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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old man with a 3-year history of ...
Psychogenic polydipsia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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iatnetP sha lwo eumsr msuido = Gneprmtiyhaeainv.o ttha eht atpenti ahs a WLO NIRUE YATL,IOSORM it geugtsss ttah DAH is ONT ecvi.ta eTh nyol yaw orf ooensme ot ahev hmyiopaartne NDA a low DAH i(n hsit scea) is rothhug hiepoygsccn psaidolpiy (.eg. if it swa I,HDAS the irnue wuold be MXMLAYLAI tenneartcocd dan ti si TON in hits )caes

)A( doulw suace elarntc DI -- no DAH nmase neo oesdvpel nihatrrmpyaee sa fere rewat si olst in het rniue, tuhs ocigtenrntacn the r.esum

B)( octmiso isesdrui cuodl uasec rtehpemaiyrna due ot slso fo erfe aterw in hte uenir

C() tgaineodard fo AHD ldaes to ID ichwh nmeas noe evlosped ryhpiteneaarm

)(E ecserianst ot AHD rioceeph(nng )D,I aiga,n eamrnp.yahetri

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lovebug  tkhans fro fkinudl aenb!illg ): +2

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submitted by โˆ—masonkingcobra(408)
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nI eshnogpcciy oyalpsipid, mesur soiudm is o,wl and eafrt rawte iietdproavn ttse, unier llyoomsati is eai ernecsrind.U samoyiltol odse ont isecnera wiht aseopnssvir njieinoct

In npricengeoh taedeibs sipun,iids esurm omsiud si high adn ehter is no ecnamg/hldi neearsci ni irneu oyiollastm aefrt atwre rvditeoianp

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yotsubato  ihTs eptatni oeds nto eurgdno a aewtr apvdinrteio ttse +12
niboonsh  umoesCiplv arewt rgdninki or sgeyccpnioh dlpoyisaip is own yenalgnrisci nese in csriicphtay .oatpulnsoip csfetEf of eircdnsea wrtea atneki can laed ot rtnohiapmyea unagics msympots fo ,sauena ivitom,gn sueirzse, miuldrie adn can evne eb feil ahtrgetinne fi ont roeincdzge and dmanega layre. /iwcc9n5i54w/.pb/aphhimwPe.Mlrv/l6n:nt/tCs.c/7tm.g4so +7
missi19998  suJt widonrneg ywh ti ni ont snrtseicae to HDA aotcin fo vapsiessnor +
amarousis  ecebsau he ulwdo be rhranmytciepe wtih on .ADH nct'a rrobse yna eatrw +1
minhphuongpnt07  lwo uoi/ns,erm low apmlssoa/ &tg=; iyhgnoecpsc yoaiplispd +
benitezmena  nI iths uqinseot het pt hda a mronla uinre oms ()08 a olw eruni osm oudlw be llm/stm.&5go0;ko +
euchromatin69  u dowrl 122 +

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submitted by โˆ—dickass(127)
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Yaeh, os, tusnr otu siht si ont epconiNgehr DI ued to lhimtui es,u oyu 'tdon gvie mthuili ot retta osecphrhi.zian

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mbourne  If ti aws Nopnrgiehce ,DI oyu oluwd vhea ntilsyeelsa aveh het ffsceet fo too TLLITE H.AD Tihs iapnett swhso seeevr rt,pyaohneiam slitalyense the cesffet fo too umch waret in teh mesur. ishT dlocu eb romf HSIDA or p,ilyasdipo dan hte oesuintq estm dan wearsn ishceco evlae us twhi yshPcgeionc slidypoiaP as eth crctoer se.sronep +1
rockodude  I swa gtnkihni oabtu zrmacniaeepba gacsuin SAIHD btu tath is na itnlctipi-peae otn ytipcotsahnic dan sola sa moeeson sida o,vabe eht iurne wdoul veah ihgh yisrlamtoo deu to rtewa keuetpra at hte ectllcingo .cdut ujst fiy +

Anecdotally, some of my clinical faculty have mentioned that typical antipsychotics have a very high predilection to cause psychogenic polydipsia.

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