klei het OMA fo ECET m&;ap .V rehcaelo adtlyeena ycslaec stonxi and whasoemt tath fo toaIarcvf sude in isyctc isr.osifb

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kevin  orF eht seorpsup fo STPE 1 I 'ondt khtni rethe si na taiobcitin htta lowud od fI uyo edntwa to rlayel sthcret eht dtfioeinni of ncehdane ellc tpbaiielmyre yuo dlcou go wtih a ilnypmoix whhci is elaetysilsn a tetrneegd rof ietacarbl eabsmrenm and nca be seud arlyer for mopueonasds nad tehor acaiebtr +

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