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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital ...
ApoC-II ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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pyTe 1 mialaliF esaimipylDid .g(p 94 FA 19 )

inersdcae TG &g;t--- ttasiiapecrn eri cpEut / rpsitriu t Xanodshanma MHS

Cna eb sdaceu by oLpntoerpii spaiel or oretnApipo CII cecefydiin

tehy said htta LLP si inef so ist OAP ICI

anipHre eetaespsr LPL orfm pHriaren eufaStl Myeoti no Vcas dEolhunimet nlowgila us to tste tsi nocutnfi in eht

I tog it wrnog oto - dSuipt Rote oiamnezrtmio alcrel .nisuotQe

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masonkingcobra  I nikth oyu ndee ot nwko ttha ICopIA evctstaia LLP nto yareincssel kwon eth esiasde +11
yotsubato  ongiKnw teh easesdi smkea ti eseari ot eembemrr hte tielsad otghuh +2
pg32  incMomne rof teehs 4 yetsp fo asdipldiimsey and itehr 1caus se: = PL igeamnn LPL si fteceidni r(o gninhyat eoictsaasd itwh aatctginvi LPL, ekli - I2CI) = LD nngaeim RLDL si ietedficn (or aynnitgh vlviodne in iningctaert hiwt RLDL, ikel -10 3B)0 = E gnimena pEoA si iddefeatvcne 4 rof moer LDV()L m"e"(or utjs eimnnga rmeo treltse in hte cause VLLD( )eeoeristoncr)v +2
castlblack  One oto aymn Nory,ihmsOccl wto cmuh rEhclr,oest hetelo aop E oe,gn 4 utp eth fokr dnow faytt +1
homersimpson  yaM dnuso spdiut cna yuo peianxl the krf"o dwno aftyt" ?rtpa +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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ngoGi revo teh hotre wasenr siceoch:

  • Ao2Cp deftce sa aydlare xedalpein ni hte erhto mmcseotn si epTy 1 eirrhyhlmonnocyaemcip whit rcniesead GT dna yclomnhcr,soi ecramy eayrl ni hte nsaurat,eptn and si tesdociaas twih aainrtcpstei nad vriepteu msat.xanoh

  • DLL repsrotec era dfvetecei in epyT 2 cihhw is oeasscaidt hitw a MI bfoere gea bssnpb2;9;n&p&,20 aecldeceart tealrschrioosse nad scdniraee LLD evles.l

  • eomneSo twhi a areincactp sileap dectef lwil bylbrpoa hvea asiernttcpia and haev redcsanie lytcrrgesiied in rtehi oltos eucsaeb tceinrpaac elapsi anc brkea down hte TG iton AF.F

WU sah a uesitqno on teh iiaalmlf dlisdyimapei III hwchi is a vecietdef p.oAE poAE si thaw amitedse cmiolhnroyc nnmerta putaek iton the virel nad so fi its iftdeevce teh eilrv tanc eilfnceytif omveer nomclrioysch nda LDLV form the nirluoicct.a Yuo teg na asrcneei ni otshe sinhtg scnigua uprmteear sslor,etehracsoi mlraap ohsnax.atm

tshi fstfu si rdha

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madojo  oytp epr AF age 20* syw +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by magneto(4)
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ytrDi indMciee ahs a rtgea nmemicon to eemzrimo teseh ass:deeis

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